Sunday, May 1, 2022

Monday Morning Memo 5/2/22--IT'S STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK!!!!



For helping paint a rainbow of learning for our students !

Thank you to our amazing PTA and all the staff volunteers and families who attended who made the Day of Service 2022 amazing. Thanks to Jeff for the pictures...check them out here!

Morgan Figel, you are an extraordinary teacher and such a gift to the world. Thank you for having me Friday. Your kiddos are pure magic and you bring out the best in them! 
Shout out to Lotus grade-level teams for collectively committing to the implementation of ARC this school year. I am in such awe of all the growth our students have made thanks to YOU. Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do.
-From Erica Barraza

Thank you to Michele Burgess for helping organize DOS shirts and sending out emails at Stanton. 
Thank you Kim Leable & Abbey Kadera for being amazing advocates for your kiddos! 
Thank you Lisa & Amber for organizing Skating! The kids love it and it was a great break for me to hang out with the kiddos!
Paula, know you are amazing and your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. :) 
Thank you Eddie for setting up tables in the cafeteria and picking up our mess after the shower. Much appreciated.
Thank you Nicole Mild for grabbing my kinder class and bringing them upstairs as I was dealing with a student. :) 
-From Victoria Miller

Thank you to Mo DeVoss for letting all six of us crash your classroom to see Number Corner in action! It's amazing all that you can do in such a short amount of time! 
Kudos to Jill Becmer for organizing such a great Variety Show!!
Kudos to Dani Jones for thinking of me with a very thoughtful surprise. I love my "Instructional Coach Strong" t-shirt!
-From Stephanie Kaye

Ryan for organizing guest speakers for our 8th graders.
Liz and Laura for organizing the Lymphoma and Leukemia student fundraiser.
Stephanie and the teachers that spent time digging into the ARC reading resources.
Jill (and her posse) for producing a wonderful Variety Show.
Mary Taylor for putting together our first big HVAC meeting with the project managers and engineers.
Our track coaches for spending hours and hours in this wonderful spring weather so our kids can compete in some of the bigger local MS Meets.
The Guiding Coalition for the great dialogue on homework, zeros, and grading.
Karen for keeping the NJHS students constantly engaged in improving Stanton. 
To Emily, Bryan, Sue, Al, the Lotus staff, and PTA for a really cool 2022 Day of Service!
-From Rachelle Peters and Jeff Sefcik

A belated thank you to Lisa Huck and Amber Mysliwiec for taking the fourth graders early to their P.E. class before the Camp Duncan trip the other week.  Also thank you to Gayle McManamon and Victoria Miller for meeting early with the fourth grade specials classes, too.  Thanks to all of you, the fourth grade team was able to have their plan time that day.  Much appreciated!!
Thank you to Morgan Figel for driving me to and from school one day last week.  I appreciated your generosity and especially the conversation.  That meant so much to me.
-From Mary Santi

Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉

Returning COVID Sick Days
Maddie is currently working on Sick Day Reimbursement for any COVID related absences. If you receive an email notification from Frontline regarding an 'Admin Assigned' absence, please disregard. If you qualify for Sick Day Reimbursement, you'll receive a separate email from Maddie with specific details related to your absence(s).

PTA Treasurer Needed!
The PTA is in need of a treasurer for the 2022-2023 school year! Please contact if you are interested or have any questions.

Insurance Open Enrollment
Our annual open enrollment for the 2022-23 school year will begin on May 2, 2022 and run through May 20, 2022. Benefits will be effective September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023. All open enrollment changes/updates will be handled electronically. Employees returning for the 2022-23 school year MUST complete the enrollment process online, even if coverage will be waived.

During open enrollment you can enroll, waive coverage, add family members or make necessary changes. It's also a great time to review beneficiary, address and other personal information for accuracy. Note: You must re-enroll into your Flexible Spending Plan, if you would like to continue the plan. 

Dental/Vision Coverage:
Employees are no longer required to have Dental/Vision Insurance through the district. If you do not use our Dental and/or Vision insurance plan, feel free to waive coverage. 

Please reach out to Maddie Mercado with any questions or concerns.

Summer School 2022!

Pay rates:
Certified staff--$52/hour (this pay rate uses the end of our ESSR funds, and the rate is higher than other elementary districts in our area)
Support staff--hourly rate + $75 weekly bonus for each week with perfect attendance

Dates for Programs

At Lotus due to Stanton HVAC construction

Mondays-Thursdays, 8:00-11:00AM (7:00AM-8:00AM OR 11:00AM-12:00PM paid plan time for classroom teachers)

Current K-7 students:

6 Weeks:

June 6

June 13

June 20

June 27 

July 11 

July 18

PreK Plans

2 week Preschool Camp-any current prek students invited

June 6th-9th, June 13th-16th

4 week Transition Program for Kinder-only Kinder age (invite new Kinders from registration if room)

July 11th- Aug 5th (new dates)

COVID is still real, everyone! We have multiple staff out with COVID right now. Please remember to:
1. Keep your distance. 
2. Stay home when you are sick.
3. Wear a mask if symptomatic or returning from illness. 
4. Wash your hands regularly. 

We have N95 and KN95 masks available for staff in each building's office. Please request them if you'd like! :)

Family Member Surveillance Testing
If you have a family member who would like to participate in weekly surveillance testing, we now have the capacity to send tests home for you to give them! We'll mail them in, and you'll get results back via email. 
To participate, your family member(s) must register using this link:
Please let me know if you have any questions! 


Current Local COVID Data

Current D114 Daily Data


CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%

No data found–will monitor

The FINAL iReady diagnostic and Reading MAP benchmark window will open this week!  

A few things to keep in mind about iReady...

Connect with case managers and ELL specialists to ensure students with IEPs and 504s have their
accommodations in place prior to beginning the diagnostic
You do not need to proctor this assessment because the system will do it for you when students log on
Students will NOT have access to their iReady paths until they complete the diagnostic
Reach out to your Instructional Coach if you need anything!!!

Week of 4/25: 

WEEK of 4/18: 


-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)


Graphic Organizer


-Relationships Matter:

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (also known as Asian Pacific American

Heritage Month) is held in May each year. It’s a time to celebrate and learn about the vast

contributions that people of Asian and Pacific Islander heritage have made to America.

The Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month theme this year is “Advancing

Leaders Through Purpose-Driven Service.”


Check out this slideshow of 15 notable Asian-Pacific Americans and their contributions to American culture

and history. There are also two open-ended questions you could discuss with your class.


-Community Builder:

Switch it Up:

1. Students push chairs away from

their desks & sit down.

2. The teacher starts the wave going

clockwise around the classroom.

3. Anyone can reverse the direction

by standing up & clapping twice.





-Silly Cheer/Sport

Please check out the Region 49 newsletter. There is information about what is new and upcoming for our region. 

A great PD opportunities:

Beyond Tracking and Detracking: Schools as Sorting Machines | May 10, 4-5 p.m.

Join the IEA Opportunity Coalition for another Bridges of Opportunity discussion. This discussion will feature Dr. Thad Domina to discuss moving beyond tracking and detracking in schools.


Dr. Domina has spent more than 20 years documenting educational inequalities and looking for educational policies and strategies that help to create a more just, equitable, and inclusive society. His work has been supported by the National Institutes of Child Health and Development, the National Science Foundation, and the Spencer and W.T. Grant Foundations, among others. Sign up for the virtual event.

We hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and has a wonderful rest of the school year.

End of year dates!
May 18, - last day to purchase in the PBIS Store.

May 20th, - winners announced for 3rd Trimester Raffle 6 winners of the Pokemon Bundle.  

May 20th, - Staff winners & classroom monthly winners announced 


 May 14, 2022--Bike Rodeo from 10 am to  Noon at Lakefront Park, sponsored by the Fox Lake Police Department

May 17--Board of Education meeting at Lotus at 7:00 PM or on Meet

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Hello, MAY...

YOU are truly, truly appreciated!