Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week Four: Thank YOU for building relationships!

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How'd you do it??  The drying racks came to me in what seemed like a million pieces, but Mr. Russ figured out how to assemble them - thank you Russ!  And a big thanks to Georgette for jumping in to help put all the separators on the shelves!  What a great team effort!!  
Thanks again!!!! 
-From Gayle McManamon

Thank you to Cathy Jawnyj for volunteering her time to run an intervention with one of my struggling readers!
~From Natalie Miller

Thank you to third grade for sharing their Chromebook carts with us for iReady and MAPS!
~From the 2nd Grade Team

EVERYONE for such great attendance in the first few weeks! It's really appreciated and so good for kids to have their "go to" people here for them!
To Kendra Smeigh for "getting" our Coffee Cart kids! It's fun to see how far they have come, and I appreciate all you've done to help them get there!
-From Heather

Thank you Jessica Lanners, Jamie Smeigh, Kendra Smeigh, and Kate Wicklander for helping our kiddo get into his PE uniform... it takes a village but he's making great progress! 
Thank you Fred Miller for helping get our curriculum night information together for 6th grade social studies! Thank you Chris Carvell for organizing all the curriculum night handouts for PE! 
Thank you Walter Nickels for being an awesome teacher and fostering such a great learning community in your classroom... looking forward to working with you again this year! 
Thank you Michelle Serini for putting up an awesome Wellness bulletin board up for staff in the Stanton lounge! 
Thank you Cathy Jawnyj for always being willing to jump in with great ideas to help support our staff and students.
Thank you Matt Shannon for always being willing to share your classroom supplies!
-From Melissa Jakstas

I would like to give kudos to Jamie Smeigh for helping me move Promethean panels. Also, thank you Norm for your help getting a panel stand down the stairs.
-From David Roat

To the ENTIRE early childhood team, you are ALL my heroes! After spending an entire day in EC doing a little bit of everything, I have IMMENSE respect and admiration for ALL you do! It really takes a super special kind of person to do what you do on a daily basis. I left that day feeling so fulfilled, happy, and completely EXHAUSTED! You are the real MVPs!
A big thank you to the administrative team for your support, mentorship, and guidance!
Mrs. Cathy Jawnyj, you have been so much fun to work with and I am so thankful for all of the knowledge you are willing to share with me!
Thank you to Maureen DeVoss for being the first person to host a peer observation! I LOVE watching you teach and can't wait to take it all in!
Thank you to Russ for being my right-hand man and helping me out with whatever I need and looking out for my little Nola!
-From Erica Barraza

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

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Social Media FIND of the Week...
Cool finds on social media! Pass them along if you find something great!

Love this! Can-do ways to continue to build culture and relationships! Another great find by Tiffany Tardio Weber!

If you haven't checked out Innovate Inside the Box...DO IT!!!! Book, FB, or Twitter! It's George Couros' work...and you know how much I dig him! 

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Muffins with Misses
The first Muffins with Misses (breakfast with important females in kids' lives) happens on
Monday at Lotus. This was an idea from Matt and Rachelle Peters that our new PTA Board
really loves. It will be great!
A couple notes:
Lotus staff, you are MORE than welcome to join in the event!
Thank you to everyone at Lotus for parking to accommodate all the "misses" we hope will
come tomorrow!!!

Copier Changes
As Mary Taylor emailed, we'll be moving a copier from the Lotus first floor hall to the lounge at
Stanton. At this point, we will NOT be changing out the Lotus upstairs copier or removing the
small copier in the Lotus lounge.
Thanks everyone for your flexibility with this, and a huge thanks to Stanton for being so
patient! I know having the lounge copier down so much has been a HUGE pain.
We'll be bidding out ALL copiers next year to get the very best deal we can with a great
service guarantee. More to come on that!!!
TOSA Corner
Thanks, Erica and Cathy, for the weekly blast of awesome! Click here to access!

Check out the new logo!!! Thanks, Tiffany Tardio Weber, for designing! 

Thanks to all our new members who came to our Meet & Greet on Wednesday of last week, we appreciate you coming to learn more about our association!

The EAFL executive board will be meeting on Wednesday of this week to develop our annual budget as well as plan for our upcoming articulation meeting. If you have any budget or articulation suggestions, please pass them along to an executive board member. 

Our new memberships and current membership roster have been forwarded to the IEA and new membership cards should be coming soon, we will pass them along as soon as we have them! 

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Love the simplicity of this. How many can you DITCH off that list? How many can you DO on the Embrace list? Maybe pick one from each and JUST DO IT!

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D114 Curriculum Resources--

2019-20 Assessment Calendar

2019-20 Wednesday Early Release Plans

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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September 10--PTA Meeting (6:30 PM at Lotus)
September 17--Board of Education Meeting (7:00 PM at Lotus)
September 27--D114 Day of Service
October 5--D114 Wellness Expo
October 9--Maria Nielsen in D114 for 15 Day Challenge site visit and to present her
Engagement Strategies session from the PLC Institute to us
October 11-Institute Day--Pete Hall (co-author of Fostering Resilient Learners) on site to help
us learn ways to provide our kids even more connections and supports
October 19--Rotary Trivia Night (Bring it, Team Stanton!)

November 2--RD Sayles Foundation Celebration of D114 Arts (details to follow)

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When you're having a rough day, remember the AWESOME difference you make for our students. This is a kiddo who not so long ago had a very, very hard time regulating through the day. Here's a picture of him from last week finishing a Cross Country meet. On the same day, he navigated a back and forth conversation on multiple topics while working on the Coffee Cart. 
YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Remember that! 

And Finally...
Because I'm a mom, I HAVE to share some cute pictures of my kids from this weekend.

Have a really great week, and know that YOU are appreciated!