Thank you to Cathy Jawnyj for being such a "kids first" person. We so appreciate you shifting roles to fill the K/1 case manager position that we just couldn't find a person for. You are amazing and truly appreciated! The teachers and kids are so lucky to have you!
Thank you to everyone working together to figure out how to fill Cathy's very big shoes as we plan for MTSS moving forward.
Thank you to the entire Stanton staff for your patience as we continue to work on the HVAC installation. I know it's made it very difficult to get into your rooms, and it's also not done yet. Your patience is truly appreciated and we WILL get there!
Thank you to the Lotus and Stanton Guiding Coalition teams. WOW! Your work is just incredible!!!
Thank you to everyone who did summer curriculum work or joined for training. You giving your summer time to learn, grow, and plan is truly appreciated.
To the Administrative are simply amazing. I couldn't work with a better team.
-From Heather
Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!
Please see the most current version of the Welcome Week schedule linked here. I'll send out the final version later in the week.
To be ready for opening day on Monday, 8/22:
*Please email me your "walk up song" or the song our theme for the year--BELIEVE! INSPIRE! ACHIEVE!--makes you think of.
*Please email me a picture or pictures from your summer.
*Please BRING a hard copy picture of the most important child in your life. The picture needs to be no bigger than 3" X 5". If you can't bring a picture...don't worry, we have a plan B!
Staff Lunch Updates for 22-23
Last year with all the shortages in the food service, prices have been spiking so this year everything is already more expensive.
We have the need to increase the price of our a la carte from $1.25 to $1.50.
Adult meals ("student lunch for adult") and teachers lunches (salads and sandwiches) will go up $0.10 from $3.50 to $3.60.
COVID Updates
We are starting this year in a "back to normal" way!!!! With the CDC's reduced guidelines, we are now waiting for IDPH and LCHD guidance. For now, here's what we know:
*We will "deep clean" all spaces and buses situationally.
*We will have both rapid tests and weekly PCR testing available for staff or students who request one. We will NOT have any required weekly testing.
As always, as or when things change, I will keep you posted.
Tuesday, August 16--New Staff Welcome and Mentor Lunch
Wednesday, August 17--New Certified Staff Learning Morning (optional room set up in PM)
Monday, August 22--WELCOME BACK! All staff celebration at Lotus AM and building based time PM--see Welcome Week schedule linked above!
Tuesday, August 23--see Welcome Week schedule linked above!
Wednesday, August 24--Workday AM, Meet and Greet PM (Lotus 12-2, Stanton 1-3) 👍
Thursday, August 25--First Day of School K-8!!!! 💗
Monday, August 29--First Day of School for PreK!!!! 💗
Curriculum Nights--format TBD
All from 6-7 PM
Sept 6 (PreK & 2nd)
Sept 8 (1st & 4th)
Sept 13 (Kinder & 3rd)
Sept 15 (Stanton)
2022-23 Early Release/Professional Development Planning Calendar
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this