Kudos to my amazing second grade team for offering moral and physical support after a rough day. It is appreciated more than words can express!
Kudos to Kim Hanson for truly listening to my concerns and offering help promptly. We are so lucky to have you!
We spent the last several weeks reviewing all bus routes to make sure we have built the most efficient routes to allow for our drivers to meet the needs of our students in need of busing. I’m happy to report that we have been able to decrease the number of routes to build more flexibility to avoid situations where we have to double up routes, send buses back to pick up students when a driver is out. We now even have a sub driver when absences happen!
Our new routes will go into effect TOMORROW---MONDAY, OCTOBER 25. Thanks in advance for helping us launch these improvements.
Here's a schedule to clarify working hours for paras. All paras are expected to work a total of 15 hours between the two conference days.
Please review the schedule below and follow your start time:
6:15 am - 6:45 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm
7:15 am - 7:45 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm
7:30 am - 8:00 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm
8:00 am - 8:30 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm
Total paid hours - 11
All paras will work 8 am - noon on the second conference day for a total of 4 paid hours. Please let Maddie know if you have any questions.
10/22/21--Click here for Daily D114 COVID data.
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
Teaching & Learning
*iReady VS Ready Math Classroom are two different resources. iReady is the online
component that offers our students individualized instruction on the computer. Ready Math
Classroom is the core instruction which includes the workbooks, teacher manuals, and
resources shared in the “Teacher Toolbox.”
-October iReady Goals
Stanton- Please take time to investigate all the awesome resources the Ready Toolboxhas to offer. If you need help navigating the Toolbox features, reach out to your coach.
Stanton- Please check your “Personalized Instruction Summary” report to find students
that have not been active in iReady since the diagnostic.
Lotus- Please take time to watch the sample videos Susazanne shared. Click here for
the Padlet link. Reach out to your coach if you’d like to see a live demo lesson or be
paired up with another teacher.
Lotus- Please be mindful of the prerequisite data when planning your next 15 day plan.
This resource can help with pacing.
(Last Week’s is below - check out the increase!)
-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)
Relationships Matter
-This Week’s Tip:
Never underestimate the impact of a simple, daily “Hello” and “Have a great day” can have on
a student. It might feel like speaking to every student will take a great deal of time, and it
might be tempting to send a quick email during classroom changes. But students remember
adults who take the time to give them a smile and a kind word each day. Could there be a
better reason to invest those few minutes?
-Community Builder:
Wave Stretching
Have students form a large circle. Begin by picking one student within the circle. Have them
call out a stretch. Going either clockwise or counter-clockwise, every student must do the
stretch one by one. The idea is to pass the stretch as you go along. Once the stretch gets
back to the original student you chose, have the next student call out a new stretch. The
other students will have to hold the initial stretch until the new stretch makes its way to them.
-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break:
Awards, grants and scholarships
- ESP STAR Award: Use the online nomination form to nominate one or more special ESPs! Nominations can be submitted monthly.
- The NEA Foundation grants. Application deadline is Oct. 22:
- 2022 ESP of the Year: Only online nomination forms will be accepted. Submission deadline is Dec. 15.
- California Casualty's $2,500 Educator Jackpot: There will be one more drawing on Dec. 15. Entry deadline is Dec. 10. Learn more and enter today →
- Schools and Community Outreach by Educators (SCORE) grants: Grants for up to $1,000 are available to all members. Application deadline is Jan. 1.
- Burroughs Education Scholarship – $2,500 for college: Are you the parent of a student heading off to college next year? Learn more about the scholarship and past recipients. Application deadline is Jan. 31.
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this