Sunday, August 21, 2022

Monday Morning Memo 8/22/22


I'd love to send Kuddos out to Stephanie and Katie - for being so welcoming to me and new staff.  That goes for Kathleen and Brian as well.  I've felt so welcome to the team!!! 
-From Veronica Kretz (5th Grade at Stanton)

Thank you to everyone on the Kinder and First grade team for welcoming me to your amazing worlds. I am so grateful to work with all of you.
Thank you to Natalie and Cary for helping put my room at Lotus together. It looks fabulous. 
Thank you Lynn Smolen for answering all my questions and being so supportive.
Thank you Jen Groot for being so proactive with a new student that has a lot of needs. Your passion does not go unnoticed.
Thank you to Natalie and Rachelle for all the kind words you have said to me over the past week. I really appreciate it.  
Thank you Erica Barraza for everything. I am so grateful for your guidance.
-From Cathy Jawnyj (K/1 Case Manager at Lotus)

Thank you to Deb and Cheryl, two wonderful paraprofessionals that go above and beyond! Thank you so much for all the help you have already given the first grade team, you are making the start of our year extraordinarily smooth.  We are blessed to have you.
Thank you to Don, Russ, and Tim for always being willing and happy to help in any way necessary (Even when I make changes 50 times). I know you have lots of projects going on but you are always willing to lend a hand. You are all great assets to the Lotus team and we would be lost without you.
-From Cary Scarpino (1st Grade at Lotus)

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

Welcome Week

Please see the FINAL version of the Welcome Week schedule linked here. I'll send out the final version later in the week. 

To be ready for opening day on Monday, 8/22:
*Please email me your "walk up song" or the song our theme for the year--BELIEVE! INSPIRE! ACHIEVE!--makes you think of. 
*Please email me a picture or pictures from your summer. 
*Please BRING a hard copy picture of the most important child in your life. The picture needs to be no bigger than 4" X 6". If you can't bring a picture...don't worry, we have a plan B! 

Maintenance Requests
When you need anything done in your space, please use this WORK ORDER REQUEST to enter it. This is how we track and assign all the jobs we need done, so please use it. THANKS!!!

Staff Lunch Updates for 22-23
Last year with all the shortages in the food service, prices have been spiking so this year everything is already more expensive.

We have the need to increase the price of our a la carte from $1.25 to $1.50.
Adult meals ("student lunch for adult") and teachers lunches (salads and sandwiches) will go up $0.10 from $3.50 to $3.60.

COVID Updates
We are starting this year in a "back to normal" way!!!! With the CDC's reduced guidelines, we are now waiting for IDPH and LCHD guidance. For now, here's what we know:
*We will "deep clean" all spaces and buses situationally. 
*We will have both rapid tests and weekly PCR testing available for staff or students who request one. We will NOT have any required weekly testing. 

As always, as or when things change, I will keep you posted.

Monday, August 22--WELCOME BACK! All staff celebration at Lotus AM and building based time PM--see Welcome Week schedule linked above!

Tuesday, August 23--see Welcome Week schedule linked above!

Wednesday, August 24--Workday AM, Meet and Greet PM (Lotus 12-2, Stanton 1-3) 👍

Thursday, August 25--First Day of School K-8!!!! 💗

Monday, August 29--First Day of School for PreK!!!! 💗

Curriculum Nights--format TBD
All from 6-7 PM
Sept 6 (PreK & 2nd)

Sept 8 (1st & 4th)

Sept 13 (Kinder & 3rd)

Sept 15 (Stanton)

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


D114 Family Update

Work Order Request

Technology Support Request
