Thank you to Sue, Paula, Amanda, and Erica who helped me during my recovery!! Couldn’t have done it without you ladies!
Thank you to admin for believing in me and letting me take on this awesome summer school position as Math Interventionist!
-From Amber Mysliwiec
I'd like to give Lemar Wilson a shoutout for being so accommodating and flexible and helpful with my small group in 5th grade! Anytime something came up and I couldn't be there, he stepped right in and took over. THANK YOU so much for your help!
-From Stephanie Kaye
A big thank you to the custodial team for all of your hard work this summer! You have taken so much time out of your days to help me get boxes of curricular resources organized and delivered to classrooms and to help declutter hallways, classrooms, and lockers!
Y'all are the real MVPs
Not really a kudos but...
I wanted to say how incredible it was to work with everyone who came to PLC institute this year! I can't think of a time I've ever been so excited, empowered, and hopeful for a new school year and it's because of all of YOU! We have an extraordinary little family here and ya'll inspire me to learn, grow, and turn any challenge into an opportunity!
-From Erica Barraza
Thank you to Don, Linda, Eddie, Kent, Tim and Russ for all your help moving furniture all around in the preschool wing! I know I’m always needing you for something and I truly appreciate the help! we couldn’t do it without you!!!!!
-From Michelle Magness
Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! ๐
Reopening Updates
Please check this document for key details on reopening protocols. This is a working document, but we wanted to share it now since it likely answers lots of questions you may have. Please let me know what questions are NOT included here or if anything doesn't make sense...would love your input!
I'm also sharing here the working copy of the slides I'll present at Tuesday's Board meeting. I will for sure update the data and may make changes, but you get the idea.
Be sure to check your home mailbox this week for the official welcome back letter and schedule for the week of August 16! ๐
Vaccination Status
If you are willing and haven't done so this summer, please complete this survey to share your current vaccination status. We are collecting this information to help us most efficiently respond to any COVID situations without having to bug you for information. Remember, as of right now, those who are vaccinated will not have to quarantine if there is a close contact situation. We also respect the varying perspectives on vaccinations, so there is no judgement whatsoever on your status.
FYI, we'll be sealcoating the parking lots this week! Please follow parking guidance at each site and be ready to move your vehicle as/if needed. THANKS!
Lotus--Monday, rain date Tuesday
Stanton--Wednesday, rain date Thursday
Spirit Wear
The D114 spirit wear store is OPEN!!! Check out the flyer attached to this week's Monday Memo, or visit the store using this link. Please note that any logo can be put on any item. Can't wait to see everyone in their spirit wear!!!
Vaccination Pod Volunteers NEEDED!
Please let me know if you are willing to volunteer at Grant on August 18 (4PM-8PM) at our next FREE shared vaccination pod. I'd sure appreciate your help!
Current Local COVID Data
8/6/21 Data
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
8/6/21 Quarantine/COVID Positive Data
Pictures and Songs!!!!!
As is our tradition, please send me:
*A photo of your summer journey
*A song that you've loved on your journey through summer (or life so far!)
We'll use these on Opening Day, August 16, when we are ALL BACK TOGETHER at Lotus to kick off the year. More details to come with the opening week agenda, but feel free to send your pictures or song to me whenever the mood strikes you!
August 9 and 10: Kagan Collaborative Structures training at D103--Lunch is NOT provided, so be ready to grab/bring something. :)
August 10: Yearbook Distribution at Lotus and Stanton from 12:00-3:00
August 10: August Board of Education Meeting at Lotus at 7:00 PM
August 12: New Staff Orientation
August 13: Additional Orientation for New Certified Staff
August 16: D114 All Staff Welcome Back!
August 17: Building-based Time
August 18: Teacher Work Time (AM), Meet and Greet (12-2 at Lotus, 1-3 at Stanton)
August 19: First Day of School for K-8!!!!
August 23: First Day of School for PreK!!!!
Curriculum Nights--VIRTUAL
Aug 30--PreK and 2nd
Aug 31--1st and 4th
Sept 2--K and 3rd
Sept 9--details to come