Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week 14: An Add to the Monday Memo--DISCIPLINE

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We are grateful to Mrs. Behnke, our artist in residence, for her commitment and talent. Without her, our Mosaic Project would not have been possible.  

Thanks for the support of our 4th grade teachers, Pam, Becky and Jamie for taking the time, in the midst of managing many other commitments, to participate in our 4th grade project!

Thanks to Don Ukleja for his support with all of our art projects. Including putting the backing up and most recently framing our mosaic mural. It looks great Donnie!

Big thanks to Lemar, Erin and all the helpful Sayles Foundation Board members who moved the Lotus artwork, broke down displays and activities and neatly put them back after the Sayles Foundation event.  Wow, thanks so much!

Many thanks to Heather Friziellie, and our school board, for their vision and determination  in bringing Visual Arts back to D114. The excitement and spark in our students is heartwarming.

I appreciate you all! ðŸ’š
-From Gayle McManamon 

Maureen Devoss - thank you for being you! Your constant guidance and support means so much. From offering to work one-on-one with one of my struggling learners, to proof reading parent emails, and even introducing me to the wonders of are an amazing co-worker and friend :)
-From Natalie Molidor

I need to acknowledge Brittany Mason for always being willing to collaborate with the Kindergarten Gen Ed Teachers. She takes time out of her day to work with me to make my classroom a more effective learning environment for all students not just those with IEPs.
Have a wonderful day!
-From Nicole Mild

Thank you Karen,Jo, and Yvette for your continuous hard work each day. So thankful to have your help preparing our Thanksgiving lunches for Staff and students. You are the best team!
I appreciate your hard work and support!
-From Chris Katuzny

A HUGE thank you to Walter Nickles, Laura Livesay and Lynn Grosclaude for chaperoning the Future Quest field trip to the Tech Campus with me!! Thanks to Hallie Romanelli and Tina Gitterle for getting us there and home safely!
-From Liz Andersen

Kudos to Gayle McManamon for an amazing class of pottery, great teacher for first timers, you are patient! Thank you so much for this, I found a new hobby!

Kudos to the Stanton Kitchen Staff for the hard work and the 
beautiful spread for Teachers Thanksgiving Lunch.
And creating a wonderful lunch for the kids as well.
You are appreciated, thank you for your hard work.

Grateful for amazing Food service teams, Lotus and Stanton,  the care, love and hard work you put in your activities everyday does not go unnoticed. Thank you!

Happy Thanks Giving to my District 114 Family, Grateful for all of you.
-From Georgette Franco

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner
It's becoming more and more clear that we as a whole system need to do some shared learning around effective discipline. This is true for ALL of us...every single person in D114. Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. So what are some go to strategies or ways to put boundaries in place while we also sustain relationships? Each week, we'll focus on a strategy. My challenge to ALL OF US is to apply the strategy and then report back. When you have a success, a struggle, or a question about a strategy, please email me and we'll solve it together and share successes in the Monday Memo (anonymously, of course). So, I found this to kick us off--let's dig in here to start:

Let's start with AVOID POWER STRUGGLES! I have a hard time with this FOR SURE, especially when kids are escalated. 

Here are some solid "go to" tips! If you need these, feel free to print the images and keep them somewhere you can see them!

I LOOOOOOVE this one! I plan to use this THIS WEEK when I'm helping support student behavior!
Then, give the student two choices that you can live with (Examples: "You can do this or this." or "You can start here or here." or "Do you want to use pencil or crayon?" or "Do you want to type or write?"). 

Another great strategy to avoid a power struggle is to use "first...then" thinking. For example:
"First, I need you to do one math problem. Then, you can have a break."
"First, I need you to show me a calm body. Then, you can have your fidget."
"First, I need you to write for 3 minutes. Then, we can check over your work together."

PLEASE share your successes in AVOIDING POWER STRUGGLES! And remember--in working with students...and in life---

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EAFL Sprit Day is Tuesday this week... wear your shirt if you'd like to participate! 
Melissa and Cathy will be attending the Region 49 meeting on Wednesday, updates to follow!
If you are interested in nominating one of your colleagues for an IEA award you can do so HERE. Nominations close January 15th. 
The Illinois Education Association (IEA) and the University of Illinois Springfield invites members to participate in the Illinois Educator Well-Being Survey. The purpose of this survey is to examine how the climate and culture of your workplace impacts the quality of your life. The IEA will use this data to develop and improve programs and services that support members’ well-being in the workplace. This survey is voluntary and will take approximately ten minutes to complete. Data collected as part of this survey will remain confidential. See the informed consent document for additional information. The survey will close on December 1st. Please contact IEA Instructional Resource and Professional Development Director Diana Zaleski, Ph.D. with any questions.

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Thank you to the Wellness Committee!!!

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Digging in a bit on Pete Hall's 10 keys to a healthy's the scoop on #6...

6.       Teamwork. Brains, like many animals, thrive in the company of similar creatures. In this case, other brains. It seems that when we work together, cooperating in an attempt to achieve a common goal, our brains tend to get “in sync” with one another. Not only that, they release oxytocin, the feel-good neurochemical that is released when we eat chocolate, share a first kiss, or find out we’re the 9th caller to our favorite radio station, winning that amazing trip to Vegas! So go ahead and team up, link arms and brains, and win the day…together! (Science Daily)

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D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Tuesday, November 19--Board of Education meeting at Lotus
Saturday, December 7--Santa's Breakfast at Stanton from 8:00AM-12:00PM
Tuesday, December 17--Board of Education meeting at Lotus

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So incredibly proud of Braden and his Featherweight football team. They won the SUPER BOWL on Sunday. Braden battled his weight and a concussion this season, and his team fought so hard to make it here. Shaun (coach and Dad) and I are so proud of our boy...had to share!

Have a really fabulous week, and THANK YOU for all you do!