Kudos to the principals for being simply amazing. I'm so blessed to work with you!
Thanks to Andrea, Maureen, Maddie, and Mary for being the best team in the world. Thank you for all you do!
HUGE props to everyone who is making Camp Curiosity happen. You are ROCK STARS!
Kudos to everyone attending the PLC Institute and Kagan training! WOW!!!!
-From Heather
Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉
Reopening Updates
The slides I shared on with the Board are linked here (with a few updates) if you didn't get a chance to check them out. The shifts here start for the fall, meaning all kids must keep wearing masks during Camp just as they have been.
For now:
*Temperature checks and self certifications are NO LONGER NEEDED.
*Masks stay on when kids are around.
*Unvaccinated adults should wear masks at all times.
*When kids aren't around, masks are not required.
*If someone asks that those around them do wear a mask, it should be treated respectfully.
*If someone chooses to wear a mask, it should be treated respectfully.
Vaccination Status
If you are willing, please complete this survey to share your current vaccination status. We are collecting this information to help us most efficiently respond to any COVID situations without having to bug you for information. Remember, as of right now, those who are vaccinated will not have to quarantine if there is a close contact situation. We also respect the varying perspectives on vaccinations, so there is no judgement whatsoever on your status.
Vaccination Pod Volunteers NEEDED!
Please let me know if you are willing to volunteer at Grant on July 28 (10AM-2PM) or August 18 (4PM-8PM) at our next FREE shared vaccination pod. I'd sure appreciate your help!
A Favor...
My amazing administrative assistant, Maureen, will be retiring at the end of October. She's literally my right arm (and, if I'm honest, my left arm, too). We'll be posting her position in the near future, but if you know of any candidates for this position, I'd love to get some recommendations. School experience is a MUST, and any experience in a special education administrative assistant would be a major bonus.
Current Local COVID Data
Pictures and Songs!!!!!
As is our tradition, please send me:
*A photo of your summer journey
*A song that you've loved on your journey through summer (or life so far!)
We'll use these on Opening Day, August 16, when we are ALL BACK TOGETHER at Lotus to kick off the year. More details to come with the opening week agenda, but feel free to send your pictures or song to me whenever the mood strikes you!
August 2-4: PLC Institute at Lotus (watch your email for details)
August 9 and 10: Kagan Collaborative Structures training at D103 (watch your email for details)
August 12: New Staff Orientation
August 13: Additional Orientation for New Certified Staff
August 16: D114 All Staff Welcome Back!
August 17: Building-based Time
August 18: Teacher Work Time (AM), Meet and Greet (PM)
August 19: First Day of School for K-8!!!!
August 23: First Day of School for PreK!!!!
Specific agenda for the week of 8/16 will be sent out ASAP.