Sunday, August 1, 2021

Monday Morning Memo--August 2, 2021




As you are all aware, the current recommendation from CDC, IDPH and LCHD is masking indoors for all individuals in K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.  Additionally, our legal counsel and insurance provider have stated that our best way to protect ourselves is to begin by immediately following the masking recommendations. That, combined with the fact that we have moved into substantial transmission in both Lake County and our local community, necessitates a masking change. 

Beginning first thing Monday morning, masks will be expected at all times for staff, students, parents and visitors while on the bus and in the school building, regardless of vaccination status. The only exception is if you are working alone in your classroom or office and the door is closed and when eating/drinking.  Masks will continue to be available onsite should you forget to bring yours.  

This masking change is being made to support our goal to be together for in-person learning for the start of school and minimize any chance of required isolating or quarantining as a result of activities taking place before school begins. I also feel it is important for you to know now that our local health department will enforce a 14-day quarantine for close contacts in districts not masking.  Shortened quarantine options and a new test-to-stay option are only available if students are masked.  While fully vaccinated individuals are exempt from quarantining at this time, we are highly recommending that all faculty and staff maintain at least 3’ of social distance as much as is possible from others in order to avoid inadvertent close contact.  

These are our masking plans up to the start of the school year. The Board of Education, administration, and I are evaluating the guidance and continuing to monitor local health metrics before a final determination is made about masking and the start to the school year.  Whatever that decision is, we will formally evaluate all data available, minimally every two weeks, to determine if our mitigation measures remain appropriate.  The hope is certainly that we can peel one mitigation layer back at a time. 

While I know resuming mask wearing is not what we'd want, it is imperative the District remains responsive to the continually evolving guidance and health metrics, with the goal for all teaching and learning to remain in-person. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. As always, please see me with any questions, and know that I'm open to your feedback. 

Shout out to the bus drivers and aides for Sessions 1 and 2 and
our van drivers for taking our outplaced students to their schools.
Thank you very much.  You played an important role in
getting the children safely to school and home so they can
expand on their learning skills!
Karen Simon for keeping our vans charged and running!
Cheryl Carroll for helping me with DOT forms for summer school.
Bob Rogge for fluid checks.
Thank YOU!
-From Andrea De Matteo

Thanks to Trina for all the dedication towards planning the PBIS Kick-Off! Our Wednesday meeting ended up being much smoother because of your help!
-From Katie Jalove

A HUGE thank you to every single staff member that has made Camp Curiosity come alive this summer! You are all so appreciated❤

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend ARC training on Friday. I know it's not easy to get here on a Friday at the end of July so your commitment is much appreciated! 

Thank you to the MTSS team for a fantastic problem-solving meeting! So excited to begin the year with a fresh start and clarity! 
-From Erica Barraza

Thank you to everyone attending this week's PLC Livestream Institute and for everyone who made all the set up and logistics possible!
Thanks (again) to all our staff making Camp Curiosity a reality. WOW! What an incredible effort it's been! Our kids are SO lucky to have you in their lives!
-From Heather

Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉

Reopening Updates
See above for masking updates, and please know that more information is likely coming as the week develops. 

For now:
*Temperature checks and self certifications are NO LONGER NEEDED
*Masks are on at all times unless you're working in a space on your own with the door closed.  
*Masks are not required when students or staff are outside AND can maintain 3' social distancing. 

Vaccination Status
If you are willing, please complete this survey to share your current vaccination status. We are collecting this information to help us most efficiently respond to any COVID situations without having to bug you for information. Remember, as of right now, those who are vaccinated will not have to quarantine if there is a close contact situation. We also respect the varying perspectives on vaccinations, so there is no judgement whatsoever on your status. 

Vaccination Pod Volunteers NEEDED!
Please let me know if you are willing to volunteer at Grant on August 18 (4PM-8PM) at our next FREE shared vaccination pod. I'd sure appreciate your help! 

Current Local COVID Data

8/1/21 Data

CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Quarantine/COVID Positive Data










Pictures and Songs!!!!! 
As is our tradition, please send me:
*A photo of your summer journey
*A song that you've loved on your journey through summer (or life so far!)
We'll use these on Opening Day, August 16, when we are ALL BACK TOGETHER at Lotus to kick off the year. More details to come with the opening week agenda, but feel free to send your pictures or song to me whenever the mood strikes you! 

August 2-4: PLC Institute at Lotus 
August 5: Camp Curiosity Celebration Lunch at Stanton at 12:15
August 9 and 10: Kagan Collaborative Structures training at D103 (watch your email for details)
August 10: August Board of Education Meeting at Lotus at 7:00 PM
August 12: New Staff Orientation
August 13: Additional Orientation for New Certified Staff
August 16: D114 All Staff Welcome Back! 
August 17: Building-based Time
August 18: Teacher Work Time (AM), Meet and Greet (12-2 at Lotus, 1-3 at Stanton)
August 19: First Day of School for K-8!!!!
August 23: First Day of School for PreK!!!!
Specific agenda for the week of 8/16 will be sent out this week.  

We hope that everyone is enjoying their summer and getting excited to have our students back with us in a few short weeks.  

I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce our Union Board, as we have had quite a few new members!

Your Education Association of Fox Lake Executive Board is made up of 

President: Maureen DeVoss
Vice President (Certified Staff): Tiffany Tardio-Weber
VIce President (Non-Certified Staff) Oner Medrano
Treasurer: Katy Gardner
Secretary: Amber Mysliwiec
Region Representative: Cathy Jawnyj
Stanton Building Representative: Molly Goodsite
Lotus Building Representative: Cheryl Schuck

Thank you to everyone for dedicating your time and talents to our district, it is a pleasure to serve as your Union Board and we are working to make this the best year possible!  

Quick! What are 5 things you are grateful for in your life? Write them down!!!! 

Have a wonderful summer week!
Heather 💗