Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week 5: Make it happen!!!

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Cathy Jawnyj for being extremely solution orientated during MTSS meetings.
Gina Crosthwaite for helping with our littlest learners when needed. 

Jessica Urban for being very responsive to student needs and communicative with parents. 
-From Natalie Udstuen

To the Stanton Kitchen team for a excellent visit by the Lake County Health Department!
To Pam Exon for letting me join your class to help a kiddo finish her work. LOVED your reading of Superfudge, too!
-From Heather

To the D114 Transportation Team for navigating the Grand Ave. construction
To Erica and Cathy for their TOSA leadership
To all Stanton GLCTs for their work in Kagan/student engagement, team logistics, and professional learning topics.  
To the Exploratory Team and 5th Grade Team for joining Twitter and celebrating with their students everyday!
To all staff members that gave a little extra to make MAP testing a success!
-From Jeff Sefcik

Shoutout to all the amazing 4th grade teachers at Lotus who have really prepared and molded such a great group of 5th graders! In math, the kids have been engaging in extremely impressive discussions and we are blown away by their math vocabulary and knowledge. It has been a great first couple of weeks. Thank you!!
-From the 5th Grade

Thank you to Mike Szotek for updating all of our Chromebooks so we can complete AIMSWEB testing next week!

Thank you to the 3rd and 4th grade teams for being so flexible with your Chromebook carts, we appreciate you!
-From the 2nd Grade Team
My third grade team, beyond grateful for your help, your hearts and humor!! I am blessed to be a part of your lives. I could list a thousand things, but will keep it simple with a thousand thanks!
Joan Kantenwein thanks so much for coming into our classroom and modeling an outstanding guided reading lesson. The kids at the reading table reflected at the end of the day how fun and wonderful it was, they began sharing with the class what they learned from you!  Isn’t that what it’s all about? Many thanks! Even with a wasp in the room, you kept them focused!  You’re amazing!! 
Chris Powers and Christine Spittler how would this wonderful class function without you in it. You are both so impressive. Thank you for your kindness, expertise and guidance this week and previous weeks. I appreciate you both!  
Jessica Urban. Thanks for checking in with me as much as you physically can. Someday the children we have influenced will come up with a cloning machine to help us!  
Matt Peters, who seems to show up just when we need him, how does he know? Even when he is not called for help, he will come!!!!  It is appropriated  more than you know. 
Sue Pinkawa for answering what I know is really the red phone ☎️ in Batman. 
-From Theresa Kovach

Kudos to Paula Kvacik as we learn together the intricacies (& frustrations!!!!) of regular report cards vs. standards based report cards and helping me to get it all loaded into Skyward before progress reports post on the 20th!  I wouldn't have been able to do it without you! :)
-From Michele Burgess

Thank you Norm for going "Macgyver" with our pencil sharpener and getting the lodged chunk out so it is functional again!
Thank you Don for looking into fixing the wheel on our yoga mat cart... that thing has been making me crazy!
Thank you Erica Barraza for your help and support with 6th grade social studies, I appreciate your expertise in organizing and  planning to make things more manageable for our team!
-From Melissa Jakstas

Thank you to Kelly Roland, for being you. Your compassion for your students is amazing.
Thank you Becky Vedder for always being a helpful hand. I am grateful for you.
Thank you Maureen DeVoss for everything. You are great. I appreciate your guidance.
Thank you to all of the special education case managers, you guys are awesome, and what you do for our kids is amazing.
Thank you Sherry Tietjen for being you. What you do for your kids is amazing, your impact is incredible.
Thank you to the Megan Dulen for helping with AIMSweb benchmarking, and just being all around awesome. You rock.
Thank you all grade levels for great MTSS meetings this week.
Thank you Natalie Udstuen for all of your support and awesomeness.
Thank you Rachelle Peters for your support and friendship.
Thank you Sue Kartman for taking initiative on a kiddo that needs a lot of support.
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

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Social Media FIND of the Week...
Cool finds on social media! Pass them along if you find something great!

GREAT blog find!

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Copier Changes
We are still working on a plan to move a copier from Lotus to Stanton, but things are a little
more complicated than we originally thought given the copier leases/service contracts in place.
We're on it, and are very much looking forward to bidding out for copier support next school
year to make sure we have the best deal and the most reliable machines to make sure copying
and scanning are EASY and non-stressors for all of our amazing staff!

TOSA Corner
Thanks, Erica and Cathy, for the weekly blast of awesome! Click here to access!

If you're reading this Sunday night... Monday is an IEA "Wear Red for Ed" day... show your support for public education by wearing red if you would like on Monday!

Tuesday is our first EAFL spirit day of the school year! This will be the last spirit day with our "old" shirts, so let's make it a great one!

Fall Articulation is Wednesday, September 25th. The meeting will start at 2:00 but please come early to get your Culver's custard and NEW t-shirt! All members are able to attend as there are no district assigned responsibilities during the meeting time, please let an executive board member know if you have any question. Lotus staff, in the interest of student safety, please plan to arrive before 1:30 or after 1:45 as not to arrive during Stanton's dismissal, thanks! If you have any agenda suggestions for articulation, please forward them to Melissa Jakstas by the end of the week. 

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Super excited about this upcoming event...
Thanks to the amazing D114 team coordinating this!!!!


Sometimes all it takes to put things in perspective or turn your day around is to connect with someone. Call a good friend from the car, or a family member on your lunch break. I’ve found that when I’m feeling stressed, even a 15-minute conversation with someone who makes me smile can completely turn your day around.

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D114 Curriculum Resources--

2019-20 Assessment Calendar

2019-20 Wednesday Early Release Plans

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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September 17--Board of Education Meeting (7:00 PM at Lotus)
September 27--D114 Day of Service
October 5--D114 Wellness Expo
October 9--Maria Nielsen in D114 for 15 Day Challenge site visit and to present her
Engagement Strategies session from the PLC Institute to us
October 11-Institute Day--Pete Hall (co-author of Fostering Resilient Learners) on site to help
us learn ways to provide our kids even more connections and supports
October 19--Rotary Trivia Night (Bring it, Team Stanton!)

November 2--RD Sayles Foundation Celebration of D114 Arts (details to follow)

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Have a really wonderful week! Thank you for all you to do help our students BLOOM!