Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 6: Get Ready for Monday Night Football!!!!!

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Thank you Abbey Kadera and Meghan Hower for helping Gavin with their EL assessments!
-From Heather

Kudos to Cheryl Schuck, who is tackling a challenging schedule and so many student needs like a total champ. She has the best attitude and gives her all! 
Kudos to Mike & Victoria for your help with NWEA testing and everyday tech support! I really appreciate your prompt replies and willingness to come to the rescue when I need it most.
Kudos to Erica for jumping in and helping with our first math reteaching this week! And a huge thanks to Erica & Cathy for doing our AIMS testing for us. What a huge stress relief! :) You are amazing!!
Kudos to all of the teachers that said YES to being student mentors. I am looking forward to a great year with lots of sweet connections!
Kudos to Amanda Lorenz for her amazing organization, quick copy skills and fun class builders! You bring so much to our team and I am so grateful.
-From Tiffany McGranahan

A big thank you to Sonia Miller for always having additional food options for my lunchroom friends, and being so patient and kind.  Your assistance when one of our friends would not take re-direction was helpful in keeping him safe when he went into the kitchen.  
Special thanks to Amanda Lorenz for also stepping in to help our same friend as she positioned herself to where he was headed and then took him for a walk during her lunchtime, before bringing him back to lunch.  Thanks to Yesenia Flory for also helping to redirect our friend again by offering him her balloon if he would first go and have lunch.  This did get him back into the lunchroom the final time.  Whew!   
Wonderful team effort!!
A big thanks to Kelly Roland for always being so prepared and especially the day of our fire drill.  Your help is so appreciated!
A big shout out to Andrea DeMatteo for quickly submitting a special order for tiles for our 4th grade mosaic project.  Special thanks to Don Ukleja for going the extra mile to get the needed supplies from Menards too!  

Thanks again, dear people!!  
-From Gayle McManamon

I want to thank everyone who has stepped in to help with my class and with me while I’ve been immobile due to kidney stones. It means a lot to know so many people care! It really is hard being this popular when all you’re trying to do is rest! ðŸ˜‰ My phones have been ringing off the hook and my cell keeps beeping with texts. I’m only going to name two people in this kudos, because if I start to name individuals, I’m bound to leave someone out and I do appreciate you all!  Becky Vedder has been doing lesson plans for me.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! Mrs. C. J. Brought me to the ER the second time I’d gone in a week. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I look forward to a healthy return.
-From Pam Exon

Genuine appreciation to Marguerite Anderson for being a constant this week when we needed help and checking in several times with a student to make sure he had what he needed to be successful for the remainder of the day.
Shar Wade for being such a great addition to helping in the office on Wednesday with some of our most complex of friends.
Michelle Magness, Abbey Kadera and Amanda Usyak with helping find solutions with a preschool friend that needed some extra help and attention to make smart choices.  
Lauren Nee received the most wonderful compliments from a parent about her supportive approach with her students and I couldn't agree more!  Thanks to Rachel Lundberg and Bridget Dvorak or helping her in this daily process ðŸ’—
Thank you to Jessica Lanners to help with overflow in the office and supporting a positive office referral lunch this week to maintain rewards!
Thank you to Maureen DeVoss for offering support and choices to students when needed.
Thanks to Tiffany McGranahan for stepping in to help get a student to feel supported and comfortable enough to get to class for the day!
-From Natalie Udstuen

Thank you Yesenia for organizing a group of parents to observe a BPAC Program in Round Lake.  I look forward to seeing a similar program grow for our community!
Thank you Abbey Kadera and Meghan Hower for assessing all of English learners and creating a plan that best serves our students.  I know that took a lot of planning, while also assisting our friends at Gavin.
Thank you Joan Kantenwein for organizing the F&P assessments!
Kudos goes out to the 1st grade team and our PE team for stepping up and volunteering to lead our staff in team building activities! 
Thank you Maureen DeVoss for leading the mini lesson last week on SMART goals! 
-From Matt Peters

Thank you, thank you second grade team for problem solving and finishing AIMsweb testing on testnav when I wasn't there. Thank you Natalie for facilitating!
Thank you kindergarten team for getting excited about AIMSweb plus data and wanting to dive deeper in the data and learn the system.
Thank you first grade team for all of your support during testing. You are awesome.
Thank you Rachelle Peters for volunteering to take over MTSS meetings for 5th and 8th grade when I am  at a conference. Also, thank you for all of your support.
Thank you David and Mike for making sure our technology was ready to go for testing. 
Thank you eighth grade team for all your patience during testing when a lot of students were having difficulties.
Thank you Liz Puhr for facilitating the math AIMSWEB plus eighth grade math assessment while I was in a meeting. 
Thank you to every grade level team for being so flexible and understanding with the new AIMSweb process.
Thank you Jeff Sefcik for always being supportive and motivated.
Thank you everyone who has volunteered their time and effort to problem solve for our students during MTSS meetings. There are so many of you that have made a difference, and I am so grateful for that.
Thank you Erica Barraza for being you.  :)
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

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Social Media FIND of the Week...
Cool finds on social media! Pass them along if you find something great!

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Facilities Priority List/Referendum Timeline
At its meeting last week, the Board of Education asked to schedule a special meeting with our
architect to finalize the facilities priority list. This will be a key step in being able to finalize our
referendum efforts with the March ballot being our target time. When the list is in final form, you
can trust that I'll share it with everyone!

Getting Subs

We know that subs are at a shortage, and we also know that any "failed to fill" creates a domino
effect that stresses everyone. The Board approved an increase in sub rate pay. We hope this
will draw in new sub candidates. In addition, we will be onboarding several new subs who have
already applied to try to alleviate sub coverage issues.
Upcoming Professional Development
I'm SUPER excited about two upcoming professional development offerings:
October 9--Maria Nielsen will be on site all day to see our teams at work using 15 Day
Challenges (and she's the inventor of them!), then will be presenting at 90 minute session on
engagement to everyone in our system. This will take place during collaborative team time and
will happen at STANTON. More details to come, but this will be GREAT learning.
Then, on the October 11 Institute Day, Pete Hall (co-author of Fostering Resilient Learners) will
be on site all day for all staff at LOTUS. Here's a quick overview of the day's work:
Childhood trauma is real, and it is more prevalent than we might believe. In this engaging, relevant, and practical session, learn from award-winning principal and best-selling author Pete Hall (Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for creating a trauma-sensitive classroom) about the importance of implementing trauma-invested practices in the school setting. The journey begins with incorporating research, building a common vocabulary, and exploring the impact of stress on brain development. And because we’re in a service-oriented profession and continuously look outward to help others, we’ll turn our lenses around to build self-awareness, examine our belief systems, and embrace the concept of grace – after all, if we’re going to be good to others, first and foremost we’ve got to be good to ourselves. Together, we will investigate the power of relationship as we collaboratively build a Culture of Safety (affectionately known as a “nest”) for our students, families, staffs, and communities. This session will help you reframe your work, strengthen your toolkit, and ignite your passion to foster resilient learners.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!

TOSA Corner

Thanks, Erica and Cathy, for the weekly blast of awesome! Click here to access!

Fall Articulation is Wednesday, September 25th. 
The meeting will start at 2:00 but please come early to get your Culver's custard and NEW t-shirt! Per our collective bargaining agreement, members are able to attend as there are no district assigned responsibilities during the meeting time, please let an executive board member know if you have any question. Lotus staff, in the interest of student safety, please plan to arrive before 1:30 or after 1:45 as not to arrive during Stanton's dismissal, thanks! 

If you would like a hard copy of the meeting agenda, please print and bring one for yourself. 
EAFL Spiritwear
If you would like to order EAFL Spiritwear, please return your order and money to Melissa Jakstas by Thursday, September 26th.

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Super excited about this upcoming event...
Thanks to the amazing D114 team coordinating this!!!!


I know, I know, I sound like your 90-year-old grandmother. But when you stand up straight, you feel different: stronger, more confident, taller (crucial for someone as small as I am!), and more energized.
You can breathe more deeply and somehow, the world feels brighter when you’re not busy trying to scrunch yourself into the smallest, most invisible package. It’s kind of a “dress for the job you want” thing.

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D114 Curriculum Resources--

2019-20 Assessment Calendar

2019-20 Wednesday Early Release Plans

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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September 27--D114 Day of Service
October 5--D114 Wellness Expo
October 9--Maria Nielsen in D114 for 15 Day Challenge site visit and to present her
Engagement Strategies session from the PLC Institute to us
October 11-Institute Day--Pete Hall (co-author of Fostering Resilient Learners) on site to help
us learn ways to provide our kids even more connections and supports
October 19--Rotary Trivia Night (Bring it, Team Stanton!)

November 2--RD Sayles Foundation Celebration of D114 Arts held at LOTUS (details to follow)

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And finally, congratulations to Tiffany McGranahan who is expecting her first baby! Check out this cute picture that they used to announce their big news!

Have a really awesome week! I'll be out on Wednesday and Thursday at the state Superintendents' Conference, but will be active on email and available by phone/text at 847-309-3921. 
Thanks for all you do!