Sunday, October 4, 2020

Monday Memo 10/5/20


To Trina Neukam for doing a fun, engaging, Kahoot! math review with her students. She is also very patient with her 5th grade math class!
To Erica Barraza For continuously meeting with me, guiding me, teaching me...the reasons she is awesome are endless.
To Melissa Jakstas--you have some of the most organized and thorough lessons. She is incredibly clear with her expectations for her students.
To Gizelle Wells--you taught a very engaging lesson using a moving Ted Talk and PearDeck lesson. It was full of games, reflection, and students were very engaged!
-From Stephanie Kaye

To the 6th Grade Team and our MTSS Team for your positive approach to reaching difficult students.  The collaboration and positive nature of our weekly meeting was OUTSTANDING!!!
-From Jeff and Rachelle (and Heather, too! Great meeting!)

A GIANT shout out to Maureen Koenig for keeping up with all of the transportation changes so that I could be with my family.
There are no words to express my gratitude, I can not thank you enough ❤
I am truly touched by everyone's kind words, thoughts and prayers,
thank you so much.
Andrea De Matteo

Tiffany McGranahan and Cathy Jawnyj for encouraging the mentor program.  It is so wonderful to be part of something so great and meaningful for kids!  I already had such a great first session with my little one!
Victoria Miller and Erin Connolly Jordt for stepping in for some extra assistance to cover rooms when needed.  
Kim Mack for being anywhere and everywhere needed.
Bridget Dvorak- for being so positive and for your willingness to try something will be fabulous!
A huge thank you to Michelle Magness for making videos for K-1 teachers to review to help them with the transition to onsite learning!  
-From Natalie Udstuen

Thank you to Gizelle Wells for your advocacy for our most neediest students. You are awesome!!
Thank you 8th grade team for helping problem solve around our most struggling students. You guys are fantastic.
Thank you to Gizelle Wells, Liz Anderson, Niccole Culbertson , Walter Nickles and Michelle Serini for making home visits with Jeff to check on our students we are concerned with. You guys are awesome. 
Thank you to Jeff Sefcik, Matt Peters, Natalie Udstuen and Rachelle Peters for always collaborating and helping me with anything I need. I really appreciate it!
Thank you to Amanda Lorenz and Mike Sementa for collaborating with me to make our MTSS system work. You guys are awesome!
Thank you to Grant Chapman, Kim Mack and Jessica Urban for always helping our students with social emotional needs. Thank you for going above and beyond. 
Thank you to Rich Bressett, Grant Chapman and Jessica Urban for problem solving on  a student.
Thank you to Tiffany McGranahan and Stephanie Kaye for being awesome coordinators for the mentor program. You guys are rock stars.
Thank you Erica Barraza for everything and just being you. I appreciate your help and friendship. 
Thank you to all the grade level teams for the amazing productive meetings we have had this week.
Thank you to the Pre-K team and Third grade team for letting me sit in during your CTT time. I love hearing all the awesome things you are doing for students. 
Thank you to Lynn Smolen for our Friday follow up meetings. You are awesome and I am so happy we are always on the same page.
Thank you Mary Foersterling for sharing your EC conference information with me; I'm so excited to look into it.
Thank you to Abbey Kadera, Kim Leable-Jacobs and Andrea Sekulich for always going above and beyond for your students and collaborating with me. I really appreciate it!
Thank you to all of the paraprofessionals at Stanton that are making the Para squad support list work! 
Thank you to all the paras in the district for everything you do for these students. You are truly amazing.
Thank you Becca Standberg and the Pre-K team for inviting me to work with students in your classroom weekly.  It is one of the best parts of my day and week. I am truly grateful, thank you.
Thank you David Roat for all the help with AIMSweb.  You have been a huge help!
Thank you to everyone for your commitment to excellence during this crazy time. I am in awe of how everyone is pulling together and doing to best for our students. I appreciate all of you!
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Shout Out to Matt Shannon .... for helping us with an uncooperative student when we had our hands full.
-From the ILPA Paras 

Kudos to the ILP A Stanton team for all you are doing to keep students engaged and learning each and every day!
Thanks to Brittany Mason for completing testing needed for students in the middle school! Thanks for taking time away from your classroom.  AND
Thank you to Natalie Udstuen for filling in for Brittany in the classroom, so that she could be available to test at the middle school. One Team....All In! 
Thank you Lisa and Stephanie for working with some tight timelines for related service evaluations! 
Kudos to Cindy Carlino for taking the time to support the SEL team...and sharing your experience with new staff. 
Kudos to all the new special education teachers and service providers, Mary, Cortnee, Morgan, Doris, Dani, Maddie, Grant, Kim & Karen you have truly amazed me with your collaboration and support with parents and students, teachers and team members and navigating the struggles of remote learning as a new teacher/service provider in a new district. You are doing GREAT!
Kudos to Brittany, Becca, Sherry, Lauren, & Kate for working through  and problem solving the struggles of remote and in person teaching while keeping everyone safe
Thank you to Lisa Shannon for giving your time to meet with your special education teammates to show support and answer questions. 
-From Lynn Smolen

Thank you to Linda Rasmussen, Colleen Robinson, and Chris Tomasiewicz for all you help this week prepping for the many activities we planned for our week on the Five Senses.  We know it was so much harder creating individual kits for every preschooler but it will be well worth it when the on-site and remote kiddos can all participate in hands-on learning!  


Thank you to Bridget Dvorak and Melanie Schlesser for helping the preschool classes whenever you have a free minute!  We truly appreciate it!

-From the Preschool Team 

Kudos to the fourth grade team for completing their second week of small group instruction on Wednesdays! They were able to facilitate 6 intervention groups AND 2 enrichment groups! Our students are so lucky to have you!


To Amber M. for always being a ray of sunshine! Your enthusiasm is contagious and I love that you are always trying new ways to engage our students! Keep being you!

-From Erica Barraza

THANK YOU to Kathleen Winkiel and Betty Cwiak for doing so much heavy lifting for the ILP-A. I have no idea what we'd do without you!
-From Heather


From last week---

I've recorded a Loom presentation for our families to preview the Hybrid plan. It's linked here for you, and the slides are linked here. Both go out tomorrow morning. 

I've also created a Hybrid Fast Facts document--this will be living and breathing. It's linked here. 

Updated dashboard data 10/4/20:

Using the parameters of this data for the county and for our zip codes, we are clear to proceed with Hybrid planning! 

How does this work?
1. Consider the top 3 indicators (red line around them). Where do they place us in combination? 
2. Then, apply local zip code data. Does local data look at least as good as county data? If yes, proceed. If no, call Health Department for guidance. 


Plans for 10/9 and 10/13
The fundamental goal of these days is to provide TIME for our staff to get ready for the Hybrid launch! 

Institute Day--10/9
Principals will provide an agenda for the day. We'd ask that all staff who can report on site plan to do so if possible. If you cannot report, please follow the agenda using links. 

*Certified staff:
K-2: ARC training
3-8: planning for Hybrid launch, including room set up if needed
You will receive an email asking for you to document what you accomplished during the day. 

*Paraprofessionals--please refer to the agenda from your principal. 

*We will still run meals and materials, so we will need all the support of our Kitchen and Transportation teams. 
*Custodians--please see Mary's email for details on COVID cleaning process updates/training. In addition, please assist with room sets ups or complete building tasks as needed. 

*Office staff--please prepare for the Hybrid launch. 

Remote Learning Planning Day--10/13
*Certified staff and instructional paraprofessionals may work on site or remotely. Your priority is planning for the Hybrid launch, including room set up if needed. You will receive an email asking for you to document what you accomplished during the day. 

*We will still run meals, so we will need all the support of our Kitchen and Transportation teams. 

*Custodians--please assist with room sets ups or complete building tasks as needed. 

*Office staff--please prepare for the Hybrid launch. 

Questions--please reach out to me or your principal. 

                                                     Global Compliance Training
Because everyone is giving 110% right now, we are delaying the expected date for completion of Global Compliance Training until further notice. The only module that MUST be completed by December is the sexual harassment training packet that was provided at the beginning of the school year. Maddie will follow up with you if this is still needed---it HAS to be done by all employees by law. We'll keep you posted on the other trainings and will provide time during a future Early Release...but this is NOT the priority right now. 

Speaking of Maddie
As you may know, the amazing Maddie Espinoza is expecting a little girl in December. She and Mary Taylor have been cross training on payroll, and Mary is now very adept at running payroll. We will also welcome back Becky Allard for two days per week to cover for Maddie. All this means that the Business Office will continue to run smoothly while Maddie is out. We've worked very hard to streamline all our processes, and we have a transition plan in place to make sure things continue to function with consistency and clarity. 


Travel Guidelines

As you may know, the Lake Co Superintendents meet each week with the Lake County Health Department. Yesterday, the topic of out of state travel came up. I asked for more clarification on travel, especially as we head into breaks...especially Thanksgiving...and here is guidance based on the directions from the Health Department:


*Avoid travel if at all possible. 
*No matter where you are, strictly follow the 3 W's:
  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands...A LOT
  • Watch your space---stay 6 ft apart
*Continue to use our self-certification protocol daily upon your return. 
*Notify your principal and me of any COVID contacts or new symptoms immediately. 

All this means that--as of today--we will NOT have to ask you to quarantine if you travel out of state BUT within the US. However, please CAREFULLY consider out of state travel and, as or more importantly, be sure you are following safety precautions no matter where you are!!!! 

Clocking In and Out

Hourly employees should clock in and out each day you are onsite. This helps us know who is in and also is used to confirm payroll. THANK YOU!

If You Are Sick/Need to Be Out

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let your principals know ASAP if you are ill/know you need to be out. This means that--if you have a fever on a Friday--DO NOT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY to inform us. We have to plan for you, and knowing as soon as possible allows us to do so. The same is true if you know you have to be out. It's more complicated than EVER to plan for absences, so advance notification is key. We are reaching out to our subs and trying to get really creative on this as well, but we are also counting on YOU to communicate with us. 

Remember, we expect staff to be onsite on the days you've indicated. We are counting on you on this. 

Wednesday Calendar

I'm sharing the Wednesday CTT calendar with you here. It's a work in progress, but you can check back in to see how times are added. Please note that there will almost always be a mini-lesson and then time for your teams to work.


If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and have been

or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, Maddie Espinoza, and/or me know

immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others.

You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and system

safety needs. 

All staff MUST wear masks AT ALL TIMES

when onsite and in public spaces. 

If you are working in an office/classroom

with the door closed, you may remove your

mask. It must be worn when anyone enters

that space with you. 

In addition, the steps below (from the CDC website) MUST be taken if you have been diagnosed with or

exposed to COVID-19:


You MUST complete the daily self-certification form. 

Social distancing of 6 feet and following handwashing

procedures--inside and outside--remain expectations and

a priority for your safety and the safety of those around


IL Educator Well-Being Survey
The Illinois Education Association (IEA) and the University of Illinois Springfield invites you to participate in the Illinois Educator Well-Being Survey. The purpose of this survey is to examine how the climate and culture of your workplace impacts the quality of your life. The IEA will use the results of this survey to support educator’s well-being in the workplace through improved programs and services. For more information, or to take the survey, click here.  The survey will close on December 1, 2020. 

The IEA and EAFL encourage all members to VOTE! 
Be sure you are registered for the upcoming November election. You can find more information using the links below. 


Melissa Jakstas, President

Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff

Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff

Katy Gardner, Treasurer

Betty Cwiak, Secretary

Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative

Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative

Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative


I'm going to use the book 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators by my friend Tina Boogren to

share weekly nuggets of self-care ideas

for all of us.

Week 7: Wardrobe

Consider this:

Think about selecting what you will wear each day the night before and have a few simple pieces you

choose from as a "uniform" to eliminate DECISION FATIGUE. We make enough decisions each day...

what you wear shouldn't be another stressful decision!

This week's invitation: Experiment with the idea of creating a work uniform.


*Wear it again--Once you have an outfit that feels great, wear it again! Does anyone notice??

*Clean out your closet--Spend 30 minutes working on cleaning out your closet. It may take multiple

sessions! Get ride of anything that doesn't fit, that isn't comfortable, or that you haven't worn in 6

months. Donate, share, or swap the items you take out!

*Get inspired--Pay attention to what others are wearing. What colors and styles do you love?


 2020-21 Wednesday CTT Planning Calendar

D114 Virtual Toolbox

PreK-8 Flash Back Standards

Exploratories Flash Back Standards

Case Manager Flash Back Reflections

D114 Family Update

Classroom Management Links

MTSS Ongoing Q and A

D114 Curriculum Resources

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Work Order Request

Technology Support Request

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

Image result for mark your calendar


10/9--Institute Day

10/12--Columbus Day--DAY OFF!

10/13--Remote Learning Planning Day--PreK STILL OPEN!!!


10/19--Launch K and 4th grade Hybrid

10/20--Board of Education Meeting--details TBD

10/26--Launch 5th and 8th grade Hybrid, 1st day of 2nd quarter

11/2--Launch 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Hybrid

11/3--CLOSED for Election Day

11/9--Launch 6th and 7th Hybrid



Have a great week!