Sunday, October 17, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 10/18/21


Did you know that October is...

OOPS...these were for last week and didn't save! I'm SO sorry! 

Thank you to Kim for the printing of my sub plans and preparing my room for subs. Thank you for calling and checking in on me. Greatly appreciate it. 
Thank you to EVERYONE who subbed in my room for my classes while I was out or picked up an extra shift somewhere to help out in my absence. I really am grateful to work with each and every one of you. I appreciate it so much. 
Thank you to those who called/texted/emailed to check in on me. I am so lucky to have you as co-workers/friends. :) 
-From Victoria Miller

Mary Santi,  I very much appreciated you taking the time to help explain and share your classroom.  It's a pleasure to work with you.The students are very lucky to have you :). 


To Matt & Natalie:  So much gratitude for always being there for us and supporting the entire school.  
-From Kim VanHoorelbeke

Kudos to 5th grade and 6th grade ELA for their intensive, hard work this week with ARC 
training and dedicating so much of their time on Institute Day to their future plans to launch 
Thank you Liz Anderson for asking me to come in and model using a RACE organizer in your 
SS class. Your class was very respectful and engaged!
Thank you to Gizelle Wells for inviting me in to model a Double Bubble Thinking Map in your 
SS class. I had a lot of fun learning about soldiers and pilots in WW1; your class was FULL in 
-From Stephanie Kaye

Thank you to Sonia and Sue for leading the kitchens with so much grace and love, with all the 
shortages you have been doing an amazing job. And all the Food Service Staff for going 
above and beyond in your daily activities, accommodating and providing meals to the pickiest 
Thank you for your support, I couldn't make it without you. ONE TEAM ALL IN! 
-From Georgette Franco

Georgette Franco for noticing a student having some emotional issue, caring for her in the 
moment, and informing me so that we could partner with Grant and Jessica to provide the 
best support possible!! 
-From Jeff Sefcik

I'd like to give a shout out to Erica Barraza!  She has come in many times to help me with some 
AMAZING tips and tricks to use with students who are practicing power words.  I had a student 
who was REALLY struggling with remembering her "wh" power words and with some tricks 
from Erica she can now read them at power speed!  Thanks Erica!
-From Cortnee Snell

Kudos to our new 4th grade teachers, Anna, Victoria and Caitlyn... so much work on Proficiency 
Scales and Standards-Based reporting, hard conversations and decisions!  All while planning, 
prepping and learning allll thethings in your first year.  I am so impressed with your hard work 
and grateful to be your teammate!  Thank you also to Erica for all your support as we go!  
-Tiff TW

I would like to give a shout out to Oner Medrano for helping me out SO MUCH communicating 
with my case load’s Spanish speaking guardians! 
And a huge thank you to Bryan Bailey for always be SO positive and helpful!
-From Maddie Hanson

To Erica, Amanda, Cathy, Mike, and Stephanie for an AWESOME data presentation to the 
Board on Tuesday night! It really WAS engaging and information PACKED!!!! #proximity
To Gizelle Wells and Dan Olson for letting me be part of their instructional planning, being open 
to ideas, and making me MUCH smarter about it all by sharing your expertise. 
To Emily Taylor for the time, dedication, and support you have provided so many of our 
students...and for how much you have taught all of us about how to best support students with 
hearing challenges. You are an awesome advocate for students!
-From Heather
Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉

Bus Updates
Thanks to Andrea DeMatteo and Becky Laverdure, we are finalizing revised bus routes to hopefully communicate changes to families this week and then launch the new plan on Monday 10/25. This will reduce our routes by 2 and allow us much more flexibility in our staffing. We will also make sure everyone gets all the information they need in advance to plan for the change--like paras riding routes, student bus numbers, etc. Thanks for your patience, and please feel free to share questions and ideas! 

GCN on Wednesday
On Friday, Maddie sent out a reminder of all required GCN trainings for the year with instructions attached. 

A Cybersecurity Awareness Training module also needs be completed by staff members.
The training module will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
The module is accessed via KnowBe4 training.
You will receive an email from KnowBe4 on Monday, Oct 18th, to set up your login access to the KnowBe4 website prior to the training date.

Please reach out to Maddie Mercado with any questions.

Spirit Wear Orders
If you ordered spirit wear from the American Outfitters online store at the beginning of the school year and have not received your order, you should have been contacted by the vendor on Friday. If you have not heard from them, please let me know. Huge backorders/supply chain issues have caused the delay, but I apologize for the lack of communication from the vendor. 

Paraprofessional Hours during Parent Teacher Conferences

Here's a schedule to clarify working hours for paras. All paras are expected to work a total of 15 hours between the two conference days.


Please review the schedule below and follow your start time:

  • 6:15 am - 6:45 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm

  • 7:15 am - 7:45 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm 

  • 7:30 am - 8:00 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm 

  • 8:00 am - 8:30 pm Meal break: 5-6 pm

    • Total paid hours - 11

All paras will work 8 am - noon on the second conference day for a total of 4 paid hours. Please let Maddie know if you have any questions.


Furniture--Planning Ahead
We are planning for the move out of our old furniture and the move in of the new furniture at both sites over Winter Break. As you can imagine, this will be a BIG task and we'll need some help!

When: Monday, December 20
Time: 7:00AM-appx 3:00 PM
Our fabulous custodial crew will be onsite, but if you're willing to be part of this effort, we will pay $15/hour to those who are willing to help make the plan happen. 

Let me know if you are interested! 

*Staff will have paid time to take things out of desks/get ready for the move out. 
*Staff have get paid time to set rooms back up.
*Paraprofessionals can request time for room set up to be reviewed by principals and allowed by principal approval. 
*Supply money deadlines will be extended through the furniture installation in case you need new stuff for your rooms with the new set ups. 
*Details on all the above will be finalized once we have a confirmed final plan for the furniture move. 

Suggestions and questions are welcome! 

1. Weekly Testing
*If you are a mandated tester and have tested COVID positive, you are exempt from testing for 90 days from your COVID positive date. Testing within the first 90 days may not provide accurate results, as it may still indicate the presence of COVID. If you choose to test and those results are positive, we will contact the Lake County Health Department for next steps. 

*If you are opting in for testing but have tested COVID+ in the last 90 days, please do NOT test, as results may still indicate the presence of COVID-19. If you choose to test and those results are positive, we will contact the Lake County Health Department for next steps.

2. A positive test is still a positive test. We cannot overrule a positive test, even when a negative result may be found later. This is in full alignment with our direction from LCHD. 

Current Local COVID Data

10/17/21--Click here for Daily D114 COVID data.


CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


Teaching & Learning 

*iReady VS Ready Math Classroom are two different resources. iReady is the online

component that offers ours students individualized instruction on the computer. Ready Math

Classroom is the core instruction which includes the workbooks, teacher manuals, and

resources shared in the “Teacher Toolbox.” 

-October iReady Goals

  • Stanton- Please take time to investigate all the awesome resources the Ready Toolbox

  • has to offer. If you need help navigating the Toolbox features, reach out to your coach. 

  • Stanton- Please check your “Personalize Instruction Summary” report to find students

that have not been active in iReady since the diagnostic. 
  • Lotus- Please take time to watch the sample videos Susazanne shared. Click here for

the Padlet link. Reach out to your coach if you’d like to see a live demo lesson or be paired up
with another teacher. 
  • Lotus- Please be mindful of the prerequisite data when planning your next 15 day plan.

This resource can help with pacing. 



-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)

One Minute Paper: learning and teaching strategy where the learners are asked one or two

quick but deep questions on the material covered.


More Info.




Relationships Matter

-This Week’s Tip: Spend 1-On-1 Time with a Student

“ I'm a huge fan of spending 1:1 time with students; especially those who struggle with

behavioral issues. In large classrooms, in particular, students often feel lost and that their

voices aren't heard. During one-on-one time, a student has the teacher's full attention.

ecause they don't feel compelled to perform for other students, they'll usually speak honestly.

It's important to structure one-on-one meetings so that they're conversational and pleasant—

not punitive. I'll ask a student about their family, what's going on in their life, how they're feeling

about the work in my class. Because we've fostered a stronger connection, students are

almost always less likely to act out in class after these meetings.”


-Community Builder: Back to Back Drawing - for Communication


What you'll need: Paper, pens/markers, printouts of simple line drawings or basic shapes. 


Instructions: Split your class into pairs and have each pair sit back to back. One person gets

a picture of a shape or simple image, and the other gets a piece of paper and pen. The person

holding the picture gives verbal instructions to their partner on how to draw the shape or image

they've been given (without simply telling them what the shape or image is). After a set

amount of time, have each set of partners compare their images and see which team drew the

most accurate replica. 


-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break: 

Thank you to everyone who came out to the board meeting on Tuesday!  Our interventionists, coaches and MTSS coordinator did an amazing job of presenting the data!

If you are interested in going the IEA Regional conference, please let one of the union board members know.  Nominations will go out this week. 

EMELT, Nov. 5-6 (Virtual): Registration for the IEA Ethnic Minority & Emerging Leadership Training is now open! This series of workshops is geared to helping ethnic minority and emerging leaders in our state understand IEA structure, the resources at your disposal, the skills you need to increase association involvement, and assist you in developing a personal plan of action for long-term development and participation in the association. You will also refine your organizational skills, develop your problem-solving abilities, broaden your knowledge of education issues, and develop strategies that benefit your local organizations, schools, and communities. For more information regarding the conference, visit the website – EMELT Conference. Registration ends November 1 at 12:00 noon! Register today!  


$2,500 for College: 2022 Burroughs Education Scholarship

Applicants of the 2021-2022 Burroughs Education Scholarship must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a graduating high school senior heading to college.
  • Have at least one parent or legal guardian who is a school employee.
  • Application deadline Jan. 31


NEA Foundation: Grants for Educators – Application deadline extended to Oct. 22

Lotus Updates!
* If you still need help in setting up PBIS REWARDS APP,  Cortnee Snell is your point person.  Please email her and help is on the way.  Thanks Cortnee.  

* Keep giving those important PBIS Points for SAFETY.  (proper mask placement, proper space, walking, body awareness, safely going down the stairs, etc. 

Stanton Updates!
No updates this week

To all...
From Heather--Remember to pair any points given with verbal praise for the expected behavior. It clarifies WHY the student got the points...and increases the chance that they'll repeat the positive behavior. 
This is like a 2-for-1 of positives!!!! THANK YOU!

Eat Out 2 Help Out PTA Fundraiser
Where: Culver's Fox Lake
When: Monday, October 18th 
Time: 5-8pm
*Mention D114 PTA Event to help us receive 10% of purchases back to our organization.


Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


YOU are one of those people! Thank you for all you do!