Sunday, May 5, 2019


Happy Staff Appreciation Week!!!
Happy School Nurse Day (Wednesday, May 8)!!!

I want to give one of my foxes to Sarah Groebe who has been such an incredible help in translating
for me these past few months!
-From Jessica Lanners
A huge kudos to Natalie Udstuen for her help with my friends that need extra love, attention and
Joe has gone above and beyond to help a new family adjust to our district by making a phone call
home and translating some of my printed materials on his personal time! I so appreciate him and his
dedication to our kids.
-From Tiffany Mihovilovich

Thank you Kim Husko for all the time and energy you put into organizing the ACES (All Children
Exercising Simultaneously) event at Stanton!
-From Melissa Jakstas

Kudos to Don for all his work and creative inspiration in hanging our 4th grade Chihuly inspired
sculpture!!!   Thank you, thank you, thank you!! ️
-From Gayle McManhamon and all the 4th grade classes and teachers
Kudos to Gayle for the spectacular Chihuly installation!  As children came down the hallway, their
jaws literally dropped and I heard “wow.”  I did a double-take because it looks just like a real Chihuly...
only better because our students created it! We are so blessed to have the school lit up with this
spiraling burst of color and joy.
-From Tyler Lam
We have had quite the month of performances!  Thank you Maureen DeVoss for organizing another
successful Talent Show!  I would also like to recognize Kally Kibitlewski for creating a Drama Club at
Lotus.  It was amazing to see how quickly it grew in a short amount of time and hopefully will continue
to grow in the years to come.  Last, but not least, thank you Erin Connolly-Jordt for all of your hard
work throughout the year with our grade level concerts!
Kudos to Lisa Huck and Amber Mysliwiec for organizing skating week and for also being flexible with
Thank you Erica Barraza for collecting the diagnostic data and to Cindy Carlino for organizing the
sweep team and organizing the MAP and AimsWeb data.  
Thank you Paige Shaffer, Alana Carlson, and Gena Kvist for assisting me with a few meetings last
week.  It was much appreciated!
-All From Matt Peters

Thank you so much to Erica Barraza for organizing a stress relief week full of so many relaxing
Thank you to Melissa Jakstas who hosted a solo practice for our track athletes.
Thank you to Kim Husko for organizing Project Aces and getting all students outside to walk or run
the cross country course. The popsicles were a big hit too!
-All from Rachelle Peters

Thank you to Victoria for keeping my check-in, check-out friend even after his graduation. I appreciate
her keeping him on task as best as we can.
-From Theresa Kovach

Kudos for the Stanton Kitchen Staff for arranging wonderful
luncheons for our transportation meetings throughout the year,
only 1 more to go!!!
Kudos goes out to Rachelle Peters for communicating all the
sporting event start times and games!  Thank You!
Kudos to Maureen Koenig for her amazing knowledge
of our Special Education students and their transportation
needs and helping me learn the in's and out's of the program.
-All From Andrea DeMatteo

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here!
The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!


Last Day of School
Since there is no "Records Day" this year and since the End of Year party starts at 3...Support
staff whose daily hours end at 3:00 or 3:15 should feel free to leave at 2:45 to be able to join
the party.  Certified staff--If you are checked out OR planning to come back to check out on a
different day, feel free to leave at 2:45 in order to get to the party. All staff--please remember
to check out prior to leaving for the summer. THANK YOU!

Business Office Updates
2019-20 Open Enrollment
Please remember that, as part of our NIHIP membership, open enrollment for next school
year will be happening this MAY. It will be your only chance (outside a change of life situation)
to determine/change your coverage. Maddie sent out information--including the
new rates--so you have plenty time to review all the details. NIHIP will be onsite at Lotus on
May 8 and at Stanton on May 15 (during early release) to help everyone complete the online
process and to answer any and all questions.

Curriculum Updates
AIMSWeb progress monitoring--remains in place for all students who have this as part of their
plan/data collection. Thank you!!!



Applications are now being accepted for 2019-2020 IEA Score Grants!
Applications are due July 15, 2019
For more information, visit:

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

Hydration Challenge Wrap-up
Hydration Challenge participants meet their hydration goals 332 days during the month of April! Thank you to everyone who participated, a winner for the $20 gift card will be drawn early next week.

Wellness Potluck Lunch
The Wellness Committee is teaming up with the Spirit Committees at both buildings! Emails have gone out at both buildings for a Potluck Lunch... we hope you will consider joining in on Tuesday, May 14th.

Let's Get Creative at Blazin' Ceramics!
There are still some spots open... we hope you'll join us to tap into your creative potential!

D114 May Sleep Challenge Starts May 1st!
During the month of May (since we are done with school May 29th, the challenge will run May 1-May 24 in order to give people time to get their raffle tickets in), you have the opportunity to earn 1 raffle ticket for each day that you meet your personal sleep goal. Generally speaking, 8 hours of sleep a night is recommended, but maybe your personal needs are slightly higher or lower based on age, activity level, medical needs, etc. (You do not need to share your goal.) For each day you reach your personal sleep goal, mark a "1" for that date on the D114 May Sleep Challenge Google Sheet (see example in the sheet). Each time you log a "1" the number of days you reach your goal in May will be calculated for you. At the end of the month, turn in one raffle ticket per day you reached your goal for a chance to win a $20 gift card! Sign-up for the challenge by adding your name to the D114 May Sleep Challenge Google Sheet!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

Knowing that we are ALL teachers because we impact the students in District 114…

What from this video makes you smile?
How are you a teacher every single day?
What would a video describing YOUR amazing efforts say?

Because of a Teacher

May 14, 2019--Board of Education meeting
May 22, 2019--8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
May 29, 2019--Last Day of School (Early Release) and RETIREMENT PARTY at the Wave at
I hope you enjoy the treats and BINGO calls this week! While they are just little things to
celebrate each of you, please know that there is NO WAY our students would be who they
are without each of you impacting them. You are amazing and truly appreciated.
Most sincerely,