Monday, November 13, 2017

Happy Monday, everyone!!!




The Health Department just left. We received a perfect score!
Feeling proud!😊 Kudos to the Stanton Kitchen team!
-From Chris Katuzny

Thanks Ellen Stirrat for helping stuff folders and Joan for getting me some great reading information to put in the Family Folders.


Thanks to Cindy Carlino for your guidance and expertise with Tier 2 and to our amazing Tier 2 Team for all their time and commitment.
-From Kim VanHoorelbeke

To Deb Marienau for being so dependable and caring so much about Stanton School!


Norm Fischer for his "no problem" positive attitude everyday!


Our support staff for being ready to "change gears" at a moment's notice!


Our entire Transportation Team for working together to deliver our kids safely to and from school everyday!


Our Collaborative Teams for the work that has been done over the past several weeks...Norms, 15 Day Plans and SMART goals along with grade level articulations.  WOW!!!


The Administrative Team for living the "One Team" way!
-From Jeff Sefcik

To all our teams working on SMART goals and 15 day plans. This is exactly how we go from good to GREAT!
-From Heather

When you have a kudo to share for someone, please just email me and I'll include it here! The goal is to create system celebrations--so your input is truly welcome!

News from the Business Office  

Contract Letters 
UPDATE---We are still working with Skyward to solve problems in the way of getting you contract confirmation letters. Please trust that we are working on this and, with Becky Allard's (Interim CSBO) help, we'll keep you updated on status and solutions. 

Progress Monitoring
I'm so impressed with the team actions I see with formative assessments and progress monitoring! 

I had the chance to sit in team meetings last week where the topic of progress monitoring with the more formal AIMSWeb probes came up, particularly for our kiddos at or below the 25%ile. 

It's absolutely critical the progress monitoring is:
-Completed regularly on the schedule that's set (weekly or bi-weekly),
-Done using the measure(s) aligned to students' greatest area(s) of need,
-Input ASAP into AIMSWeb for accuracy and trend data, and
-Reviewed regularly for instructional "course correction". 

All these factors add up to increased team collaboration and direction, as well as significantly increased student performance. 

If you need any help with any of these steps or with a broader understanding of the "why", please reach out to me, Cindy Carlino, Sarah Ferens, Lynn Smolen, Keli Swierczek, or your building principals! We are happy to assist!

Continuing Education for YOU!
New cohorts forming at Aurora University Woodstock Center!

Master of Arts in Reading Instruction (MARI)
Wednesday nights, 5pm - 9pm
AU Woodstock Center
classes begin January 10, 2018
cohort commitment forms being accepted until Wednesday, December 13
cohort limited to 18 students
Reading Teacher Endorsement only, or full Master of Arts in Reading Instruction available
reduced tuition rate of $300/credit hour for the first two classes - this cohort ONLY (savings of $1020)
Master of  Arts in Educational Technology (MAET)
Thursday nights, 5pm - 9pm
AU Woodstock Center
Blended format - classes meet face-to-face only 50% of the time
classes begin January 11, 2018
cohort commitment forms being accepted until Wednesday, December 13
cohort limited to 20 students
Educational Technology Endorsement only, or full Master of Arts in Educational Technology available

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership - Principal Endorsement (MAEL-PE)
Thursday nights, 5pm - 9pm
AU Woodstock Center
classes begin January 11, 2018
interviews scheduled for Monday, December 11
orientation is Thursday, December 14, 5pm
cohort commitment forms being accepted until Friday, December 8
cohort limited to 16 students
Doctor of Education (EdD)
Tuesdays and Saturdays
AU Woodstock Center
4 program strands:  EdD Leadership in Educational Administration (superintendent's endorsement), EdD Leadership in Curriculum & Instruction, EdD Leadership in Adult Learning & Higher Education, EdD Advanced Standing (if you've already earned your superintendent's endorsement and wish to finish your degree/dissertation)
embedded dissertation process - you will work on rough drafts of chapters within your coursework
choose your chair from one of our full-time faculty members within the first year of your program - fully supported within the program
85% completion rate within 4 years, compared to average 40% nationally
classes begin Tuesday, January 9, 2018 or Tuesday, August 28, 2018 (may start in spring or fall)
interviews for Spring '18 start are Tuesday, December 5

We have Info Sessions scheduled at AU Woodstock Center on Tuesday, November 14 and Thursday, November 30 from 3pm - 5pm.  RSVPs are being taken at this link: 

Our free online application is available here:

Keep watching here for updates! 

Keep watching here for updates! 

Education Association of Fox Lake News and Updates
Keep watching for updates!

Melissa Williams, President 
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff 
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff 
Katy Gardner, Treasurer 
Betty Cwiak, Secretary 
Barb Brown, Region Representative
Matt Shannon, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio, Lotus School Representative

17-18 Payroll Schedule--UPDATED 10/22/17

Blue Cross Blue Shield:


Questions for thought as you read...
What resonates for you in the article linked below?
What do we do well? 
Where can we, as a system, learn, take away, or implement from this article? 

Image result for think image

November 13-17--American Education Week
November 15--Educational Support Staff Day
November 15--Board Member Appreciation Day 
(Note: we'll do something cool for them at the 11/21 meeting, but feel free to email or reach you if you'd like, too!)
November 21--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus at 7:00 PM

I'm proud and thrilled to share that Braden's team won the Super Bowl on Sunday!!!! Please see below for pictures!

It's going to be a great week---because of YOU! Thanks so much for all you do!