A humble and heartfelt thanks to our admin for a much needed tire pumping when remote teaching challenges frustrate, sadden and test our confidence. Well timed!
Thank you to Matt, Rachelle and the many heroes facilitating the Monday and Thursday lesson pick-ups! We'd never be able to keep track without your timely communication. Thank you very much!
And a thanks to all who have shared your social media savvy and have helped me navigate very new territory. "Live lessons" are happening BUT I have a lot of summer learning ahead of me. I will be a "remote" pro soon!
-From Joseph Fernandez
Kudos to Michele Burgess! Michele has completely taken the lead on the setup for grading through this Covid pandemic! She is a Skyward Wizard and I'm so happy to be working with her on this!! Way to go Michele!!!!!
-From Paula Kvacik
To Erica Barraza for launching the D114 Detectives! Thank you for taking an idea and running with it!!!
Thanks to Maureen DeVoss, Natalie Molidor, Emily Welsh, Theresa Kovach, Stephanie Brual, and Kelly Roland for an awesome pow-wow Friday afternoon to help me test drive a new planning tool. You guys are AWESOME
Thanks to Sherry Tietjen, Mollie Herchenbach, and Brittany Miller for including me in the ILP-B show and tell--it was the BEST part of my Friday! 💜
-From Heather
Thank you David Roat for answering the unending questions & helping me get set up for the baking sessions. You're always quick with a friendly & helpful response. I can only imagine how your world has turned upside down since March 13th, and I'm so thankful the Stanton Family can look to you for help!!! I know Hot In the Kitchen wouldn't have happened without you!
-From Renee Kanari
Thank you David Roat, for putting together all of our materials and videos for Virtual K Round Up! Thank you also to PreK, my K Team and admin for your ideas and contributions to do what we can for this event virtually!
Thank you to our K Paras for your willingness to jump right in and learn new things to reach our students! And welcome back, Kristine! We've missed you!
-From Tiffany Tardio-Weber
To Erica Barraza for launching the D114 Detectives! Thank you for taking an idea and running with it!!!
Thanks to Maureen DeVoss, Natalie Molidor, Emily Welsh, Theresa Kovach, Stephanie Brual, and Kelly Roland for an awesome pow-wow Friday afternoon to help me test drive a new planning tool. You guys are AWESOME
Thanks to Sherry Tietjen, Mollie Herchenbach, and Brittany Miller for including me in the ILP-B show and tell--it was the BEST part of my Friday! 💜
-From Heather
Thank you David Roat for answering the unending questions & helping me get set up for the baking sessions. You're always quick with a friendly & helpful response. I can only imagine how your world has turned upside down since March 13th, and I'm so thankful the Stanton Family can look to you for help!!! I know Hot In the Kitchen wouldn't have happened without you!
-From Renee Kanari
Thank you to the 2nd grade team for being so awesome and working so well together as a team. I have really enjoyed getting to know you and working with you this year.
Thank you to Maureen DeVoss for being so flexible, helpful, and for all the coaching you have given me this year. You are always available with a positive attitude and time to share your expertise with others.
Thank you, Erica Barraza, for all that you do to help students and teachers. Though the transition to home-learning was unexpected and challenging, I have enjoyed working with you getting learning materials out to families in Spanish. Thank you for all your help this year, coaching me on how to better help an EL student in math. I so appreciate your insight and just learning as I watch you do what you love!
-From Abbey Kadera
Thank you to Molly Goodsite for your help with all the paw pride organization and helping me generate these names the fastest and easiest way as possible. I really appreciate you! ️
-From Kendra Smeigh
Thank you Miss Sherry for taking the time to collaborate and for testing out the Social Express platform with me.
Thank you Natalie Udstuen for taking the time to print and mail SEL packets to a couple of my students.
Thank you Keli Swierczek for taking the time to listen and share your insight about a student concern.
-From Kim Mack
Thanks to Molly H (and through her Sherri) for helping me with my first google meet with my SWAT friend! And to Rebecca and Brittany for navigating this e-learning with me! And thanks to my bff, Betty!
-From Chris Brown
Thanks to the committee working on updating the stipend process!
We are making progress, and hope
to send out the new plans later this week, with June 5 as our target date for all
applications to be turned in. Please note, any and all stipends will be approved
contingent to their ability to happen given any decisions about school reopening.
Grading info to families
I'll be sending out grading/reporting information to families in Tuesday's Daily Family
Update, but will include copy in tomorrow's staff Daily Vitamin so you see it before
our families do. Nothing shocking--everything you've already talked about in team
meetings. THANK YOU for your thoughtful input into the process!!!
Planning for Next Year
As we start to think about the summer and next year, the pieces are, as you can
There are no answers YET, but there will be a lot of opportunities to collaborate.
Please review, and, if there's something I've missed in this "brain dump", let me know.
My goal is to update these slides as we go to create a plan in progress.
Any and all input is welcome...and more to come on Summer Summits and summer
curriculum work!
Supply Money
In accordance with the new contract, there are 3 options for certified staff to access the
$200 in supply money for next year:
As defined in the contract:
"Teachers may request reimbursement for instructional supplies purchased for the classroom up to $200 per year. For the PE Department and each Exploratory class at each building, this amount shall be $1000 per year. Expenditures must be pre approved by the Building principal. Such approval shall be at the sole discretion of the Superintendent or designee. If approval is denied, the teacher shall be provided with a reason for the denial. Materials purchased under this provision shall remain the property of the District. Except for arrangements pre-approved by the District in accordance with Board policies, employees are expected to use the equipment, computers, phones, fax, office/workspace, supplies, software and network/email access provided by, made accessible by or purchased by the District in the performance of their duties. Certified staff members may access this benefit in one of the three methods listed below;
A. Use online ordering processes as defined by the District.
Note: This will be a pre-funded Amazon account, just like that last few years.
B. Submit receipts for reimbursement with reimbursement approval given by the Building Principal. Receipts must be approved by December 1 of each school year to qualify for reimbursement.
C. Complete a purchase order, receive approval from the Building Principal and order material from a single venor; (e.g., School Specialty). The approved purchase order must be submitted to the Business no later than October 1 - where it is matched with the vendor invoice and paid."
Later this week, Andrea will send out a survey where you can indicate which of the three options you choose. Please let Andrea know if you have any questions.
While we can't yet say what summer school will look like, we do know a few things:
*It will happen from July 13-August 7.
*ALL IEP-entitled students will be eligible and got letters inviting them to join us.
*We will offer "summer bridge" (name of it may change) for our kids identified as
benefitting from more time and support. These are likely the students getting help from
the SWAT efforts, but should be identified during MTSS so we can invite them once we
hear back from our IEP-entitled students.
*We will still offer programming to PreK, EL, and bilingual students.
So...please email me if you are interested in being considered for summer school
in any role. We'll put the plan together as soon as we know how many kids plan to
attend and have more details on what we are permitted to safely do.
TOSA Corner
Just some reminders on FEEDBACK---great to use in daily communication AND in report card comments...
The IEA is asking members to sign a petition asking lawmakers to pass a stimulus package to aid public education during the time of COVID-19. Sign the petition here: https://ieanea.org/we- rise-together/
You can now earn CPDUs for licensure recertification for hours put in to train and prepare for remote learning. Here is a link to a video on the topic from IEA President Kathi Griffin.
The IEA is asking members to complete a survey on how they can support educators at this time. The survey takes just a few minutes to complete and can be accessed here. Please complete the survey by May 31st.
Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative
Thank you to the Wellness Committee and especially Laura Livesay for our May Meditations. They are AWESOME!!!!! 💙
Here are a few more self-care tips for us to try (also shared in last week's Vitamin):
D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this
Blue Cross Blue Shield:
SEL Pacing Guides