Sunday, February 11, 2024

Monday Morning Memo 2/12/24


YAY! ORANGE you glad it's February?

The 4 February Happiness Challenges are linked here! I hope you have some fun with them!!!! 

It's Kindness Week at Lotus! 

Love this! Thank you, Lotus, for making this happen for students and staff this week! 💟

KUDOS to Matt P., Sonia M., and Russ X, for helping with our ACCESS Pizza Party!  We are so

grateful to all of you for allowing us to do this!  The kids were so excited and they all cheered for

themselves when we talked about how proud we are of them at the party!  You are the best!♥️♥️♥️

-From Kim Leable (EL Teacher at Lotus) and Abbey Kadera (Bilingual Teacher at Lotus)

Thank you Lotus and Stanton Kitchen Staff for always going above and beyond to give the best

service, and doing an amazing job.

The super bowl lunch was amazing, Thank you for all you do!!

-From Georgette Franco (Food Services Coordinator)

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! to our fabulous, incredible, sunny, go-the-extra-mile Kitchen Team- aka

The Fantastic Four!! for such a great lunch!! We appreciate the extra work you do for us!! 

You’re the absolute bomb!! ♥️💜💙💚

-From Erin Connolly-Jordt (Music Teacher at Lotus)

To Don U for fixing our fun timer!

From Sherry Tietjen, Colleen Robinson, and Courtney Maas (ILP team at Lotus)

To Oner Medrano for thinking outside the box to get a student struggling with math some extra help. 


To the Student Wellness Crew for organizing our SOS presentations. And David Roat for assisting

with technology. 

-From Jeff Sefcik (Principal at Stanton) 

To the 6th, 7th, 8th grade teams, Exploratories and Wellness - Thank you for your support and

flexibility during our SOS Programming this week.  


To Kim Rauchfuss - Thank you for your support this week as we rolled out the SOS program for the

first time.  Your input as we prepared and supported students this week was SO greatly appreciated.

To Karen Skorup, Oner Medrano and Leah Fahlster - Thank you for your communication and

collaboration!  You're the best!

-From Meghan Reimers (Counselor at Stanton)

Shout out to David Roat for all the tech prep and support for the SOS program. We appreciate all

the time and energy you put into setting up and troubleshooting for the program. AND for taking a

moment out of your busy schedule to ease the mind of  a student who was in great distress over a

technology issue. 


To the 6th, 7th and 8th grade level teams for your assistance in guiding our students through each

step of the SOS program: post-test, lesson in the gym, surveys and post-tests. This was no small feat

The feedback from the post-test shows that our kids are better equipped to seek help for themselves

or a friend when in need. 🙌


To Kim Rauchfuss for coming alongside Meghan and I to implement the SOS program and for helping

us check in on students. We also greatly appreciate all of your insights and suggestions that were

pivotal in rolling out the program.


To  Marla Walinksi for helping with SOS material prep & for being anywhere and everywhere to

support us during the event!


To our beloved friends in the kitchen--- THANK YOU SO MUCH--for the much needed-- AMAZING

lunch on Friday! 

~From Kim Mack (Social Worker at Stanton)

Huge thanks to Kelly Roland and Mollie Herchenbach for bringing Girls on the Run back!!!! Thank you

for investing so much time and energy already to get this going for this spring. This will be a life

changing experience for all the girls who get to participate. I also appreciate how we are starting small

to get it right and then grow it!!!


Thank you soooo much to the Kitchen teams at both buildings for the amazing SOUPER BOWL treats



Thank you to Kristie Paul for all your down in the weeds work to get us ready for the massive task that

is the 3 year compliance audit. YOU are appreciated!!!!

-From Heather 💓

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

Engagement Task Alert!!!!

2024-25 Calendar Options
Thanks so much to the 90+ employees who gave input on the calendar options! GREAT PARTICIPATION!!!! The Committee is meeting on Monday 2/12 to review the data and determine how we want to move forward. I'll share the data with everyone once the Committee has been able to review. 

February 16 Institute Day
We are putting the final details together for the 2/16/24 Institute Day-still working on final details, and will have a DRAFT out for everyone ASAP!!! Thanks for your patience...there are a LOT of moving parts!!! 

Summer School!
We are still planning for summer school. We will be building the enrollment lists via SST in the next couple of weeks and then will assign staffing after the class lists are built. To ensure that we meet the goal of CLOSING LEARNING GAPS, we will NOT open this up to the full community. Rather, we will limit to only the students you recommend as the most in need based on their benchmark data. 

HOWEVER, I do want to know who will be interested in teaching/working as a paraprofessional, so here are the details:

PreK-8 Program
July 8-August 8
8-11 am daily (plus one hour of plan)
Certified rate: $52/hour
Para rate: TBD

We are blessed to have unexpected grant funding to allow us to keep the hourly pay rate for this summer! 

Note: We cannot start the bulk of summer school until after July 4 so that much of the construction work can be completed. 

My goal is to have the class lists and staffing plan complete by Spring Break!

Questions--let me know!

Staff Illnesses

If you test positive for COVID, please let me know immediately. You may return to work as soon as you meet all the criteria above. I am not asking for a 5 or 10 day window at this point; rather, you must meet the return to school criteria listed above. You are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a mask upon your return to prevent the spread of illness to others. Please alert me as to your date of return. Any days out are sick days. 

Masks are available in the office for all staff who wish to wear one. 

All staff MUST follow the same sick guidelines we apply to students. These days are counted as sick days. The guidelines are as follows (linked here and copy/pasted below):

Sick Day Guidelines: Making the right choice!  
Dear Parents:  To help prevent the spread of illness, we would like to give you some guidelines to help with your decision on whether or not to send your child to school.  We ask that you keep your child home if he or she:  
• Has a fever of 100.4 (oral) degrees or higher 
• Has cramps and or vomiting • Has a sore throat with fever (see below) 
• Has a persistent cough (dry or productive) 
• Has diarrhea (three or more episodes in 24 hrs) 
• Has a rash or open and draining sores 
• Has symptoms that prevent him or her from participating in school, such as:  
o Excessive tiredness or lack of appetite 
o Headaches, body aches, earaches 
o Severe sore throat (could be strep-throat even without fever.  Other symptoms of strep throat in children are headache & stomach upset.  Contact your pediatrician to assess or diagnose strep throat).   

If your child has recently been ill, please be aware of the following guidelines before having your child return to school, athletic or social activities:  
• They should feel fit for at least 24 hours. 
• Be free of fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) 
• Be free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. 
• If strep throat, they must be on the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours. 
• If conjunctivitis, they must be on the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician.  
• Rash illnesses should be assessed by a doctor.  If chicken Pox is suspected, keep home for at least 5 days after the appearance of the rash or until all blisters have scabbed over. 

Please reach out to me with any questions, for clarification, or for support. Your safety and the safety of our students remains our utmost priority! 

Reporting Absences
All employees are expected to enter all absences in Frontline, even if you text/call/email others to let them know you will be out. This is a professional responsibility! 

In Case You're Interested...

Family Fun Fair
Saturday, February 24th,2024 
Lotus Gymnasium & Cafeteria
*This event is  FREE and FUN for the whole family! Come and stay as long or little as you like!! 

Lotus Book Fair
Saturday, Feb 24th-During the funfair
And during the school week of Feb 26- March 1st
*We are looking for parent volunteers to help out during the day, the week of the bookfair. 
If you are interested in helping, please email Katelyn at

CHIPOTLE Eat Out 2 Help Out
Tuesday, March 12th, 5-9 pm
Rt 120 Lakemoor, IL
*Mention D114 at time of purchase to get credit! This is a MUST for this establishment. 

March PTA Meeting
Thursday, Mar 14th, 2024
6:00 pm @ Lotus Library or Virtual

Our next EAFL spirit day will be Tuesday, February 20. Join us in wearing your EAFL shirt and then join us at the school board meeting that evening. 

Some opportunities: 

  • IEA Member Planning Time Survey

The Illinois Education Association is collecting information from members on planning time. The goal is to use the collected data to support advocacy for increasing uninterrupted individual planning time each day. Please complete the survey by Feb. 18.

  • Educators Rising Conference

March 4 at ISU, Normal. Learn more at and register by Feb. 9.

Share the flier.

Friday, February 16--Institute Day

Monday, February 19--School Closed--Presidents' Day

Tuesday, February 20--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus--7PM

Monday, March 4--SCHOOL IN SESSION--Emergency Day Make Up



I had a funny moment last Friday (at least I thought it was funny).  One of the 6th grade students asked, "Why are all of the teachers wearing college sweatshirts today?"  We really weren't, but my sweatshirt... Looney Tunes.

Thanks, Katy Gardner, for this one!!!! 😆

Please email me to share your funny stories, moments, and quotes (from kids or adults) so I can include them!!! (Ask permission first, please!) 

YOU hold the power to change students' days!!!! How can we all work to be the excited adults our students need? 

Thank you, Adisyn Illg, for sharing these with me! 

I truly appreciate each of you and all that you do!