Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week 13: Thank you, Veterans!

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To Don U for fixing my locks in my office and making spare keys for me.

-From Colleen Robinson

Shout out to D114 for the beautiful flowers! They made my day. And shout out to everyone that has reached out to me, offering to help and just checking in on me after my surgery. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.
-From Penny Brown

Thanks to Michelle Magness for all of her hard work and dedication to the Preschool program and getting us ready for conferences with a lot of behind the scenes work.  As well as being available both days to make that extra contact with so many parents before and after their conferences.
-The Preschool Team

Thanks to Fiona and Abbey for attending so many of my conferences and providing parents that extra support and guidance they need!
Thanks to Cathy J. for finding time (I know it's hard to come by) to come to my classroom. The kiddos were drawn to you like magnets. Come back anytime you need some playtime, smiles and hugs! It was great fun sharing all that we do in our classroom with you!

-Mary Foersterling

Thank you to Cathy Jawnyj for all the time and support you gave the EC team this week!  We love your ideas and input and are so excited to have you visiting our classrooms! 

Thank you to Fiona Wisniewski for all the help you give the EC team getting visuals into the classroom, setting up the CORE word of the week program, and helping the team to best help all of our kiddos! 
Thank you to Melanie Schlesser, Melissa Wagner, Cheryl Schuck, Deb Marienau, Brittany Miller, Mollie Herchenbach, Megan Moore, Bridget Dvorak, Rachel Lundberg, Misty Madula, and Natalie Udstuen for attending the powerful interactions webinar and presentation on Friday.   I know that the kiddos you work with will extremely benefit from all your meaningful interactions.  Thank you for valuing the relationships we have with our students.
-From Michelle Magness

Thank you to Chris Brown, Kristine Gumm, and Ellen Stirrat for helping me set up an LLI Intervention System . It took a lot of teamwork. I couldn’t have possibly gotten it done without their help! You are truly appreciated!
-From Joan Kantenwein

Thank you so very much to Cary, Tiffany, Jenn, & Cheryl for lifting me up daily these past couple weeks.  Your support, words of encouragement, and goodies have really turned my days around.  
Thank you Amber, Sue, & Nicole for also lending your ears and lifting me up with your words or goodies.  

-From Amanda Lorenz

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

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We were unable to fulfill the requirements to be able to hold the wellness screening here at Stanton. With that being said, we have to cancel the Stanton event and merge with Lotus' event. Thanks to Jessica Lanners for reaching out to everyone with the changes and to our staff for being flexible. The cancellation comes at a cost, so next year, we will only book at one site. 

If you are interested in nominating one of your colleagues for an IEA award you can do so HERE. Nominations close January 15th. 

NEW Awesome IEA Podcast Episode Available:

The Illinois Education Association (IEA) and the University of Illinois Springfield invites members to participate in the Illinois Educator Well-Being Survey. The purpose of this survey is to examine how the climate and culture of your workplace impacts the quality of your life. The IEA will use this data to develop and improve programs and services that support members’ well-being in the workplace. This survey is voluntary and will take approximately ten minutes to complete. Data collected as part of this survey will remain confidential. See the informed consent document for additional information. The survey will close on December 1st. Please contact IEA Instructional Resource and Professional Development Director Diana Zaleski, Ph.D. with any questions.
Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Thank you to the Wellness Committee!!!

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Digging in a bit on Pete Hall's 10 keys to a healthy's the scoop on #5...

5.       Breathe. Engaging in deep, controlled breathing exercises (such as pranayama breathing, typically used in yoga, meditation, and mindfulness approaches) can help calm the brain, affecting oxygen consumption and metabolism. This decreases the likelihood of psychological or stress-related disorders, increases the brain’s information processing functions, augments concentration, and puts us in a better mood. The key here? Breathing is an involuntary action; by becoming metacognitively aware of it and controlling it, we can gain significant benefits. (University of New Mexico)

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D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Tuesday, November 19--Board of Education meeting at Lotus
Tuesday, December 17--Board of Education meeting at Lotus

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WELCOME to Lisa Werner! She is our permanent Occupational Therapist, and we are sooo glad she's joining Team D114! Please make her feel welcome!
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