Sunday, February 23, 2025

Monday Morning Memo 2/24/25



The February Wellness Challenge is linked here

CONGRATS to the January Challenge winners:
Alana Carlson
Niccole Culbertson
Let me know your favorite gift card spot! 
Thanks to EVERYONE who participated!!!


February Focus--Mindfulness Routines
This Week's Wellness Invitation: Practice Meditation
Try meditation this week. Like last week's tip, meditation is about focusing on your breath and staying in the present moment, but it requires a bit more time. Try a guided meditation through the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center ( or download a meditation app with a free trial like Headspace or Calm. You can also Google meditations and find a bunch. I'm working on this, and can focus for about 5 minutes (not great, but better than I used to be). I also LOVE a sleep meditation to help me fall asleep at night! 


Thank you to Erica and Amanda for answering my questions and providing feedback. I love that you asked thought provoking clarifying questions to help me dive deeper into my "why". You both are amazing resources, and I am so appreciative, 

Thank you to my IEP collaboration team, Kim R, Stephanie S, Fiona and Sammi. I love the support you all provide, and the amazing collaboration we have as a unit. I am so incredibly thankful for all of your expertise. Thank you for working together on our Early Childhood Outcome collaboration. I appreciate all of you. 

Thank you to Mary H for jumping in ECSE when we had staff out. You are a breath of fresh air, and we are so appreciative of your time and help. Thank you for also providing input on the progress and student changes you've noticed from the beginning of the year. Your kind words about student development was so wonderful to hear. Thank you for your kind heart. 

Thank you to Yesenia's sweet son Benjamin for volunteering his time on Friday during inservice day. He was a tremendous help with cleaning and moving big items in our classroom. Yesenia, you have done a wonderful job as a mother, and your boy is so kind, respectful and sweet- I appreciate you offering his services!

Thank you to Stephanie Silverman, you continuously go above and beyond for all your students. Most recently you drove to a student's home to assure his family had education about bus safety. Additionally, you make sure to update the ECSE classroom staff about the numerous changes in development and continue to provide educational opportunities at each step of the way. We are so blessed to have your expertise. Thank  you for all you do every single day!
-Erin Donovan--ECSE Teacher 

Kudos to everyone that reached out to me & prayed for me and my family after the loss of my precious mother. Also, kudos to Sonia, Yesenia & Hilda for working shorthanded while I was gone. I’m thankful to work with so many caring people! 
-Penny Brown--Kitchen Team at Lotus

Kudos to Sarah for helping out walking a student back to class. 
-Kristine Gumm--Paraprofessional at Lotus

Thank you Paula and Colleen for helping with my “rabbit hole” report card binders. 

Thank you Natalie for the hot chocolate. 

Thanks to everyone who checked on how my brother did for wrestling he did not make it to state but I’m still so proud. He still has one more year so he is determined! It’s time for him to focus on the rodeo & getting ready for track.
-Sherry Tietjen--Special Education Teacher at Lotus

Kudos to Karen Skorup for always supporting me in and out of the classroom! I'm so glad to have you as my ILP buddy ❤️

Jillian Rejczyk--Special Education Teacher at Stanton

I would like to give a shout out to Adian for helping me with a student. Thank you for taking that student into the pod and having a conversation with them. That really helped to change their attitude when they came back into the classroom. Thank you.
Renee Evans
7th Grade Math

Thank you Katy Gardner for fixing my glasses!

Thank you Fiona and Alana for doing the PD with me today and last weekend!  I enjoy hanging out with you and talking about our sessions.

Thank you, Kelly Roland, Mollie Crow, Kaitlyn Goorsky, and Natasha Pfau, for getting everything together for GOTR. I can't wait for it to start!!!

Karen Lobo-Speech/Language Pathologist

I would like to give kudos to everyone who was at the board meeting on Tuesday for being so welcoming and supportive! I’d also like to give kudos to both Meghan and Leah for being amazing presentation partners and for constantly making me laugh through out the night. It really helped with my nerves. I never thought I’d have so much fun at a board meeting! :))
--Marla Walinski- Long Term Substitute at Stanton

Kim V. Thanks for sharing information!!
Erica B.  Thanks for your continued support!!!  GREATLY VALUE your ASSISTANCE and TIME!!!
Brittany and Megan, thanks for your assistance in organizing the classroom, and for compiling data sheets.
Michael S. for making the time to configure the Promethean board for the classroom.  GREATLY appreciate your time!!!
Russell D.  for assisting the students to remain on TASK!!!
-Jackie Gorden-Platek--Special Education Teacher at Lotus

Thank you Ashley Arff for being such a wonderful teammate and always stepping up when we need you. I love collaborating with you and I’m so grateful some of our trickiest kids get to have you as a teacher.

Thank you Sonia Miller for always helping me get kids food when they need it! You’re so kind and patient with everyone. 
-Ellie Seyfert-Social Worker at Lotus

Just wanted to give a HUGE shout out to our PTA and the staff who helped make the Family Fun Fair such a great success.  The smile on the students' faces and bonding with families was amazing to witness. 
-Kim VanHoorelbeke--Library Paraprofessional at Lotus

Kudos to Kim Rauchfuss, Nicole Brinkman and Matt Peters for all of your support and hard work for a tough meeting this week. It means the world to have a plan for this student.

Thank you Ellie for all of the supplies to help support this student. I really appreciate your time, listening ears and ideas!

Kudos to all of our staff who stepped up to be a coach for Girls on the Run!  I love seeing the impact that it makes on our girls and the courage that it gives these girls to try new things and find the best parts of themselves. Kelly and Mollie....thank you for bringing this back!
-Maureen DeVoss--2nd Grade Teacher

Kudos to Oner, thank you for stepping in last minute to help translate. You always go above and beyond for our students and families! Thank you!
-Lynn Smolen--Special Education Coordinator at Stanton

To Kelly Roland for all your help with GOTR. Your email of kind words really shows how great you are. 
To Karen Lobodzinski and Kaitlyn Goorsky, I am excited to kick this season off with you both! I can’t wait to see where it takes us! 

To Michelle and Mindy for being there for me with Neva being sick all week and making sure to check in on both me and her. I really appreciate all the support. 
To Mary Honea for covering for me while I was out, thank you! 
-Tasha Pfau - Paraprofessional at Lotus

Thank you to the kitchen staff: Yvette, Sue and Karen for always being helpful and loving to The Stanon Family.

Thank you JIllian Rejczyk  for having a student test in your room 8th period, two weeks ago, when he wasn't quite feeling like testing with his peers.

HUGE THANK YOU to: Oner Medrano for filling in during a transition meeting to translate for a parent last second. Honestly, I am forever grateful for your skills and blessed to have you as a team member. I would probably still be sitting there with my spanish/english dictionary figuring out my next sentence and using props to transfer the information. ¡GRACIAS MI AMIGO!  Also, for always taking the time to call parents with me for meetings, or updates, reminders. 

HUGE THANK YOU to: Matt ShannonLaura Livesay, Walter Nicholes, and Dan Olson for being at the students' transition meetings and sharing their excellent progress. Jackie Matthews, thank you for assisting all of our students with their daily needs, at any moment, without hesitation. Each one of you are truly amazing and I am forever grateful for a team who has become family to me. 

Thank you to Karen Lobodzinski, Kim Mack and Meghan Reimers for all of your hard work to assist students, helping them achieve their goals with success. 

Thank you to Lynn Smolen for running the meetings smoothly and on-time. Also, for witnessing a student wanting to take Health in summer school, as we all checked our pulses. .

Thank you to Rachelle Peters, the substitute queen for working her magic and coordinating our amazing subs to fill in for each of the teachers during transition meetings.

Thank you to Marla Walinski and Mark Perlman for stepping in for the 8th grade team to attend the transition meetings, it takes a village to cover five positions and you did it smoothly. 

Much appreciation to everyone!
Lisa Zabratanski - Special Education Teacher at Stanton 

Thank you, Sonia for helping me with third and fourth grade lunches in trying to encourage positive behavior. 
-Cheryl Schuck--Paraprofessional at Lotus

Kudos to Amanda for her support, help and encouragement this year! Thank you Amanda!
-Stephanie Thiel-Special Education Teacher at Lotus

A big thank you to my teammates Cary and Kendra for helping get things ready for the subs in my classroom when I was out sick. 

Joan and Joseph, thank you for being Ms. Groot for two days! 

Ellie, thank you for popping in my room to give one of my friends a pep talk while I was out! 
🩷 Jen Groot - First Grade Teacher

Thank you to Meghan Reimers, Leah Falster, and Marla Walinski for a fabulous SEL data presentation to the Board on Tuesday. Thanks to Kim Mack for helping pull the info together. 

Thanks to Sami Lear for presenting the Calendar Committee's work and recommendation to the Board. 
Board meeting!

Thanks to Ashley Wydra, Nicole Mild, Sami Lear, and Abbey Kadera for celebrating our Kinders at the Board meeting. 

Thanks to Kelly Roland, Mollie Crow, Dina Moczalla, and Megan May for celebrating our GIRLS ON THE RUN! Thanks to Tasha Pfau, Karen Lobodzinski, and Kaitlyn Goorsky for coming on board as 

Thanks to Natalie Udstuen for taking on the challenge of a new adventure as our Director of Business Services starting July 1! 

Thanks to the teams at Stanton and Lotus for hosting site visitors on Wednesday! 

Thanks to everyone who made Saturday's Family Fun Fair happen!!!!

From Heather 🧡💛🖤

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

How about giving YOURSELF a Personal Greeting at the Door? February is a LONG short let's find the good! 

Mark Your Calendars!

May 17, 2025!!!

Come celebrate our GOTR program AND Jeff Sefcik's retirement! There will be food, fun, music, and community! More info coming soon!!!!

Upcoming Events...

Remember the Employee Assistance Program!
The EAP is typically a great place to start when you need care and aren’t sure what support you or a family member might be needing. They can guide you to specific care and even set up the appointment for you. Take advantage of this confidential and supportive service to address any 
personal or work-related challenges you may be facing by calling Perspectives at 800.456.6327.

Good morning, District 114!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this Saturday's Family Fun Fair! We had a great turnout and enjoyed seeing everyone having a great time. Check out some of the pictures and videos from the event on our Facebook page! An extra special shout-out goes to our teachers and staff who volunteered their time to make this event a success. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

The Scholastic book fair at Lotus is underway, and we could still use a few volunteers for Tuesday and Thursday. Please consider signing up to work a shift!

Mark your calendars for our next PTA meeting! It will be on Monday, March 10th at 6:00 pm in the Lotus library! 

Can't join in person? Join us on Google Meets!

Don't forget to join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights and more, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!


Key 2024-25 Dates
April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

Date to Mark Down: 

Tuesday, March 18 Board of Education Meeting and EAFL Spirit Day

Wednesday, April 23rd- EAFL Articulation Meeting @ 2:00 PM at Stanton

Interested in getting more involved on the Union Board? We would love to have you. At the April Articulation meeting, we will be looking for nominations for some new board members. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to any current board member with questions. It is a great way to know what is going on with your district and your union and a great group of people to work with.

**Don't forget about your NEA no cost benefits!  To check them out, you should go to Deals and Discounts:

*Additional benefits and deals can be found at

Region News:

Want to know what is happening in the Region? Check out the Region 49 Newsletter!

 **Get your SCORE GRANT applications in! Grants for up to $1,000 are available for IEA members & their local associations to collaborate and create opportunities for community service/school projects  APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2026 SCHOOL YEAR WILL OPEN APRIL 1, 2025

PD Calendar:  Take a look at all the PD training we lined up here at IEA by clicking here :  The IEA is an ISBE approved provider for Professional Development Clock Hours.  Clock hours are offered at trainings that meet the PD requirements set by ISBE.  Events on the calendar are hosted by IEA or vetted by IEA

March 3--SCHOOL IN SESSION (calendar change)
March 6--The Let Them Theory book chat and coffee talk for anyone interested

May 17

District 114 CARES

At District 114 Fox Lake, the well-being of our students and families is our top priority. Understanding the critical role mental health plays in student success, we have launched District 114 CARES—a comprehensive initiative aimed at improving access to quality mental health services across our community.

What is District 114 CARES?

District 114 CARES stands for Community, Advocacy, Resilience, Engagement, and Support. This program is specifically designed to provide essential mental health resources and support to students and families, with a focus on those facing financial challenges.

Our mission is to ensure that every student has the tools they need to thrive—both emotionally and academically. By addressing barriers to care, we aim to empower students to reach their full potential in and out of the classroom.

Our Commitment

Through District 114 CARES, we reaffirm our dedication to fostering a supportive, resilient community where every student has equitable access to the resources and support they need to succeed.

ICE and D114 Plans

Please see the document linked here, which outlines exactly how we will respond should ICE come onsite.

Paste the URL below into your browser:

For Primary, use:

For Secondary, use:

2024-25 Early Release Plans--DRAFT--always a work in progress


Heather 🧡