Our Goal:
85% of students engage for at least 30 minutes.
Way to go...
Early Release Schedule
On Friday, please feel free to kick off your Winter Break as soon as your work responsibilities are complete. Support Staff--please check in with the office before leaving to make sure all needed tasks are complete. THANK YOU!
COVID Updates
Updated dashboard data 12/13/20:
The dashboard with our most current data looks like this:
Onsite COVID Testing
We anticipate having the option of providing symptomatic staff members with COVID rapid antigen testing at both schools. This is a 15 minute result screening that--if a staff member is positive--we will take a "presumptive positive" approach and have the staff member begin quarantine. This is to limit the spread and know who needs to quarantine as quickly as possible.
The link to register for the Covid Vaccine is: AllVax.lakecohealth.org
- Two-Minute Tip: How to make your cursor larger so students at home can see where you're pointing to!
- Emoji Keyboard Extension
- Please take a minute and join in on this Jamboard to add something GOOD that came out of 2020...in a year with much negativity, take a minute to find the GOOD STUFF!
- Lunch & Learn - Wednesday, 12/16 11:30 - Let's learn about Quizizz and play some trivia while we're at it!
Safety Protocols
*If you have any COVID-10 like symptoms at all or are not feeling well, please DO NOT come onsite.
If coming onsite:
*You must continue to self-certify using Skyward.
*All staff must enter through the main entrance at each site.
*You must sign in using the sign in sheet, mark that you self-certified, and take and record your temperature. IF YOU HAVE A FEVER ABOVE 100.4 YOU ARE ASKED TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND REACH OUT TO YOUR PRINCIPAL AND HEATHER.
*Once Sharon/Marc are onsite, they will review the sign in sheet and cross check with the self-certification report. If anyone is NOT cleared or did NOT self-certify, they will meet with them to ensure they are safe to be onsite. If not, they'll refer that employee to Heather.
*If you arrive after Sharon/Marc are onsite, please will report to the Health Office to check in so we know you have self-certified. Your temperature will also be taken and recorded. Employees will know to do this because, when Sharon/Marc arrive, they will pick up the sign in log and put out a sign that says "Please come to the Health Office to check in".
When you come onsite, you can work in your classroom/workspace. Please feel free to use it as your own. I'd just ask that you work in that space as much as possible and not travel out much. You can, of course you can use the bathroom, lounge, copiers, etc. as needed. Please do not congregate in the hallways or in other spaces. We simply want to keep you safe.
If you are alone in your workspace and the door is closed, you may remove your mask. If anyone enters that space, everyone in the space MUST wear a mask and stay 6 ft apart at all times.
When you DO leave your room, I'd ask that you strictly follow the 4 W's to help keep yourself and others around you safe:
1. Wash your hands.
2. Wear your mask.
3. Watch your space.
4. Wait your turn.
If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and have been
or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, and/or me know
immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others.
You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and system
safety needs.
All staff MUST wear masks AT ALL TIMES
when onsite and in public spaces.
If you are working in an office/classroom
with the door closed, you may remove your
mask. It must be worn when anyone enters
that space with you.
Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative
I'm going to use the book 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators by my friend Tina Boogren to
share weekly nuggets of self-care ideas
for all of us.
Week 17: Social Media
Take control of your newsfeed and your relationship with it.
This week's invitation: Manage your social media use.
*Monday-Schedule your screen time rather than scrolling for too long. Consider limiting yourself to two
15-minute segments, and use a timer to know when you're done!
*Tuesday-Be super selective about who you follow. If anyone you're seeing makes you feel anxious,
angry, or upset, you have every right to delete, unfollow, or hide them from your feed.
*Wednesday-Schedule "live" time for connections. Text, call, or face time friends or family members!
*Thursday-Stop and think before you post. It's easy to post when you're angry, want to vent, or are
frustrated...but that typically doesn't lead to positive results. Before you put it out there, think about what
may come from it.
*Friday--What do you want to pay attention to? Put something purposeful on your phone lock screen to
help you focus on what matters most. This can be a picture, a quote, or whatever affirms what you are
working to do or focus on.
2020-21 Wednesday CTT Planning Calendar
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this
Tuesday, 12/15--December Board of Education Meeting (6:00 PM virtual-will share link in Morning Announcements)
Friday, 12/18--Early Release
Hoping everyone has a wonderful last week before break and the happiest of holidays.