Sunday, November 24, 2019


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Kudos to Karen Simon for her calm demeanor and putting safety first for one of our complicated students last week.  It's truly appreciated when trying to problem solve on the other end.
-From Maureen Koenig

A huge thank you to Chris Carvell for giving up some of his lunch minutes to help us manage the 5th and 6th grade lunch period.  His presence is greatly appreciated!
-From Betty Cwiak

Much appreciation goes out to Amanda Usyak for helping EC problem solve a student situation and volunteer her room as an option without any hesitation.

Thank you to Erica Barraza, Lauren Nee, Cathy Jawnyj, Gina Crosthewaite, and Michelle Magness for filling in the staff gaps when needed.  You have been our glue the last few weeks.

Thank you to Maureen DeVoss who seems to always know when help is needed and offers support no matter what. 

Shout out to Maddie Espinoza for being extremely flexible with our sub coverage and helping us navigate options for how to onboard new subs in the area.
-From Natalie Udstuen

Thank you to the amazing Joan Kantenwein for teaching a full class for the first time in 10 years to model shared reading/interactive writing in Kindergarten! You are fabulous!!
-From Heather

Thank you to atalie Udstuen and Amanda Lorenz for helping motivate one of my students to come to school every day!
~From Natalie Molidor

Thank you to Misty Madula for all that you do for our team and our students. The little things do not go unnoticed. We appreciate you!!
~From the 2nd Grade Team

Shout out to Erica Barraza for covering my class Friday morning so I could go celebrate my little brother receiving the student of the month award!!! It was great to see all my kids were working on math when I walked into the room!! Thanks again Erica!! Also thank you to Mollie & Brittany for stepping up when I was out!! You ladies rock!! #blessed
-From Sherry Tietjen

A BIG thank you to  EVERYONE who made Family Reading Night possible!
Victoria, I appreciate your helping with my one class on Thursday!!
To our Front Office All Stars ⭐⭐⭐Sue, Colleen & Paula I don't know how you do it, but THANK YOU for what you do everyday for us and our students!!!
-From Kim VanHoorelbeke

Thank you Matt Peters, Erica Barraza, and Joan Kantenwein for hearing our concerns for Kinder ELA and helping us make adjustments for what is best for our learners.  We are so grateful!  
-From The Kinder Crew

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner
It's becoming more and more clear that we as a whole system need to do some shared learning around effective discipline. This is true for ALL of us...every single person in D114. Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

Thanks to everyone who shared stories of AVOIDING POWER STRUGGLES!

Let's continue with DEVELOP ROUTINES (and teach them). The MOST IMPORTANT tool for this this is the use of visuals. Here's why:

One "must have" for any and every class is a VISUAL SCHEDULE. This means that you have a schedule of the day/the class posted in terms that the students can understand. In primary classrooms, this means words AND pictures. As kids get older, words become enough. 

Here are some videos and samples if you don't currently have a visual schedule or if you don't love how your current model is working. 

Another sample is in a video attached to this week's email--thank you, Mary Foersterling. for sharing your model. 

I'd love to get videos/pictures of other visual schedules! Please send me YOURS!

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TOSA Corner
THANK YOU for all you are doing to make this data possible...
iReady Usage Goal = 80% or our students receive 30-49 minutes per week

iReady Proficiency Goal= 80% of our students receive 70% or higher on their lessons

Did you know the IEA now has an Emmy?! 
The Illinois Education Association won an Emmy at the 61st Annual Chicago/Midwest Regional Emmy Awards. The IEA won for Outstanding Achievement for Public/Current/Community Affairs Programming – Series for IEA Teachers Stories. You can find out more information HERE, as well as find links to the videos of the four teacher stories. 
If you are interested in purchasing IEA items (shirts, pens, magnets, coffee mugs, etc.) the IEA STORE is open now until December 2nd. 
Melissa and Cathy attended the Region 49 meeting on Wednesday last week. The Region budget was approved and we heard from the ethnic minority delegate, our grass roots political activist, and a bylaws committee was formed. If you are ever interested in any Region happenings and would like to attend a meeting, guests are welcome to attend!
November 20, 2019 IEA Press Release: IEA calls for end to seclusion rooms
If you are interested in nominating one of your colleagues for an IEA award you can do so HERE. Nominations close January 15th. 

The Illinois Education Association (IEA) and the University of Illinois Springfield invites members to participate in the Illinois Educator Well-Being Survey. The purpose of this survey is to examine how the climate and culture of your workplace impacts the quality of your life. The IEA will use this data to develop and improve programs and services that support members’ well-being in the workplace. This survey is voluntary and will take approximately ten minutes to complete. Data collected as part of this survey will remain confidential. See the informed consent document for additional information. The survey will close on December 1st. Please contact IEA Instructional Resource and Professional Development Director Diana Zaleski, Ph.D. with any questions.

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Thank you to the Wellness Committee!!!

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Digging in a bit on Pete Hall's 10 keys to a healthy's the scoop on #7...
7.       Challenge. This one seems like a no-brainer, haha. When you put your brain to the test – that is, learn a new skill, vary your routines, or engage in some rigorous research – you may in fact spur neuronal plasticity, which prompts the growth of new brain cells, creates new connections, and generally protects against cognitive decline. So there’s a good reason to learn the mamba, brush your teeth with the opposite hand, take a foreign-language class, or join a book club. Just like a muscle, these mental workouts will strengthen your brain’s performance. (Harvard Medical School)

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2019-20 Assessment Calendar--Winter iReady being moved to January!

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Saturday, December 7--Santa's Breakfast at Stanton from 8:00AM-12:00PM
Tuesday, December 17--Board of Education meeting at Lotus

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I'm so very grateful for each one of you. I hope your Thanksgiving is one of happiness, rest, and family. Please know how much you are appreciated!
