Insurance Updates
They are looking for folks to start as soon as possible, but mostly on the weekends until summer break so as not to interrupt school schedules. Thanks so much!
At Lotus due to Stanton HVAC construction
Mondays-Thursdays, 8:00-11:00AM (7:00AM-8:00AM OR 11:00AM-12:00PM paid plan time)
Current K-7 students:
6 Weeks:
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
July 11
July 18
PreK Plans
2 week Preschool Camp-any current prek students invited
June 6th-9th, June 13th-16th
4 week Transition Program for Kinder-only Kinder age (invite new Kinders from registration if room)
July 11th- Aug 5th (new dates)
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
Here are some great reminders and tips for maximizing Personal Instruction for our students:
Log in to i-Ready, and use this action plan to help you review your Personalized
Ensure teachers are also monitoring and responding to Personalized Instruction data.
Keep students engaged by having them track progress with
*No iReady Data this week due to IAR Testing.
-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)
-Relationships Matter:
We’re approaching the last several weeks of school and, yes, the kiddos are restless! Yet, we still
have TONS of learning that needs to take place, and standardized tests are here! How do we ensure
that our students are still learning and engaged when all they can think about is Summer Break?
Try this easy strategy!
Mystery Word
Review your classroom goals or expectations and make sure they are displayed for all to see.
As students achieve these goals as a whole, they earn a mystery letter from a bag. Ahead of time,
you will have cut and scrambled up the mystery reward into individual letters and placed them all in a
bag. When they earn all the letters, they unscramble the word and earn that reward. Some example
words/rewards: popsicle, popcorn, recess, lunch w teacher, free time etc.
-Community Builder:
As If:
Teacher reads sentences to class.
Have students act out each sentence for
30 seconds.
-Jog in place AS IF a big scary bear is
chasing you.
-Walk forwards AS IF you’re walking
through chocolate pudding.
-Jump in place AS IF you are popcorn
-Reach up AS IF you are grabbing
balloons out of the air.
-March in place AS IF you are in a
marching band.
-Shake your body AS IF you are a
wet dog.
-Silly Sport/Silly Cheer
ESP members:
2022 ESPs: Supporting Our Own Through Peer Mentoring Blended Learning Course
- The course begins June 16 and ends August 11, 2022.
- The course is facilitated by ESP leaders who have developed and coordinated ESP mentoring programs.
- The course can be taken as an individual or a team (organized around a local or state association).
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this