Sunday, January 9, 2022

Monday Morning Memo 1/10/22


As we kick off 2022, it's time to share our "words" for the year. For 2021, mine was BELIEVE. I needed it... A LOT...during 2021. 

For 2022, my word is PERSPECTIVE.

And please see below for some words for 2022 from our 4th graders! Thank you, Tiffany Tardio Weber, for sharing!



THANK YOU to everyone for all the flexibility you continue to show to help us stay open and keep our kids in person. I appreciate you more than you can ever, ever know!
-From Heather 

I wanted to send kudos to Kim Hansen for being quick to help with one of my students that was having a hard time with a change in his schedule.
She was able to help him and calm him down.
Thanks for the quick action Kim, you are amazing :) 
-From Vicki Alper

To Andrea and our drivers for doing a great job getting our kids to and from school last week!
Walter Nickles, Grant Chapman, and Makaila House, along with our Para support, for supervising our Bus 6 riders after school. 
-From Jeff Sefcik

Thanks to all who helped last Thursday for three meetings:  Gina Crosthwaithe and Brittany Miller for subbing; Anna Carlson, Victoria Corrado and Abbey Kadera for updates on students; and Natalie Udstuen for some last-minute support.
Thanks to Kim VanHoorelbeke for always being so understanding.  
From Mary Santi

A huge kudos to Christine Spittler,Misty Madula, Brittany Miller and Fiona Wisniewski for helping set up my students for virtual therapy last week while I was out.  Thank you also to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade teachers for all of your flexibility with scheduling!!
-From Alana Carlson

Many thanks to Mike and Ellen for their help when I could not be in person on Monday and Tuesday. Their presence in the classroom made all the difference as I was teaching. Thank you both!💕
Big thanks to Miss Deb and Mrs. Spittler, your help in supervising and then cleaning up the art room after bus 6 kids left was so appreciated!! 💕
Many thanks to Lisa, Erin and Amber for their help when I was working remote early last week!! I so appreciate you all!! 💕
Thank you Mike for providing the technical support needed to make remote work. You are nothing shy of amazing! 💕
-From Gayle McManamon

Thank you so much Melanie Schlesser, Debbie Miller, Deb Marienau, Mike Fefferman, Lisa Huck, and Nicole Mild for helping me in Mrs. Wydra’s classroom this week!  You are all so awesome!!!❤❤❤
-From Kim Leable

Thank you to all the teachers/paras that help in the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch! You are all amazing! Your help with the lines, handing out and refilling condiments, milk and much..much..more is what makes breakfast and lunch run so smoothly.  It definitely doesn’t go unnoticed. We appreciate you!!! 
❤️-Lotus Kitchen Ladies 

Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉

The Equity Core Team has been working hard together for a long time, and we have learned a lot. We'd love to welcome anyone interested in exploring equity and how to reach out to ALL students in our classrooms in new and different ways. If this is something you'd like to be a part of, please plan to join us on Wednesday, January 26 at Stanton at 3:15. We'll share some of our efforts, show you some great activities we learned at Deep Equity Training, and then get input from YOU on how to move forward to help us all continue to grow. Participants will be paid for their time, so mark your calendar if this sounds like something that interests you. More info coming after break!

If you haven't yet spent your supply money for the year, you can still do so through Feb. 1 in case there are things you need once the new furniture is in place over winter break. Please reach out ot Andrea DeMatteo with any questions. 
COVID Updates

Linked here is the correspondence I sent out on Friday with our most up to date processes. Please, please, please keep your principals and me informed on your health status so we can plan accordingly! 

O'Hare Log In Issues
If you have trouble logging in to get your results:

 Please try on a computer/desktop as mobile versions can have issues. Please  email with their first name, last name, DOB, and school if issues continue--they can send the result manually if needed.

Also, please be sure to click "enter"...not just press the enter key. 

Current Local COVID Data

D114 Daily COVID Data


CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%

18.61 %

-January iReady GOALS:

Winter iReady diagnostic and Reading MAP benchmark will take place this week through 1/21/2022. A few things to keep in mind about iReady...

  • Connect with case managers and ELL specialists to ensure students with IEPs and 504s have their accommodations in place prior to beginning the diagnostic

  • This diagnostic will begin where the students left off on the fall diagnostic so it might start off harder than expected

  • You do not need to proctor this assessment because the system will do it for you when students log on

  • Students will NOT have access to their iReady paths until they complete the diagnostic

  • Take time as a team to schedule the diagnostic and prepare students in advance

  • The student's paths will be adjusted according to how they perform. It is CRUCIAL to explain this to students and to take the time to set goals that are attainable and realistic. This may prevent you from having to adjust their paths manually after the diagnostic is complete. 

  • Reach out to your Instructional Coach if you need anything!!!

The following resources may be helpful when planning for the winter diagnostic. 

Even if you’ve done these things before, it’s always important to remind students of expectations and why it’s important to try their best. For all tips and tools to help you prepare for the Diagnostic, visit


For both MAP and iReady, please be sure to have students Goal Set before they take the benchmark. 


-January iReady DATA:

THIS WEEK District Totals: 



December 2021 Data




-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)



Relationships Matter

Launch the second half of the year with a review of routines and procedures. Try speaking in just above a whisper voice to get students fully engaged! Encourage independence by modeling each routine explicitly. Build in extra time for practice and mastery. Give plenty of positive feedback. Be patient. Model procedures again and again. Use PBIS points to reinforce. This can be applied to all grade levels and ages! 


Remove a post it note each time students follow that procedure. When finished removing all, celebrate! 



-Community Builder:

Just Listen

Write different topics on index cards. Stick to topics you know will

gauge student interests. Divide students into groups of 2-4. One

person picks an index card blindly and has to talk about that topic for

1 full minute. The other member(s) have to listen closely because their

job will be to restate what the person said or ask questions.


-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break:

Important Date to Note:
Board of Education Meeting and EAFL Spirit Day: Tuesday, January 18th @ Stanton- Wear your EAFL T-Shirt and join us at the board meeting either virtually or in person!

Winter PD: The 2022 Winter PD Newsletter includes fliers and registration links for FREE professional development! New online courses and book study begin Jan. 10.

SCORE Grant deadline approaching!  Jan. 15, 2022 is the application deadline for IEA SCORE Grants. All IEA members are encouraged to apply! Funds are available for IEA members and their local associations to collaborate and create opportunities for community service or school projects. To learn more and apply online, visit

And don't forget, if you are interested in learning more about TRS IMRF or are looking to find out more about financial programs available to teachers, Steve Podgorski is a wonderful resource.  Feel free to reach out to him by phone or email  Cell: 847-815-1595 Email:

The NEA in a partnership has created an app to promote mental health for its members. Here is a link for the flier if you are interested. Sanvello Flyer  

January 21--Stanton End of Quarter 2 Raffle!

January 10--PTA Eat Out to Help Out
Time: (hours of operation)
Where: Antioch Pizza-Fox Lake
*Please mention the event AND the grade level at the time of purchase in order for the PTA to receive credit as well as the grade level. The Grade with the most sales will receive a pizza party!! 
January 13--Virtual PTA Meeting
Time: 6:30 pm
Click the link below to be admitted into the meeting. (*you will need a Gmail account)

January 17--No School--Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 18--Board of Education Meeting at STANTON at 7PM


Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


I know this continues to be a crazy, wild ride. Please take care of YOU and remember how important YOU are to our success!