Sunday, December 13, 2020

Monday Memo 12/14/20


To Sharon Preskill for being very kind and patient with students if/when they come to the nurse or office for any reason.  I appreciate your level of empathy for our students in any situation.
To Michelle Magness- helping to navigate a situation for a student when they needed assistance on the bus.
K, 1st and 2nd grade teachers- taking on a revamp of their schedule to include small groups to better accommodate for reading instruction.
-From Natalie Udstuen

To Molly Goodsite for being a "Break Out Queen" -she was able to manage multiple breakout rooms for a really engaging lesson in her Medical Detectives Class - I was so amazed and impressed with all that she was able to do using small groups!
To Kim Husko for building such positive relationships with her students - her 6th grade PE class was full of laughter and students were eager to share their work. It was great to see/hear that! Keep it up!
-From Stephanie Kaye

Shout Out to Christine Spittler for being just an overall rockstar!!!!
Shout Out to Amanda Lorenz for being so open and available to let me observe you working with a student!
-From Cortnee Snell

To Jeff Sefcik...for just being you and going above and beyond for a 7th grader who needed stability and support.
To Jill Becmer...for completing all of the athletic boards for wrestling and track for students who qualified and placed at the state level. 
Michele Burgess...helping to start all of the students' cards for CICO every morning.
PBIS Team (Jessica Urban, Cathy Jawnyj, Stephanie Kaye, Grant Chapman, Katie Jalove)...for implementing PBIS celebrations, rewards, and support in the remote setting.
Stephanie Kaye...for always being there behind the scenes and working to support staff and their instructional needs. 
Michael Sementa...for being there to help out whenever needed and for getting our first round of student interventions completed. 
Emily Armbrecht...working with ILP A students during her plan time so they could get live instruction instead of the recorded lesson.
All our ILP A & B teachers and paraprofessionals that are present every day and give so much to their students onsite.
Jamie Smeigh...for being so versatile and being able to cover teaching positions and paraprofessional support wherever needed.
Bobby Warneke...for not hesitating to come onsite to help out.
Molly Goodsite...for giving her students such a great experience with being a medical professional, interviewing staff, and diagnosing illnesses.
-From Rachelle Peters

I'm so grateful to receive an invite for a GoGuardian account from Mike Szotek! I am now able to help students navigate their schedules and make it to our lessons. Cathy Jawny visited our "ReadingRoom" and shared a succinct/affective tutorial AND helped me set up connections for every student on my caseload. I am already reaping the benefits of this invaluable app.  Thank you so very much, my tech savvy friends! Procuring this tool will no doubt enhance participation and support student growth. Amen!
-From Joseph Fernandez

Shout outs to Cheryl Schuck, Mollie Herchenbach, Sonia Miller, Sharon Preskill, and Chris Brown???  They were a HUGE help today with material pulls for the weekend pickup.  There is absolutely  no way I would have been able to complete this by myself today!!!
-From Paula Kvacik

I would like to give kudos to Danielle McCarthy, Stephanie Kaye, and David Roat for their willingness to take time out of their busy schedules to help with our Wiki buddy meetings last Wednesday. Thank you for your help, which is appreciated more than you know!
-From Matt Shannon

Thanks Gina Crosthwaite for helping our students everyday.  They are so lucky to have you.  
Thanks Paula for helping me with labels for the kiddos.  You are always so willing in help in every way and always with a smile :)
-From Kim VanHoorelbeke

THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered their time for Saturday to make Santa's Breakfast happen!!! Whether is was prepping, the event, donations, or tear down. You are all ALL STARS!! The weather wasn't the best but we may do!! Thank you for supporting the PTA.
THANK YOU to everyone who donated a basket for the virtual holiday basket auction!!! They are amazing and can't wait to see how the rest of the week goes. 
Thank you to my amazing Specials team. I couldn't get through the virtual teaching without you. We all almost always seamlessly are on the same page whether we know it or not, which rocks! Thank you for your support. 
Thank you 3rd grade for always working with me and providing me resources for flex groups so I am prepared to work with the kiddos and continued support. 
-From Victoria Miller

I would like to give kudos to Linda Raz and Paula for working together and getting some last minute materials ready for the weekend pickup bin for a student! Thank you for all your help!! Much appreciated!
-From Gina Crosthwaite

Thank you to everyone who helped make the Santa Drive Through Breakfast happen. From making bags, to donating inflatables, to sharing information, to being there, to dressing up...THANK YOU! It was a magical morning. 
Thanks to everyone who joined for Friday's Paint and Sip. A special thank you to Jill Becmer for setting it up. 
Thanks to Natalie Udstuen and Rachelle Peters for all your help and support of the Ray Chevrolet holiday event. YOU made a huge difference for many of our kids. 
-From Heather

Here's our data from last week:
91% of students engaged with iReady at all. 
77% engaged for 30+ minutes. 
57 students didn't engage at all. 

Our Goal: 

85% of students engage for at least 30 minutes.

Way to go...

🌟All of 3rd grade met minutes so the whole grade level celebrated with a dance party in their pajamas on Friday. What a super fun idea!

🌟5th grade had 100 percent of students online last week and 77% of them met their minutes. Awesome job!!!

Early Release Schedule

On Friday, please feel free to kick off your Winter Break as soon as your work responsibilities are complete. Support Staff--please check in with the office before leaving to make sure all needed tasks are complete. THANK YOU!

COVID Updates

Updated dashboard data 12/13/20:

The dashboard with our most current data looks like this:

Onsite COVID Testing

We anticipate having the option of providing symptomatic staff members with COVID rapid antigen testing at both schools. This is a 15 minute result screening that--if a staff member is positive--we will take a "presumptive positive" approach and have the staff member begin quarantine. This is to limit the spread and know who needs to quarantine as quickly as possible. 

COVID Vaccination Updates
Last week, the Lake County Health Department shared a link for registration for the COVID vaccination. It is expected that Lake County will have the vaccination later this month for emergency personnel and hospital/healthcare staff. The tentative time frame for other emergency personnel (such as school staff) is in January. We are exploring options for how we can assist the LCHD in vaccination administration as well as have a convenient site for our staff and students. More to come on that ASAP, and I'm meeting with the LCHD and a small group of superintendents on Monday12/14  to discuss how to streamline this across Lake County. In the meantime, if you have not already, we are highly encouraging all of our staff to register for the vaccine - if you choose to register it does not commit you to the vaccine, it helps the county to know how many individuals may interested in the Phase 1B category. 

The link to register for the Covid Vaccine is:

Coming On Site
While we do want to minimize staff onsite to protect those who HAVE to report to support the in-person students, I know that, for some people, coming in helps you keep your sanity and balance. To that end, I'm saying that if it's an option to work at home please do. If you're far more comfortable teaching from school, then you can do so but you MUST consistently demonstrate the 3W's and stick to your room as much as you can. ❤

Employee Assistance Program

Please remember that ALL employees are able to use the services in the EAP program. Any support is strictly confidential. These are DIFFICULT times, so please don't hesitate to reach out for help!!! 

Coaching Corner

Lotus PBIS

* January 4th PBIS Booster Session:
- Remote/Regular School Matrix  Review to all students. 
  Matrix will be sent out Monday Morning for a reminder :) 
-  Mr. Peters & Mrs. Udstuen will be doing a short video welcoming everyone back, reminder of 
   the 3 school wide expectations and introducing the new 2nd Trimester PBIS Raffle prize.  

* PBIS Points Given...


Friday is Celebration Day! Please let your PBIS Core Team know if you have any questions. Any updates/schedules will be sent out this week!

Please have students take the PBIS Store Survey sometime in CB this week (email sent with survey link)

CICO has been presented during MTSS this week. If you did not see the presentation it is linked both here and it is in the Virtual Toolbox. Please continue to encourage your students who have been selected for CICO to complete the survey Katie Jalove sent out. CICO will begin after Winter Break. If you have questions regarding how to complete the forms, please reach out to Katie and Grant.


Safety Protocols

*If you have any COVID-10 like symptoms at all or are not feeling well, please DO NOT come onsite. 

If coming onsite:

*You must continue to self-certify using Skyward.

*All staff must enter through the main entrance at each site.

*You must sign in using the sign in sheet, mark that you self-certified, and take and record your temperature. IF YOU HAVE A FEVER ABOVE 100.4 YOU ARE ASKED TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND REACH OUT TO YOUR PRINCIPAL AND HEATHER.

*Once Sharon/Marc are onsite, they will review the sign in sheet and cross check with the self-certification report. If anyone is NOT cleared or did NOT self-certify, they will meet with them to ensure they are safe to be onsite. If not, they'll refer that employee to Heather. 

*If you arrive after Sharon/Marc are onsite, please will report to the Health Office to check in so we know you have self-certified. Your temperature will also be taken and recorded. Employees will know to do this because, when Sharon/Marc arrive, they will pick up the sign in log and put out a sign that says "Please come to the Health Office to check in". 


When you come onsite, you can work in your classroom/workspace.  Please feel free to use it as your own. I'd just ask that you work in that space as much as possible and not travel out much. You can,  of course you can use the bathroom, lounge, copiers, etc. as needed. Please do not congregate in the hallways or in other spaces. We simply want to keep you safe.


If you are alone in your workspace and the door is closed, you may remove your mask. If anyone enters that space, everyone in the space MUST wear a mask and stay 6 ft apart at all times. 


When you DO leave your room, I'd ask that you strictly follow the 4 W's to help keep yourself and others around you safe:

1. Wash your hands.

2. Wear your mask.

3. Watch your space.

4. Wait your turn.

If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and have been

or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, and/or me know

immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others.

You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and system

safety needs. 

All staff MUST wear masks AT ALL TIMES

when onsite and in public spaces. 

If you are working in an office/classroom

with the door closed, you may remove your

mask. It must be worn when anyone enters

that space with you. 

Happy Holidays! 
Check your email for a little holiday treat from the EAFL on Monday! 

Changes in Leadership
Just a reminder that as of Friday, December 18th Maureen DeVoss will officially be taking over as President of the EAFL and Melissa Jakstas will move into the role of Vice President of Certified Staff. Maureen and Melissa have been partnering closely over the last few months to make this as smooth of a transition as possible, but if you have any questions or concerns, please let us know! 

Melissa Jakstas, President

Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff

Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff

Katy Gardner, Treasurer

Betty Cwiak, Secretary

Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative

Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative

Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative


Don't forget to RSVP to Jill Becmer to join in any of the fun opportunities to relax and 
take care of YOU! 


I'm going to use the book 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators by my friend Tina Boogren to

share weekly nuggets of self-care ideas

for all of us.

Week 17: Social Media

Take control of your newsfeed and your relationship with it.

This week's invitation: Manage your social media use.

*Monday-Schedule your screen time rather than scrolling for too long. Consider limiting yourself to two

15-minute segments, and use a timer to know when you're done!

*Tuesday-Be super selective about who you follow. If anyone you're seeing makes you feel anxious,

angry, or upset, you have every right to delete, unfollow, or hide them from your feed.

*Wednesday-Schedule "live" time for connections. Text, call, or face time friends or family members!

*Thursday-Stop and think before you post. It's easy to post when you're angry, want to vent, or are

frustrated...but that typically doesn't lead to positive results. Before you put it out there, think about what

may come from it.

*Friday--What do you want to pay attention to? Put something purposeful on your phone lock screen to

help you focus on what matters most. This can be a picture, a quote, or whatever affirms what you are

working to do or focus on.

 2020-21 Wednesday CTT Planning Calendar


D114 Virtual Toolbox

D114 Family Update

D114 Curriculum Resources

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Work Order Request

Technology Support Request

Image result for mark your calendar

Tuesday, 12/15--December Board of Education Meeting (6:00 PM virtual-will share link in Morning Announcements)

Friday, 12/18--Early Release


Hoping everyone has a wonderful last week before break and the happiest of holidays.
