Kudos to Stephanie Silverman who was so willing to help with one of my students in the hallway. She knew just what to do. That was very appreciated!
The Board of Education has determined that it will hold a special session on Monday, February 14 at 4:00 PM in the Lotus gymnasium to discuss and consider shifts in our mitigation strategies. This will be an in person meeting only, and the meeting will be limited in scope to this conversation.
This meeting is open to the public, as are all Board of Education meetings. If you'd like to attend to make a public comment at this meeting, I'd ask for the following, as stated in D114 Board Policy 2:230:
- Contact me via email at heather.friziellie@foxlake114.
org to request to speak. I'll make the agenda of speakers based on your time stamped email, and I will confirm receipt of your request. If you plan to speak, please let me know by 12:00 PM on Monday, February 14. - Address the Board during Audience Comments and when recognized by the Board president.
- Plan to speak for 3 minutes or less, and please be concise and clear in your message. The President may allow for additional time, but this is not required.
- Act, at all times, with respect and civility toward others.
If you are unable to attend the meeting but would like to share your comments, please email them to my administrative assistant, Kristie Paul, at by 12:00 PM on Monday, February 14. She will confirm receipt and print your email. It will then be copied and given to all Board members and read aloud, if time permits. Each written statement will have no more than 3 minutes to be read aloud, and each statement should show, as stated above, respect and civility toward others. Statements submitted advance will be added to the audience comment agenda based on the time stamped email received.
I'll share you on the draft slides I'll be sharing after public comment at some point Monday before the meeting.
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
Way to go D114! Let’s keep up the momentum of staying strong with our iReady lessons! Please remember to be checking iReady Paths and adjust them as needed.
This Week:
Last Week:
-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)
Relationships Matter
Use the next 2 activities throughout the month (and the rest of the year) to keep Black history at the forefront of your lessons and encourage your students to keep learning more. Stay tuned next week for more!
3. Black History Trivia & Games
Bring some fun (and maybe a little competition) into your lessons this month! Find trivia and games that focus on Black history, or repurpose other classroom games to incorporate Black History Month questions and answers.
4. Virtual Events
Classroom learning is great, but there’s so much students can learn from their own experiences!
This year especially, there are plenty of online activities and events celebrating Black History Month. So why not choose a youth-appropriate one your class can participate i
National Museum of African American History: Classroom Connections
-Community Builder:
Form students into a circle and give each a unique picture of an object,
animal or whatever else suits your fancy. You begin a story that incorporates
whatever happens to be on your assigned photo. The next student continues
the story, incorporating their photo, and so on.
-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break:
Webinar for ESPs: Thursday, Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. CST. Learn more about the power of resiliency.
Educators will review the foundations of resiliency and self-regulation needed to support their work. Strategies and recommendations will be provided to support the specific roles of education support professionals (ESPs), specialized instructional support personnel (SISPs) and teachers.
FREE NEH Summer Teaching Institutes – In summer of 2022, there will be two NEH Summer Teaching Institutes for K-12 Educators at the University of Arkansas. Apply by March 1 for a free, two-week professional development workshop from the University of Arkansas. Participants get a $2200 stipend. Find out more about these exciting projects here:
The Local and International Legacies of Nelson Hackett’s Flight from Slavery, 1841-1861
June 20-July 1, 2022
Pandemics in History, Literature, and Today
July 11-22, 2022
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this