The 4 February Happiness Challenges are linked here! I hope you have some fun with them!!!!
Thank you to Sharon Brown and Brian Crask for all of their organization and support getting the Access test completed. Thank you to Kimberly and Abbey for being so willing to help us!
Thank you to all of the staff that helped to pull audit documents together for me. You know who you are!
Thank you to David Roat for helping organize the 5 Essentials survey.
Thank you to Kim Mack and Meghan Reimers for leading out mini lesson this week!
-From Rachelle Peters (Assistant Principal at Stanton)
Thanks to everyone for making a GREAT Institute Day happen! A special thank you to Katy Gardner,
Kim Mack, Meghan Reimers, Jeff Sefcik, and Lisa Shannon for doing a road trip to learn from a school
in Michigan!!!
OMG!!! Thank you to EVERYONE who helped us successfully get through the 3 year Compliance Audit.
It was SOMETHING!!!! But we did it...thanks to you!!!!
In Case You're Interested...
- IEA Member Planning Time Survey
The Illinois Education Association is collecting information from members on planning time. The goal is to use the collected data to support advocacy for increasing uninterrupted individual planning time each day. Please complete the survey by Feb. 18.
- Educators Rising Conference
March 4 at ISU, Normal. Learn more at and r
I challenged my 8th grade CB class this morning to send a text to the "1st person they ever loved" ( i.e. Mom, Dad, Grandma....) Once they showed me they sent text I gave them a Hershey Kiss!! An 8th grade boy received a response from their person that said "This phone has been hacked"
Thank you, Kim Husko, for the share!!!!