Sunday, November 19, 2017



Before starting this week's post, please let me convey how truly THANKFUL I am to work with each of you. I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and know the difference you make. 

With sincere gratitude--
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Just to let you know that Lotus had the Health Department Inspection today, and as the last 9 years we passed it with hundred percent.
No violations or citations.
-From Georgette Franco

I just wanted to let you know that the sub nurse that was here yesterday took the time to write a note saying how great both the staff and students are here at Stanton. And I agree :)
-From Jessica Lanners

Kudos to the ECSE team for being recognized by our friends at the ELC for all their A + efforts to build a strong, language rich program for our students with the most significant needs! 
-From Lynn Smolen

As Thanksgiving approaches, there are many people here I would like to thank. The one thing that made me love Dist. 114 when I first started over at the Forest building was how everyone would get together at the end of each day in the teachers lounge, chat, and just be there for each other, it felt like a family.  This year I have needed that support a lot within my classroom and there are a ton of people who have helped.

 First, my team, for being so supportive this year and listening to me when I needed it. 

The office staff, for always being there when I needed some extra support. Sue, Colleen, and Paula are the best and I couldn't have gotten through the first trimester without them.

Also, thank you to administration and Cari for coming in, observing, and helping out when needed.

Not to mention all my friends within the building who have listened and given ideas and support.  You are the best!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
-From Cary Scarpino

Thank you to Ms. Gina for encouraging some of our Kindergarten students to read with office staff!  It is heartwarming and uplifting to have the students in the office for positive attention.

Thank you to Sue Marker for helping to coordinate the holiday Rotary Party.  Looking forward to such a wonderful event for Lotus and Stanton students.
-From Natalie Udstuen

A huge thank you to Kim VanHoorelbeke for organizing another successful Family Reading Night!  We had over 250 people attend the event.  I would also like to thank all of our volunteers who made the night possible.  We had about 40 volunteers in all and that doesn't even include all the community members that came and participated in the event.  We have such an AMAZING staff!!!


Congratulations to the Lotus Kitchen Staff on earning a perfect score from the Health Department!  Thank you to our kitchen staff for serving a delicious Thanksgiving spread to our staff.


Congratulations to all of our 3rd and 4th grade girls who participated in the Girls on the Run 5K down in Chicago this past weekend.  Thank you to all of our Girls on the Run coaches...Paige Shaffer, Jackie Harmon, Mollie Herchenbach, Sarah Ferens and Christina Martorano


Thank you Erin for organizing another great concert!  The 3rd graders performed an amazing concert in honor of Veteran's Day!  


Thank you Russ, Tom, Mike & Kent for helping out with Concert set-up and take down and for being flexible with all the events taking place this past week. 


Thank you Don for making popcorn every Friday for our All Star cart.  I know the staff appreciates it as well!!!


A big shout out to the students in Mrs. Bender's class for their hard work and dedication this week.  An even bigger shout out to Mrs. Bender and all the staff that make these moments happen!!!

-All From Matt Peters

Kudos to Georgette and anyone else that worked hard to prepare our amazing Thanksgiving spread! It was so very delicious and appreciated.


Kudos to our PE teachers for putting together the Wednesday fitness rotation! It was a great workout and a fun way to end our meetings. Thanks for reminding me of my need for this kind of self care! 
-From Tiffany Mihovilovich

"I want to give a Kudos to Abbey Vraney for challenging me to rethink how I teach my ELA curriculum this year and last year. Abbey's input has helped me evolve to becoming a better educator. Also, I appreciate that she wanted to read a book with me called "Language at the Speed of Sight" by Mark Seidenberg, which focuses on the relationship between brain cognition and reading.  I appreciate learning and collaborating with Abbey!"
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Thank you so much to Chris, Yvette, Karen and Jo for the delicious Thanksgiving Staff lunch! It was delicious and perfect for a Friday afternoon! 


Thank you to Jeff Sefcik, Matt Peters, Keli Swierczek, Cindy Carlino, Beth Rendon, Montse Huerta, Matt Shannon, and Rich Bressett for their amazing job helping to create Stanton's Schoolwide E.S.S.A. plan. 


Thank you to Kim VanHoorelbeke for hosting a C.P.R. and First Aid training for any staff that were interested in attending. 


To Stanton staff and students: Mrs. Michehl (substitute teacher) called to say how respectful the Stanton students were on Thursday when she subbed. She said that the students were so good and said how much she enjoys subbing here! Keep up the great work! 
-All From Rachelle Peters

Kudos to the Lotus Food Service, Michelle, Sonia, Penny and Yesenia, for a wonderful week.
The incentive lunch for the kids with Mr. Peters and Mrs. Udstuen.
Spirit Carts and a beautiful spread for Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday.


Kudos to Stanton Food Service, Chris, Karen, Yvette and Jo for having an amazing lunch for the teachers for Thanksgiving.


For so many things to be THANKFUL for.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
-From Georgette Franco
When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

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News from the Business Office  

Upcoming Payrolls 
Please be aware of the following payroll dates---and please be sure to plan accordingly. :)

3 paychecks in December:
December 1, 15, 20

1 paycheck in January:
January 13

2 paycheck in February:
February  1 and 15

Please let Becky Allard (Interim CSBO) or me know if you have any questions!
Becky can be reached at 

Learning Opportunity!!!
On Thursday, November 30 from 6-7 pm, Johnsburg CUSD 12 will be hosting an informative session regarding autism and sensory needs.
Parents are welcome to join as well.
This will be a free event and there will be 1 CPDU available for teachers/staff.


If your room gets too hot or too cold, please don't hesitate to contact Don with a work request (see link below)--he's happy to help and show you how to make adjustments to the temperature. 

We're also making sure that all systems are "go" for any winter weather processes and clear, consistent communication! More to come with the details, but know that plans are coming together. If you have suggestions or thoughts on what's worked well or how we can improve, please let me know! 

Keep watching here for updates! 

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates
Membership cards have arrived!  Building representatives will be working on distributing them in the next week.  If you do not receive a membership card by 11/21, please let Melissa Williams know via email and we will work with the IEA to get you one asap.  If you have any information that needs updating, please mail the postcard attached to your card to the IEA with any corrections.  Don't forget, if you haven't already, or are a new member, you can create an account using your member ID at  

On Friday, December 1st we will be voting on delegates for the 2018 IEA-NEA Representative Assembly.  Information on where to vote will be coming next week, stay tuned.  

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Katy Gardner, Treasurer 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

17-18 Payroll Schedule--UPDATED 10/22/17

Blue Cross Blue Shield:


Questions for thought as you read...

Yeah...just read it. :)

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An Honest Thank You Letter to All Teachers
Originally written by Lexi Herrick
Published in the Huffington Post

Dear Teachers,
Many of the articles that I read about teachers, are often written by teachers. I want to clarify that I am by no means an educator, nor am I a student pursuing a degree in education. I am student, and one that has had the incredible fortune of being provided with educators who deserve this letter of gratitude. I want to write this to all of the teachers who understand the grave importance of their occupation, and who do not take that responsibility lightly. This letter is for the teachers that have never known the true definition of an eight-hour work day. This letter is for the teachers that have also transformed into club leaders, sports coaches, directors, dedicated fans, event planners, role models, counselors, and loyal friends. This letter is for the teachers who touch lives with each passing day, and help to build the foundation for some of the world’s most astounding and incredible adults.
Teachers, I’m sure there are days that cause you to question if any of your work is making a difference to your seemingly unappreciative students. I want to assure you in this letter of your vast power of influence. I can remember things that teachers have said to me dating back to when I was six-years-old. I know I am not alone in that regard either. Every thing you say and do affects your students, and that makes your job one of the most important jobs in the world.
I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania, where I learned to appreciate all teachers reading this letter. I met many teachers that would probably remind you of yourselves. There was the math teacher who would stay with me until 5:00 in the evening, trying to develop my persistently subpar mathematical abilities. There was the English teacher that first gave me a bad grade on a paper, and then challenged me to excel far beyond what I knew I was capable of. There was the art teacher whose laughter and brilliance had students working in her room over their lunches. There were the many coaches that constantly went above and beyond the call of duty. There was the enthusiastic history teacher who had most of the student body convinced she lived at the high school. We swore her mini-cooper never left the faculty parking lot. There was the Spanish teacher that called my mom because he was concerned that I was going through a tough time. There were the innovative teachers who tirelessly sought to integrate technology into the curriculum and who strongly influenced my own interests and skills in technology. There was the music teacher that captured the hearts of everyone she taught with her passion, fearlessness, sincerity, and true love for her students. I could write for days about every teacher I watched change the life of student. Teaching was never just a job for those people, it was a gift.
A teacher can become a parent to a kid who hardly has one of his or her own. A teacher can be a role model, a savior, and a friend. A teacher can compel a student to have a lifetime hunger for knowledge. A teacher can inspire values for compassion, philanthropy, hard-work, bravery, integrity, and commitment. A teacher can do and be anything, and often they are.
Thank you. Thank you to the teachers reading this that are feeling that warm restoration in their chests because they know they are making a difference in this world. Thank you for molding young minds. Thank you for overcoming the daily struggles of a complicated education system, and still dedicating yourselves to achieving as much as possible for your students. Thank you for patience. Thank you for the kindness you showed to us as little ones. Thank you for the guidance you gave us as we were learning to grow. Thank you for swallowing every negative generalization people may make about teachers, and knowing in your hearts that what you accomplish in school is worth it all and then some. Thank you for giving young adults like myself the confidence and courage to follow our dreams. Even on the difficult days, remember that you are never forgotten. Students who read this letter will think of you. They think of you all the time. We all will talk about the stories of teachers that we adored for decades. We will laugh, cry and appreciate.
We carry what you taught us in our minds, and also in our hearts, for the rest of our lives.
Your Forever Students

November 13-17--American Education Week
November 15--Educational Support Staff Day
November 15--Board Member Appreciation Day 
(Note: we'll do something cool for them at the 11/21 meeting, but feel free to email or reach you if you'd like, too!)
November 21--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus at 7:00 PM

I need your help!!! Two opportunities:

Be a part of the Strategic Planning Committee! I'd like to have many stakeholders from all groups to be part of making a map for our future. I know some staff members have already signed up (look for an email from me), but if anyone else would like to be a part of this important effort for our tomorrows, let me know. 

January 23, 30
February 6, 13
Likely times 6:30PM-8:30PM

Be a part of Santa's Breakfast! See below from Stephanie Altergott from PTA:

Hello District 114 Staff!

Santa’s Breakfast is right around the corner and we are still in need of many volunteers to help make this longstanding District 114 tradition a success. This a PTA sponsored family event that we would like our District 114 families to be able to enjoy together as a family! We are hoping that many of the areas we need volunteers will be filled by staff members. We would love for you to bring your families too! We have set up a variety of tasks in two-hour blocks of time for Saturday 12/2. We are also in need of assistance with setup after school on Friday 12/1. If you are interested in volunteering for either day, please signup via Memberhub under the "District 114 Staff" Hub and going to Signups. We really do appreciate your continued support and hope you will join us in just a few short weeks.

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Proud to be D114---One team, all in!

Have a wonderful week and a fantastic Thanksgiving!

It's going to be a great week---because of YOU! Thanks so much for all you do!