Sunday, May 12, 2019

Hope it was a happy Mother's Day!

Wishing all Moms, Grandmas, Nanas, Aunts, and all other women making a difference in the world a very Happy Mother’s Day!

Thank you, 3rd-grade team, for going above and beyond with MAPS testing. Not only finishing their own students but students in other 3rd grade classes to make sure they complete them in a timely manner. YOU ROCK!
Thank you to Gayle and Kim for hosting a small group of friends during specials while 1st grade was MAPS testing during this time. Greatly appreciated.
Thank you to Andrea Sekulich for stepping in and not only taking a small group of students for MAPS testing but assisting 4th Grade with testing as well.
-From Victoria Miller

Thank you to the Kitchen staff in both buildings for all the yummy treats and TLC! You made last week wonderful!
-From Heather

Thank you David Roat for all your help with FitStats throughout the school year!
Thank you Oner Medrano for representing us at the Sectional seeding meeting, keeping all the track team PRs throughout the season, and organizing all the medals and ribbons the athletes have earned!
-From Melissa Jakstas
Thank you to everyone that came and/ or helped with the Annual Kinder Mother's Day performance!  These are a the sweet moments that put everything into perspective and it wouldn't have been possible without you!
-From the Kindergarten Team

Thank you Amber and Lisa for squeezing KT in for PE Friday with 2 other classes- they love your class so much they begged to be able to go!
-From Tiffany Tardio
Karen, Jo & Yvette, Thank you for all you do each and every day to  fulfill the needs of our staff and students! You are a great team, and I am so thankful to work with you. You always keep me laughing (sometimes to loud) could not ask for a better team!
-From Chris Katuzny

To Don Ukleja  for making All Star popcorn all year.  
To Sue, Paula, Natalie, Matt, and Heather for helping me coming back this week after a challenging week off.  I couldn't have done it without you.
-From Colleen Robinson

Huge thanks to Maddie Kerr, Rich Bressett, Kim Husko, Renee Kanari, and Greer Lally for checking in on me every single day and helping me in so many ways while I was on crutches!!
Special thanks to Kim Husko for all of her support in my classroom this year, especially with Second Step!
Kudos to the kitchen staff for always being understanding when kids need to get their lunches early to work on assignments during lunch time!
Thank you Cindy Carlino for being such a great team player and taking extra time out of her day to work with me to provide support for our kids!
-All from Michelle Serini

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Last Day of School
Since there is no "Records Day" this year and since the End of Year party starts at 3...Support staff whose daily hours end at 3:00 or 3:15 should feel free to leave at 2:45 to be able to join the party.  Certified staff--If you are checked out OR planning to come back to check out on a different day, feel free to leave at 2:45 in order to get to the party. All staff--please remember to check out prior to leaving for the summer. THANK YOU!

Business Office Updates
Employee Assistance Program
Thanks for all the great questions about the Perspectives Employee Assistance Program (EAP). It is available and ready to access NOW! All employees--whether or not you take D114 insurance--have access to the EAP. Additionally, all D114 employees’ spouses can access the offerings as well! With summer...and hopefully more free time...coming your way, it’s a great time to check out all the support the EAP has to offer. As always, if you have questions, please see/call/email Maddie or me.

All stipends for the 2018-19 school year MUST be submitted by May 15 for the May 31 payroll.

Curriculum Updates
May is better speech and hearing month..thanks to Abbey, Alana, and Fiona for these great tips:

Here are some weekly tips to help save your voice, hearing and increase awareness:
Teachers are most at risk for developing a voice disorder. Make sure to stay properly hydrated throughout the day.
Teachers save your voice in the classroom with the help of an amplifier



Applications are now being accepted for 2019-2020 IEA Score Grants!
Applications are due July 15, 2019
For more information, visit:

Don't forget to take advantage of your Member Benefits!

Summer is a great time to earn professional development hours. The IEA has lots of opportunities including the Online Learning Portal, which enables you to earn professional development right from your computer!

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

During the month of May (since we are done with school May 29th, the challenge will run May 1-May 24 in order to give people time to get their raffle tickets in), you have the opportunity to earn 1 raffle ticket for each day that you meet your personal sleep goal. Generally speaking, 8 hours of sleep a night is recommended, but maybe your personal needs are slightly higher or lower based on age, activity level, medical needs, etc. (You do not need to share your goal.) For each day you reach your personal sleep goal, mark a "1" for that date on the D114 May Sleep Challenge Google Sheet (see example in the sheet). Each time you log a "1" the number of days you reach your goal in May will be calculated for you. At the end of the month, turn in one raffle ticket per day you reached your goal for a chance to win a $20 gift card! Sign-up for the challenge by adding your name to the D114 May Sleep Challenge Google Sheet!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

As many of you know, I’m a HUGE fan of Brene Brown. If you haven’t yet checked out her Netflix special, articles, or books---they are work a look.

No matter what, her take on teachers is spot on. Please take a peek at her article (linked here) and consider this question:

How are you a leader each and every day?

May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting
May 22, 2019--8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
May 29, 2019--Last Day of School (Early Release) and RETIREMENT PARTY at the Wave at 3:00PM!!!
June 10 and 11, 2019--Kagan Training!!!!
July 12, 2019--STAR training for the entire EC team
August 19 and 20, 2019--First days back for staff--Institute Days
August 21, 2019--Teacher Work Time (AM), Meet and Greet (PM)
August 22, 2019--First day for K-8--Early Release
August 23, 2019--First full day for K-8
August 27, 2019--First day for Early Childhood
As we head into the last few days, please know that YOU made a difference and that every single day counts for our learners!