Sunday, March 3, 2019

Happy Monday!

To Sue and Paula for not only helping when I was out last Friday but for making parent phone
calls when I was 6 kids deep in my office today (Monday).
To Mollie for helping get students for the mobile dentist.
-From Colleen Robinson

I want to give a shout out to Deb Marineau for always making sure they salt my special
parking spot really well. I really appreciate her thoughtfulness and initiative.  Thanks Deb
for looking out for me.
-From Ellen Stirrat

Kudos to Gayle McManamon & Kim VanHoorelbeke! I briefly talked with both of them about
ideas I have for our 3rd grade classrooms and how we could tie into their classes. They were
both all in immediately!  Gayle knew exactly how and where it would fit well into her class and
Kim minutes after our discussion brought me numerous resources. Our school is so lucky to
have you both!
-From Kelly Roland

Thank you to EVERYONE who has stepped up to fill absences when staff are out. It’s been
a very crazy couple of weeks, and I certainly hope the absence rate calms down. It’s taken
so much flexibility to fill the spots, and I TRULY APPRECIATE everyone who has helped fill
a vacancy.
-From Heather
Kudos to bus driver Christy Wolf  for looking out for the entire community, not just her students!!!!   
Thank you for calling for help and for waiting to make sure help arrived! Way to go Christy!!!  
-From Andrea DeMatteo

Kudos to the Stanton Kitchen team for great visit from Health Department!
-From Heather

Thank you Sabi for coming to Lotus earlier this week and helping us out. Your assistance in the
cafeteria was truly appreciated!
-From Matt Peters

Thank you Emily Welsh for helping me with gymnastics!! You are a lifesaver!
-From Amber Mysliwiec

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here!
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
Time Clocking Pilot:
Our time clock pilot starts March 4!! Thanks to this group for being our tester and lead clockers.
If we can work out a couple final logistics, the plan is to launch system wide on March 18.
Any and all purchasing for 2018-19 must be completed by spring break. Right after break,
we’ll start building the budget for next year!

Funding Requests
All requests for funding must be approved by your principal(s) then me. This means that,
before a special project idea is brought forward to the PTA, the Robert D. Sayles Foundation,
or any grant, it must be pre-approved. The reason for this is that--with limited dollars out there--
we have to make sure that all funding requests reflect the priorities of the Strategic Plan.
Please see me with any questions.

The group email to use for all bus drivers is
The email is in use for Traversa, but it won’t get information to the
drivers. :)

Curriculum Updates
Summer Curriculum Hours
Please know that summer curriculum work will be prioritized for work on fence posts/rails/
pacing/assessments. I’m happy to pay teams to get ahead on this for next year, but--with
limited funds--requests for this work will be the priority!

PIZZA PARTY CHALLENGE---pizza for all staff when we reach 80% of students meeting
the 45 minute goal!


Bylaw Amendments for Consideration at the IEA - RA
There will be three bylaw amendments up for consideration at the upcoming IEA Representative
Assembly. Amendment 1 would add an additional dues category, Amendment 2 would add an additional
membership category, and Amendment 3 would add an additional method of informing retired members
of upcoming election dates. For more information, click HERE.

Looking Ahead
March 15th: Voting for IEA-NEA RA Delegates at both buildings
March 20th: Association Articulation at Stanton @2:00 (please note the new start time)

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

Come celebrate the completion of the February D114 Self Care Challenge on Friday,
March 8th at El Puerto's! The EAFL will be purchasing appetizers around 3:30. The
winners for the $20 gift card and the Fitbit will be drawn (winner need not be present
to win). Hope to see you there!

Along side the Wellness Committee's step challenge for the month of March, we want to
encourage everyone to participate in our weekly self care challenge. Every week for the month
of March, we will present a new "challenge." This first week's challenge will be to eat lunch in
the lounge with a colleague. Get to know someone that you don't talk to regularly or strengthen
your team's bond. Share a laugh, share a story.

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Check out the link below…
What can you add to take even better care of YOU?

45 Simple Self-Care Practices for a Healthy

Mind, Body, and Soul

March 19, 2019--Board of Education meeting
April 17, 2019--New IEP platform(EMBRACE) training...DETAILS COMING!!!
May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting--NEW DATE
March is a tough month. Please take care of YOU!

Let’s make this a great week!