Sunday, February 24, 2019

Happy Monday, D114!

Kudos to Theresa Kovach for helping me out at the teacher inservice day on February 15th
by letting me use one of her Chromebooks for the day.
-From Dan Olson

Huge shout out to Theresa Kovach! Thank you for organizing the entire field trip for our
3rd grade students. The students absolutely loved every second and we could not be more
grateful for all that you did to arrange this opportunity.
-From Kelly Roland & Stephanie Brual

Erica Barraza, Thank you for taking one of my littles under your wing and working MAGIC
with her!  She has made SO much growth with your intervention and support, and LOVES
math so much that it makes me wanna cry happy tears!!  ðŸ’ŸðŸ’ŸðŸ’Ÿ
Sami Harshaw, Thank you for handling ALL OF THE THINGS Kinder on a very intense/
short-staffed day while a couple of us were out Thursday!!
-From Tiffany Tardio

Thank you to Jill Becmer who planned an awesome "beach themed" academic assembly  
and to Michele Burgess for all of your help assisting! Kudos to the staff for wearing their
beach attire and making it such a fun event for our students.
Thank you to our kitchen staff that do an amazing job each day. It doesn't matter what
obstacles you have in front of you, you always overcome them and give the best to all of
our students and staff!
-From Rachelle Peters

Amanda Lorenz, thank you for going above and beyond as a CICO Coach for one of our
kindergarten students.
-From Nicole Mild

To Michelle Serini and Jeff Sefcik for making home visits for some of our most challenging
students. These trips change lives and show how much we care. Thank you for giving 110%.
The amazing D114 team who attended the Trauma Based Classrooms workshop on
Thursday. We were a FORCE in the room!
To the D114 Wellness Committee for helping us all remember that we are only good to
others if we also take care of ourselves!
To Jill Becmer and the entire Stanton Staff for the pep assembly. Your love for the kids and
togetherness makes a huge difference!
-From Heather

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here!
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Business Office Updates
Schedule Reminder:
Just a reminder that Maddie will be out on vacation Feb 25-March 1, so please contact
Maureen and she’ll forward questions to make sure they are answered. Maddie and Mary are
partnering on payroll, so there will be no issues.  
Time Clocking Pilot:
Our time clock pilot starts March 4!! Thanks to this group for being our tester and lead clockers.
If we can work out a couple final logistics, the plan is to launch system wide on March 18.
Any and all purchasing for 2018-19 must be completed by spring break. Right after break,
we’ll start building the budget for next year!
Updated Board approved calendars are attached to the email for this blog.

Funding Requests
Must be approved by principal then me. This means that, before a special project idea is
brought forward to the PTA, the Robert D. Sayles Foundation, or any grant, it must be
pre-approved. The reason for this is that--with limited dollars out there--we have to make sure
that all funding requests reflect the priorities of the Strategic Plan. Please see me with any

Staffing Plan for 2019-2020:
The tentative staffing plan shared with the Board last week is attached to this email for your
information. Again, please see me with any questions.

Curriculum Updates
PIZZA PARTY CHALLENGE---pizza for all staff when we reach 80% of students meeting
the 45 minute goal!


Don't forget to check out Your Member Benefits to see how the IEA can help you personally
and professionally!

Looking Ahead
March 15th: Voting for IEA-NEA RA Delegates at both buildings
March 20th: Association Articulation at Stanton @2:00 (please note the new start time).

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

Come celebrate the completion of the February D114 Self Care Challenge on Friday,
March 8th at El Puerto's! The EAFL will be purchasing appetizers around 3:30. The
winners for the $20 gift card and the Fitbit will be drawn (winner need not be present
to win). Hope to see you there!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Think about a time you were successful---what was “under the water” for you?

Now think of a student who’s working hard--what’s “under the water” for THEM?

Now think of a student who isn’t successful yet--what’s “under the water” for him/her?
How can you help support what’s “under the water” for this student?

March 19, 2019--Board of Education meeting
April 17, 2019--New IEP platform(EMBRACE) training...DETAILS COMING!!!
May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting--NEW DATE

Have a really amazing week!
