Sunday, May 3, 2020


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Kudos to Kim VanHoorelbeke for putting together bags of fun (including books!) for every Lotus student when their desk and locker items are sent home. So nice---and will make so many kids smile!
Thanks to Jeff, Lynn, Mary, Matt, Natalie, and Rachelle for being my partners in crime and the best teammates I could ask for! 
-From Heather

Kudos to Kinder for their awesome "outside of the box" thinking! They have been creating quick two minute follow up Loom videos for students who have failed iReady lessons. They pull up the quiz and talk through the problems on the video and then send them to those specific students. Love this!
-From Erica Barraza

Thank you to Natalie Udstuen, Cathy Jawnyj, Erica Barraza, Joan Kantenwein, Abbey Kadera, and Misty Madura for helping provide one of my students with multiple layers of support and making eLearning more accessible for her needs. You are rockstars and I appreciate you all :)
-From Natalie Molidor

I would like to send some kudos to Laura Livesay and Liz Anderson!! Thank you for organizing the student council meeting on Friday. This was something that Alexis was happy to participate in after a bit of a stressful week of e-learning. It was heartwarming to see her smiling and laughing while she was in this group chat. Definitely filled my bucket as much as I know it did hers. ❤
I would like to send some amazing kudos to Gizelle Wells....
Thank you so much for organizing an online surprise lunch birthday party for Shania Ross. I know Alexis is so happy to be a part of your class and lunch group, and misses you and it all very much. It totally made her day that you personally delivered lunch to each of the girls for the party! (social distancing of course....and so hard to not be able to give you a big hug!) We all had fun online later that afternoon playing games, enjoying Jimmy John’s, cupcakes, goodie bags, and each other’s company. Kudos to Mr Sefcik for a pop in online to play games as well! It will be memories like this I know she (and I) will never forget. 🥰
-From Gina Crosthwaite

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Happy Staff Appreciation Week!!!! There is fun stuff planned for each day, so watch for signs of the TLC coming your way!

From the Spirit Team...some other fun way to treat yourself during Staff Appreciation Week:

Thank you for making this for everyone!!!! 

ABC Countdown

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Report Cards and Grades to End the Year
This week during team meetings, you'll have time to review this DRAFT REPORTING document. Please take a few minutes to review in advance, and know that your input is WELCOME. Looking forward to getting clear on this for us, for families, and to get closure on an AMAZING school year. 

While we can't yet say what summer school will look like, we do know a few things:
*It will happen from July 13-August 7
*ALL IEP-entitled students will be eligible and got letters inviting them to join us.
*We will offer "summer bridge" (name of it may change) for our kids identified as
benefitting from more time and support. These are likely the students getting help from
the SWAT efforts, but should be identified during MTSS so we can invite them once we
hear back from our IEP-entitled students.
*We will still offer programming to PreK, EL, and bilingual students.

So...please email me if you are interested in being considered for summer school in any
role. We'll put the plan together as soon as we know how many kids plan to attend
and have more details on what we are permitted to safely do.


The Fostering Resilient Learners book study concludes this week, and I'm so glad it's been such a great learning experience for those who have engaged. THANK YOU to everyone stepping up to be part of the SWAT team efforts!!!! This is so huge, and we SO appreciate you!

Please keep up the amazing work, everyone! You are hitting it out of the park!!!

TOSA Corner
Thank you for helping families stay on iReady! This week we had 342 students actively participating on iReady! This is fantastic! I also love to see that teachers have been utilizing the teacher assigned lessons as well as comprehension checks as formatives! Below is a snapshot of time on task data since September👍

In addition, see below for a report on the number of domains shut off. 

When you have a chance, please check your class roster for red flags. We can assist students with these red flags in a multitude of ways. I listed a few below but would love to hear if you have any other ideas! 
-Use Loom to record yourself while going through the lessons. Address any misconceptions you think the student may be having and send the video to students/parents. Turn domain back on.
-Share a screen on Google Hangout with the student and walk through the quiz together. Turn domain back on.
-Send students additional instruction through Khan academy. Turn domain back on.
-If the students are part of SWAT team, ask a para to work with them on their lessons. Turn domain back on. 


The 2020-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement has been posted, and can be found on the district website under the "staff" tab. 

Last call for applications for those interested in being a part of the stipend committee. Application questions were emailed out last week, please send an email to Melissa Jakstas with your application if you are interested in serving on the committee. The executive board will review the applications Monday, 5/3 at 2:00. 

Don't forget to check-out the IEA Membership Center online. From here you can access your benefits, professional development, and lots of other great resources!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Image result for mark your calendar
May 19--Board of Education Meeting at 5:00 PM at Lotus

I'm So Lucky by Zoe Graham on Dribbble

Have a really wonderful week!