Sunday, December 8, 2019

Week 17--Lots happening! :)

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Mike Szoteknology for assisting with Stanton tech issues while David Roat his boat ashore was out enjoying his family!
Katy Gardner for picking up the student bikes for our PBIS quarterly raffle.
Fred Miller and Jamie Smeigh for volunteering to supervise a Meme Club for students. 
Lemar Wilson for volunteering to teach an Art Club to 18 lucky Stanton students!
-From Jeff Sefcik

Kudos to Cheryl Schuck and Gina Crosthwaite for their outstanding help while I was subbing in 1st grade.
Kudos to Cary Scarpino and Jennifer Wenc for helping me with the smart board.
Kudos to Lisa Huck for her help handling a student situation.
Thank you all so much.  You made my day!
-From Ellen Stirrat

Shout out to ERICA BARRAZA for being a team player and willingness to help when things get a bit crazy.  Your professionalism and support is a step beyond!  Thanks so much!
Gina Crosthwaite  -  Thanks for being you, your flexibility is to be admired.  Thanks also for insuring our IEP students are being given the services they deserve!  
-From Chris Powers

Kudos to David Roat...even though he's on vacation, he's remotely taking care
of us here at issues, new student Chromebook set-ups...he
does it all and with a smile!
-From Michele Burgess

Thanks to Natalie Molidor for stepping in and giving extra assistance to help one of my students during her lunch time. 
-From Emily Welsh

Thank you to Tim Douglas for safely securing the window in my door. It's truly appreciated!!
-From Maureen Koenig

Thank you to Norm Fischer and Jill Becmer for all of your help with the Stanton Food Drive!  Norm, we so appreciate the hauling of boxes, delivery of shopping carts and loading of food multiple times a week. Jill, we couldn't do it without your announcement writing and advertising efforts! 

-from Liz Andersen and Laura Livesay

Thank you so much to the entire D114 staff, administration, and Board of Education for the support, kind words, and beautiful flowers I received after the loss of my grandfather. I am so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful and supportive district! 
-From Michelle Serini

Thanks to my team for entertaining the idea of Fossil Fun Experiments in the classroom, the students continue to talk about it!
Thanks to Cathy Jawnyj for sharing her knowledge and all the articles she knows I enjoy! I appreciate her remembering to send them my way! 
Special thanks to Christine Spittler for coaching some of my most difficult students in the classroom. There are many days I drive home thinking, "What would I or the other students do without you?"
Thank you to Amber Mysliwiec for adding third grade reading and math vocabulary to the PE lessons. 
Special thanks to Sonia Miller for taking time to make my favorite salad, when I ordered late!  I understand she went the extra mile to make it happen and it was appreciated!  Yum!
Thanks to Victoria Miller. She has been so supportive and knowledge about any questions I toss at her concerning Google classroom, NWEA and more. She has been flexible with our flex groups so I can get to the math team kids A great example of ALL IN.
-All from Theresa Kovach

Kudos onto Michele Burgess for tackling a master schedule change for our special education students. Without her dedication and commitment we would be lost in Skyward land.  I can’t thank you enough for all the changes you made in such a short turnaround time.
-From Keli Swierczek

HUGE thank you to everyone at Lotus for acquiring so many donations for Scarves in the Park. We were able to provide close to 60 of our own students with brand new items as a result of the overwhelming contributions. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to the first and fourth grade teachers for leading this project! Because of you, our students were able to participate in a beautiful act of service that will leave a lasting impression in their lives.   I just LOVE the added touch of tags and the handmade scarves ðŸ’• THANK YOU to Colleen for graciously donating all of the material to make scarves and to Gina for cutting out more than 80 pieces of fabric for all of first and fourth grade to make scarves! Last but not least, THANK YOU to Jeff for helping us expand our efforts and letting us use Stanton as a third location this year! Forever grateful to all of you🥰❤️ Enjoy the pictures!


-From Erica Barraza

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner
I am soooo excited about the work, learning, and sharing that's happening at both buildings! YOU are awesome! 

 Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

So, here's this week's focus for supporting our learners...

Having clear expectations is ESSENTIAL to student success, classroom management, and our sanity!!! 

This means:
1. What we expect from students is crystal clear to us and to them. 
2. Expected behaviors are spelled out. 
3. Expectations are VISUALLY posted in the classroom/setting in terms that the students can understand. This means having pictures for non-readers, simple terms for beginning readers, and terms that make sense to ALL learners. 

Without this, we aren't doing the best we can to show students what we expect. We also then leave "wiggle room" for them to interpret what's expected...which is a key problem in classrooms with behavior issues. 

Here are some quick examples of what clear expectations can look like...

Here's quick video of a teacher setting classroom norms (a.k.a. expectations) with his students. It's a great example of how, if you choose, you can partner with students to co-create the expectations.

Bottom line, your classroom expectations should be:
Readable by your students
Consistently reinforced
Celebrated when students show them.

This is key to a successful learning environment for EVERYONE...including YOU! 

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2020-21 Calendar Committee
Just a me, please, if you're interested in participating in the calendar committee
for next year!

Thank you Tiffany Tardio-Weber and Kendra Smeigh for holding elections last Wednesday and thank you Cathy Jawnyj for delivering the ballots to Libertyville. The votes will be counted at a special meeting on December 11th and winners will be announced shortly thereafter. 

If you are interested in nominating one of your colleagues for an IEA award you can do so HERE. Nominations close January 15th. 

If you're looking for free professional development, don't forget the IEA has a wide array of both online and in-person trainings. You can find out more information at:

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Thank you to the Wellness Committee!!!

Healthy brain.png
Digging in a bit on Pete Hall's 10 keys to a healthy's the scoop on #9...
9.       Laughter. Oh, indeed this is the best medicine! When we laugh, our stress response is relieved and our immune system is strengthened. Laughter stimulates circulation, relieves pain, and helps us to cope when the going gets rough. Imagine a healthy guffaw when you get cut off on the freeway or you’re facing a tight deadline at work! Then we can move forward in a healthier way – in fact, because the act of laughing triggers the release of endorphins, we can actually MAKE ourselves happy! An immediate mood-booster, all natural and in plentiful supply. (Mayo Clinic)

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2019-20 Assessment Calendar--Winter iReady being moved to January!

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Tuesday, December 17--Board of Education meeting at Lotus

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At the 12/17 Board meeting, we'll be finalizing our plans for the referendum...this includes 

defining EXACTLY what the Board will be asking for/planning to do as well as reviewing the language for the March 2020 election ballot. 

We are building our referendum core team, and they will be meeting on 12/17 from 5:00-7:00PM on 12/17, just before the Board meeting. IF YOU KNOW PARENTS/COMMUNITY MEMBERS WHO WOULD BE INTERESTED IN AND AS ASSET TO THIS WORK, PLEASE SEND ME THEIR NAME AND CONTACT INFO! We have a small but mighty group from my Stakeholder Partnership Team, but I'd love to have some more DO-ers join the effort. 
