Sunday, September 8, 2024

Monday Morning Memo 9/9/24



The September Wellness Challenge is linked here. Remember, you just need to do ONE thing each day! I cannot WAIT to see who all takes on this challenge!!!!

Oh, I think this one is really good for the week...

This Week's Wellness Invitation: Create Daily Habits
Create daily habits and routines to reduce your number of daily decisions. For example, create a ritual around preparing for the next day, respond to emails, return calls or text messages at a designated time, or grade papers/design lessons at the same time.  TIP: I lay out my workout clothes and work clothes for the next day the night before--I love a morning workout, and putting all the things out helps me be way more efficient in the morning! 

Kudos to Tracy Pennington, a D114 van driver, for going above and beyond 
with one of our students last week at their outplaced school.
There are a lot of moving parts when "things happen" so
her patience, understanding, and calm demeanor is greatly appreciated.
Thanks Tracy!!!
-Andrea De Matteo--Transportation Coordinator

Thank you to Lisa Zabratanski for being so meticulous with the Embrace paperwork for our students and upcoming meetings! 
-Kim Rauchfuss--District School Psychologist

Russ saw that we ordered new wheels for our scooters and took the liberty to put all the wheels on our scooters! Thank you for going out of your way to help us! We appreciate it so much! - Amber M & Jillian K (PE Teachers @ Lotus)

Brittany Luther has gone above and beyond in adapted PE. She takes an initiative to work with all her students, demonstrates activities for them if I'm working with someone else, encourages them, and is a great support during this time for me. I couldn't do it without you! You are appreciated beyond words! 
- Amber Mysliwiec-PE Teacher at Lotus

Katie Jalove Filippelli-  Thank you so much for taking the 6th graders in a small group for them to finish up their iReady testing. 

Natalie Molidor-  Thank you for helping me with some HMH issues and popping in for Flex class. 

Marla Walinski- Thank you for creating the 6th grade courageous cash prize poster for the 6th grade hallway!
-Kaitlyn Goorsky--6th Grade Social Studies Teacher

Shout out to Joseph Fernandez for jumping in and learning how to screen students using IRLA so that we can start intervention early this year! 

Amanda, you already know how much I value that huge heart and brilliant brain of yours, but I need to say thank you for going above and beyond your role as an interventionist to do ALL the things! You are a true instructional leader and we are blessed to have you. 

A big thank you to Natalie Molidor for coming to Lotus and helping with IRLA on Friday!
- Erica Barraza-Instructional Coach at Lotus

Thanks to everyone who reached out about daycares. We try an in home daycare Monday! So if I’m a hot mess just know change is hard but she is going to be in great hands! 

Thank you Cary Scarpino for the kinetic sand! If you see sand outside my room just keep walking LOL 😂 Hope they have fun with it and I don’t have a beach in the classroom. 
-Sherry Tietjen-Special Education Teacher at Lotus

Sonia - Thank you for sitting with my kiddos during lunch and being an emotional support for my 2 friends!  
Addy I, Thank you for keeping an eye on my friend and making sure he got on the bus.. while my hands were busy juggling my other students to their destination. 
Thank you to Ashley Arff, for being so ahead of the game and having such an abundance of patience and understanding with our kiddos. 
Ally Mixon , thank you for checking in on me. You are truly a kind person. 
-Misty Madula--Paraprofessional at Lotus

THANK YOU, to the NTH degree to Erica!!
Even when she's home sick, she continues to be a GINORMOUS and HUMONGOUS SUPPORT!!!!
Beyond GRATEFUL for your ENDLESS assistance!!!
-Jackie Gorden-Platek--Special Education Teacher at Lotus

I would like to give a shout out to the 8th grade team (Walter, Laura, Jackie, Dan, and Matt) for inviting me into the family and guiding me when I need help or a laugh. Also, for stepping up to the plate to come to Domains and IEPs without hesitation. Thank you!

Our instructional coaches are supportive, patient and kind. 

The SPED department is extremely helpful and knowledgeable as I make the transition to to Stanton Middle School. 
-Lisa Zabratanski--Special Education Teacher at Stanton

Thank you to Allie. You have truly made my experience as a new staff member and new OT such an easy transition. Thanks for answering all my questions and helping whenever needed. You are the best!
-Sammie Geenen--OT for the District

Thank you to Karen M. and Stephanie T. for being so flexible and supportive teammates!

Thank you Amanda L. and Erica B. for doing all the things for all the people!! 
-Allie Mixon--Special Education Coordinator at Lotus

Kudos to Russ who installed a new shelf in my office. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day, my plants are very happy in their new home.

Kudos to Alana Carlson SLP for going above and beyond helping me communicate with a student who has limited language skills.

Kudos to Amy BCBA for responding calmly and strategically to get a highly dysregulated student calm and safe quickly. 

Kudos to Gayle M, Maureen D, Amanda L, and Ashley W. For being my “testers” for our new CICO format and data entry. And for taking the time out of your very busy days to be CICO coaches for some of our neediest kids. You rock!
-Ellie Seyfert--Social Worker at Lotus

 I would like to recognize Niccole Culbertson for making community building a calm and inviting place for our students to start the day.  Always a smile, laugh, and reflection to help kick off the day for students and staff.
-Bryan Bailey-PLTW Teacher at Stanton

Thank you to the entire preschool team for a successful curriculum night! There were so many moving parts and people working behind the scenes to ensure that all would go well. Many para's checked in to assist with all the preschool classrooms to see if there were extra things to complete, and it was such a wonderful way to work as a team. Thank you all for everything you did, and all the ways you continuously show up for one another. You are so appreciated. 


Thank you to Allie who (with ONE DAY notice) was able to join me to have a brief meeting with a parent to address student needs. Your wealth of knowledge is awe inspiring, and I am so happy to have had your support. Thank you for your wisdom and your continued support each and every day.  

Thank you to the ECSE staff as well as Amy, Kim R, Fiona, Sammi, Allie and Stephanie S for meeting to address positive behavior strategies for students in our environment. I am so glad that we all can come together to brainstorm strategies and preferred reinforcers for some of our most vulnerable students. I am incredibly grateful for all the suggestions and support. Your heart is ALL in all you do.


Thank you to Stephanie S for always going above and beyond to train staff in the ECSE classroom. We appreciate the extra time you put in to make sure our students and staff are safe at all times. Thank you for leading with your heart and caring so deeply. D114 is incredibly lucky to have you as part of our family!
-Erin Donovan--ECSE Teacher 

Thank you to Kim V. for being so flexible and willing to read books that go with our curriculum when we come to you. The kids loved discussing punctuation with the book Exclamation!
-Cary Scarpino--1st Grade Teacher

Sending a HUGE thank you to my Chromebook cart guru Cheryl Shuck for getting my students name/number system in order and ready to go so it’s not a hot mess! 

Kudos to my first grade teammates for a job well done at Curriculum night and a fun dinner beforehand! 

Thank you to Matt for his prompt support with a behavior issue in my classroom. 

A big thank you to Kim Leable-Jacobs and Abbey Kadera for their continued hard work and partnership with our shared EL students. You guys are amazing! 
-Jen Groot-1st Grade Teacher

3rd Grade would like to give a kudos to Mary Honea and Adisyn Illg for stepping in at the last minute to help us get some IRLA testing done. We so appreciate your help and flexibility! 
-The 3rd Grade Team

Huge shoutout the kindergarten team for having amazing sub plans this week for permanent subs! If made walking into the classroom a lot easier every morning!

Sherry for awesome sub plans and being crystal clear with the new curriculum!

Kuddos to Mary H for spending quality time with me while our kindergarten students were at specials and we worked on GCN training!
-Adisyn Illg--Permanent Sub at Lotus

Chris Carvell for the way he handled a peer conflict in the gym.  Chris remained calm, called for an administrator and together we successfully deescalated the students involved.  The students successfully returned to class regulated and ready to learn!!  We call this coregulation!!!
-Jeff Sefcik--Principal at Stanton

Thanks to...

Erica, Amanda, Matt, Rachelle, Lynn, Matt, Katie, and Natalie for joining me at the IAR Data Dive with Cathy Weber on Thursday. I learned a LOT and my brain was very tired by the end!

My Business Office team for helping with all the things when I had to be out last week for my own home and kid issues. I work with the BEST. 

From Heather 🧡💛🖤

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!


Oh, gotta love WAIT TIME!!!! Even 11 seconds can make a huge difference in engagement and participation!!!! It will feel like forever for YOU but may be exactly what your students need! 

Know Anyone Who...
If you know anyone who would be interested in being a Van Driver, Sub Van Driver, or Bus Driver, please have them reach out! We can TRAIN bus drivers ourselves if they don't have a CDL, and van drivers don't need the CDL!!!

eLearning Plan
We are required to have our eLearning Plan approved every 3 years...and this is our year. We'll have to do a public hearing for this at the September Board meeting. Please see the updated plan linked here. This plan shifts any remote day to an EARLY RELEASE schedule, which the EAFL Board and I agree makes a LOT more sense. If you have input or questions, please reach out! 

Health/Life Safety Inspection
Representatives from the ROE will be onsite at both schools on September 18 to conduct the annual inspection. We'll be doing a "dry run" of this on this Wednesday, September 11 to get ahead of any issues and give guidance in advance on any shifts that need to be made before the formal inspection. 


1. Email or text (847-309-3921) Heather to let her know. 
2. In the communication, include proof of a positive test. 

You are expected to return to work as soon as you meet  the following criteria:
• Be free of fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) 
• Be free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. 

You are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a mask upon your return to prevent the spread of illness to others. Please alert me as to your date of return. 

Any days out are sick days. If you are out more than 3 days--as with any illness--a physician's note is required. 

Masks are available in the office for all staff who wish to wear one. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Eat Out 2 Help Out-Panera-McHenry 
Join us in our first ever EO2HO event with Panera Bread! 
When: Friday, September 27th, 2024 
Where: Panera Bread-1850 North Richmond Road-Mchenry
*Please make sure to bring in the Flyer or Mention 114 PTA at time of purchase for credit*

Start the new school year off right by joining the PTA!

Join the PTA this school year and make a difference in our children's education! By getting involved, you’ll help create a supportive community, enhance school programs, and ensure our kids have the best opportunities to thrive. Your voice matters—let’s work together to make this year amazing!

The first PTA meeting of the year will be Thursday, September 12th at 6:00pm in the Lotus Library.

Become a member here! Dues are just $6 for the year! 

Keep up to date on everything the PTA is up to by joining our Facebook group here!

Key 2024-25 Dates

April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

October 21-25 Book Fair

Family Reading Night (Lotus)
October 23

Santa's Breakfast and Stanton Book Fair--TBD

February 22
Family Fun Fair (Lotus)

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

*Steve Podgorski, our NEA Investment Adviser Representative will be holding virtual meetings for anyone who would like to meet with him. He is able to help you with loan forgiveness, retirement services and other financial planning. Our meeting date will be Thursday, October 10. The link to sign up is below: 

*Don't forget about your NEA no cost benefits!  To check them out, you should go to Deals and Discounts:

*Additional benefits and deals can be found at

IRS Reminder for School Teachers: Up to $300 in Classroom Expenses Deductible for 2024

As educators gear up for the new school year, the IRS reminds schoolteachers that the maximum deduction for classroom expenses in 2024 remains at $300. This deduction allows educators to offset the cost of supplies, materials and other classroom essentials, providing some financial relief for those who spend their own money to improve their students' learning experience. Under federal law, this $300 cap is unchanged from 2023, continuing the adjustment for inflation that began in 2022 when the limit was raised from $250. Further details can be found here.


Tuesday, September 10 (Stanton 5-8)


September 11--Practice Runs of Health/Life Safety Inspections
September 12--PTA Meeting at 6PM in the Lotus Library 
September 17--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus at 7PM or via Google Meet 
September 18--ROE Health/Life Safety Inspections

Eat Out 2 Help Out-Panera-Mchenry 
Join us in our first ever EO2HO event with Panera Bread! 
When: Friday, September 27th, 2024

Lotus Family Reading Night--October 23, 2024
2024-25 Early Release Plans--DRAFT--work in progress

2024-25 Certified Staff Evaluation Documents--Coming soon!

So one of our friends (from Arff’s room) just had to go to the bathroom so bad a recess, he decided to just pee on the tree outside. His justification was that he “just couldn’t hold it…sorry.”
                                        -Thank you, Mo DeVoss for this one!

