Saturday, August 21, 2021

Monday Morning Memo--August 23, 2021




Thank you to the amazing food service team for all the yummy eats and treats last week! Georgette, Hilda, Jo,  Karen, Penny, Sonia, Sue,Yesenia, and Yvette---you are the BEST! 
Thank you to Georgette Franco and Sue Giandonato for donating your time at the Grant H.S. vaccine pod on Thursday! 
Thank you to Jill Becmer for helping me set up the Kona Ice treat on Tuesday.
Thank you to Debbie Miller for your kind words at the copy machine. I really, really appreciated them. 
Thank you to the entire Stanton team for enduring the heat and humidity AND masks. It's so hard, and you are so appreciated. 
-From Heather

Kudos to
  • Jill Becmer for making my opening day visions come true
  • Michele Burgess for inputting all the student schedules
  • Betty Cwiak and Karen Brnot for handing out the 2020-2021 yearbooks in the sweltering heat
  • David Roat for preparing all the student and staff technology for the upcoming school year
  • Rachelle Peters for her work on the master schedule, student schedules, and para schedules
  • the PBIS Core Team for creating 2 days full of team and community building for our students as they return to school
From Jeff Sefcik

Kudos to:
To our lunch bunch. Thank you for feeding us this past week
To Sue, Paula, and Sharon for getting everything split up and handed out.
Cheryl and Deb for always going above and beyond.
-From Colleen Robinson

Thank you to the 4th grade team - Tiffany, Caitlyn, Victoria, Anna, Gina, Brittany and Sherry - for awesome teamwork this past week!  A special shout-out to Tiffany for being our fearless leader!  It is a pleasure to work with all of you.
Thanks to  Lynn for arranging time for the sped team to meet on August 11.  The sharing of information was invaluable!
The "Wow!" award goes to Victoria Miller who, on the first day of school, looked at a child's name on a misplaced lunchbox and knew within seconds which room to send it to!
A huge thank-you to Georgette and the Kitchen Team for preparing breakfasts and lunches for the staff this past week!!  There were so many choices and it was all delicious.  Thank you!!
-From Mary Santi

Mike Fefferman THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for helping get our giant room poster, word wall, arc books, and cabinets organized!!! Starting the school year out with a much shorter TO DO list is so appreciated especially with my crazy home life!! #blessed #thankful Thanks for listening to me vent and cry without judgment too! 
-From Sherry Tietjen

- GIGANTIC KUDOS TO Linda for being a "ROCKY" all Star for the Kids Friday.   🌟  
- BIG KUDOS  to EVERYONE that helped with PBIS Stations on Thursday & Friday.  
-From Kim VanHoorelbeke

When approaching any student situation I always keep in the back of my mind the ultimate golden rule, "how would I want my child treated?"  A huge kudos to Ellie Seyfert for helping with a student on the first day that needed extra love and attention to be successful.  Not only did she help, but followed up continuously throughout the day to make sure the student knew she was there if needed.  
Thank you to Amber Mysliwiec for helping run parent pick up for dismissal!  
A shout out to Sonia Miller and Georgette Franco for ensuring breakfast and lunch run smoothly!  
Thank you to Chris Franke and Cheryl Schuck for being amazing and helping out when needed. 
Kudos to Paula, Sue and Andrea for paying attention to all the last minute details!  You ladies are appreciated!
It was remarkable to walk into every classroom the first few days of school and see teachers SO excited to be back with the students and vice versa.  Kudos to every staff member in this building for making Lotus a wonderful place to be!
-From Natalie Udstuen

Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉

Please check these documents for the most current information! These are internal documents only. 

Quarantine Processes--key points shared with families in Weekly Family Updates. 

Remote Learning Process When Quarantines Happen--key points shared with families in Weekly Family Updates. UPDATES INCLUDED...PLEASE READ!

SHIELD Testing Opt In
We anticipate SHIELD testing starting after Labor Day. Testing will happen on Tuesdays and Fridays upon arrival. More details coming soon!

Vaccination Status

If you are vaccinated, please:
1. Take a picture of your vaccination card, or
2. Provide a copy of your vaccination card to the Health Office, or
3. Carry your card with you. 
This will expedite problem solving as/when situations arise!

If you are willing and haven't done so this summer, please complete this survey to share your current vaccination status. We are collecting this information to help us most efficiently respond to any COVID situations without having to bug you for information. Remember, as of right now, those who are vaccinated will not have to quarantine if there is a close contact situation. We also respect the varying perspectives on vaccinations, so there is no judgement whatsoever on your status. 

Current Local COVID Data


CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


Quarantine/COVID Positive Data










Spirit Wear
The D114 spirit wear store is OPEN until Sunday, August 29!  Check out the flyer attached to this week's Monday Memo, or visit the store using this link. Please note that any logo can be put on any item. Can't wait to see everyone in their spirit wear!!!


Teaching & Learning 


-August's Goals

  • Please email your Coach any names/rosters you’d like to be created as a “Report Group”. (FLEX Groups, etc.). Please add any other teachers or paras that may need access to your report groups. 

  • Get acquainted with the iReady Dashboard & the Ready Classroom Toolbox! 

  • Prepare students for their first diagnostic! Check out the premade, editable PPTs below.

Preparing for the Diagnostic PPT (Stanton)

Preparing for the Diagnostic Resources (Kinder)

Preparing for the Diagnostic PPT ( 1-5 )


Fall Diagnostic Testing Window

Grades 1-8, August 30th-September 10th  

Kinder, September 13th- September 24th



-August’s Formative Assessment

This year we decided to have at least one dedicated focus every month in Monday Memo. Throughout this year, we are going to focus on Common Formative Assessments!! Here is a video with an example of “Checking For Understanding”. Remember, Checking for Understanding can be used for anything - from simple understanding directions, to’s quick, easy, and full of valuable feedback for YOU, the teacher!

Check for Understanding







Relationships Matter


-Building Relationships

Building relationships with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do. Without a solid foundation and relationships built on trust and respect, quality learning doesn’t happen. Check out this section weekly for community/team builders and tips on how to create a trauma informed, culturally responsive environment that is equitable for all. 

This Week’s Tip: My Name, My Identity


-Community Builder

Download this Find Someone Who for a fun way to practice classroom routines and procedures!

Find Someone Who


-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break 

  • eXcellent- Make an X with your arms and yell, “you are eXcellent!”


Welcome back everyone!  I hope everyone had a great first week with students!  

New members: be on the lookout for a new member meeting with the union board coming up.

For all members: 

Back-to-school resources
To help educators prepare for the new—and very different—post-pandemic school year, NEA’s Teacher Quality department is offering a series of webinars and social-emotional learning (SEL) blended learning courses (registration closes Sept. 10).

Member benefits

IEA Early Career Committee members promote the benefits of membership in a new video.

Check out IEA's Member Center to learn more about all the benefits you are entitled to as an IEA member.

August 23: First Day of School for PreK!!!!

Curriculum Nights--VIRTUAL
Aug 30--PreK and 2nd
Aug 31--1st and 4th
Sept 2--K and 3rd

Sept 9--details to come

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Challenge---Pass on smiley face notes to people this week to tell them you are grateful that they are in your life. This can be anyone!!! 😀

Heather 💗