Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 16--Gratitude...let's make it a habit!

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Kudos to Lotus Kitchen for an amazing Thanksgiving staff luncheon, and the students lunch. 
Thank you for your hard work. You are appreciated. 
-From Georgette Franco

Thank you Pre-K team for all of your insight and amazing things you do with our Kiddos.
Thank you Mary Fosterling for inviting me into your room to hang out with the kids. You are truly amazing and are doing wonderful things for our students. 
Thank you Erica Barraza for being you.
Thank you Natalie Udstuen for always helping me and lending your support whenever I need it!
Thank you to all the grade level teams for being so flexible and collaborative. You are all awesome!
Thank you Melissa Jakstas for being you and always finding solutions. You are awesome!!!
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Running last week's post again...just in case you didn't get a chance to read it. :)
Discipline Corner
It's becoming more and more clear that we as a whole system need to do some shared learning around effective discipline. This is true for ALL of us...every single person in D114. Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

Thanks to everyone who shared stories of AVOIDING POWER STRUGGLES!

Let's continue with DEVELOP ROUTINES (and teach them). The MOST IMPORTANT tool for this this is the use of visuals. Here's why:

One "must have" for any and every class is a VISUAL SCHEDULE. This means that you have a schedule of the day/the class posted in terms that the students can understand. In primary classrooms, this means words AND pictures. As kids get older, words become enough. 

Here are some videos and samples if you don't currently have a visual schedule or if you don't love how your current model is working. 

Another sample is in a video attached to this week's email--thank you, Mary Foersterling. for sharing your model. 

I'd love to get videos/pictures of other visual schedules! Please send me YOURS!

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TOSA Corner
THANK YOU for all you are doing to make this data possible...
iReady Usage Goal = 80% or our students receive 30-49 minutes per week

iReady Proficiency Goal= 80% of our students receive 70% or higher on their lessons

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If you are interested in purchasing IEA items (shirts, pens, magnets, coffee mugs, etc.) the IEA STORE is open now until December 2nd. 
If you are interested in nominating one of your colleagues for an IEA award you can do so HERE. Nominations close January 15th. 

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Thank you to the Wellness Committee!!!

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Digging in a bit on Pete Hall's 10 keys to a healthy's the scoop on #8...
8.       Limit screen time. Interested in developing your peripheral vision (which augments spatial learning, navigation, integration of information, and connections)? How about decreasing loneliness and depression? Want to sleep better? Increase mental acuity? The research in this category is still evolving (because let’s face it – screens have become ubiquitous and our lives with them are evolving), though the preliminary consensus is that excessive recreational screen-time impacts all the above. General guidelines offer an upper range of 1-2 hours per day, max. And none right before bed! (American Academy of Pediatrics)

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2019-20 Assessment Calendar--Winter iReady being moved to January!

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Saturday, December 7--Santa's Breakfast at Stanton from 8:00AM-12:00PM
Tuesday, December 17--Board of Education meeting at Lotus

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Got our tree on Saturday and are Christmas ready at Casa Friz! Hoping your break was full of fun and that we are all able to see the MAGIC of the next few weeks!
