Sunday, September 29, 2024

Monday Morning Memo 9/30/24



The September Wellness Challenge is linked here. Remember, you just need to do ONE thing each day! I cannot WAIT to see who all takes on this challenge!!!!

Paste the URL below into your browser:

For Primary, use:

For Secondary, use:

As we head to the end of September, I think these are great reminders...and maybe daily affirmations you can use throughout the Fall (see below)! 

This Week's Wellness Invitation: Develop Self-Compassion
Develop self-compassion through daily affirmations. Create your own affirmations or use these:
*I treat myself with kindness.
*I forgive myself when I make mistakes.
*I am learning every day. 
*I am doing my best.
*I love myself. 
*It's ok for me not to be perfect. 
*I am powerful and strong.
*Any of the ones in the image above! 🠉

KUDOS to muscle men Connor Macko and Jack Resnick for shifting our
new, EXTREMELY HEAVY 12 drawer file cabinet so that it doesn't block the copier.
-Michele Burgess-Administrative Assistant at Stanton

Rachelle, Lynn, Jill and Michele for picking up my slack while I was out last week.  I really appreciate your extra efforts!!

isa Shannon for going the extra mile with a dysregulated student.  I watched her get on the floor with the student as he hid under the desk.  Way to go Lisa...#TraumaInformed

Don Ukleja for installing our office blinds.  What a beautiful and safe new workspace!
-Jeff Sefcik-Principal at Stanton 

I would like to give a shout out to Kim Leable for all her help this week-- including subbing for me while I was subbing so that I could help a family.  Thank you for always stepping in to help out wherever needed.  You make my life so much easier all the time!
-Abbey Kadera--Bilingual Teacher at Lotus

THANK YOU to Adisyn, Courtney, Colleen, and Misty for making all the copies, laminating, and then cutting all those letters and flashcards for our students.

THANK YOU Gina for making my class vowel valley. So very sweet of you to do that for me! 

THANK YOU to my amazing team for the support day in and day out. 

THANK YOU Ellie for letting us use your yoga mats for yoga therapy! 
-Ashley Arff--Special Education Teacher at Lotus

-Natalie Molidor thank you for helping my speech students practice some sounds in phrases!!!

-Liz Plemmons thanks for the voice lessons... Mason (my youngest) was very impressed!
-Karen Lobodzinski--Speech and Language Pathologist for the District

Thank you to Pam, Hailey and Kristine for borrowing the ECSE  classroom your wagon so that we could go into the gymnasium for pictures. We appreciate your flexibility and kind hearts to make sure that all our students got in and out safely. We appreciate you so much! 

Thank you to Fiona and Kim R for joining the ECSE classroom during picture time, your assistance was incredibly helpful and we are so thankful you assisted during a tricky transition for our crew. 

Thank you to the ECSE staff for always going with the flow and having a sense of humor and a smile! I am so happy every day when I come to work, because I love the people I work with. Thank you all so much! Lumi, Mandi, Mary and Monica, I appreciate each and every one of you!

Thank you to Mr. Russ for helping me with a car issue. I appreciate the time you took to make sure I got home safely. You have a big heart, and are an amazing friend. I am so thankful for your friendship!
-Erin Donovan--Early Childhood Special Education Teacher

Thank you Erin Connolly-Jordt for helping a student in PE with a hair crisis before they take their school pictures! 

Thank you Adam Schaefer for helping PE with getting quotes on a projector for grant proposals! We truly appreciate the time you dedicated and your expertise!

Thank you, Haley Baum and Kristine Gumm, for always being so present and patient with your students. The way you connect with them is truly inspiring—you can see how deeply they are loved, and how much you love them in return. I’m so grateful for your willingness to try new things with me and explore the best ways to support your students. Your dedication is truly amazing!

Thank you, Stephanie Silverman for your unwavering support. Our regular meetings to discuss students' goals and how we can best support each other have been so helpful. Your guidance in ensuring that I create activities that are both challenging and supportive means the world to me. I truly appreciate your partnership and expertise!

A huge thank you to my amazing co-teacher, Jillian Kilty! It’s such a joy to come to work every day knowing I get to collaborate with someone so dedicated, passionate, and hilarious. You make everyday better, and I’m beyond excited for all the fun and exciting things we have planned this year! You’re truly remarkable! 
 - Amber Mysliwiec--PE Teacher at Lotus 

Cross country Co coach Matt Shannon brings his love and passion to the team. He has been an amazing co-coach and the team loves him. He knows how to push them to their limits and challenges them to the point of their successes. It has been great coaching with you! 
Liza Zabratanski has been a great addition to the 8th grade team. We are really grateful for you. 
-Laura Livesay--8th Grade Science Teacher

THANK YOU, Ashley for opening up your classroom to mine!!!
THANK YOU, Sherry for taking on an added responsibility!!
THANK YOU, Colleen for your continued assistance and support!!!
-Jackie Gorden-Platek--Special Education Teacher at Lotus

Adisyn- Thank you so much for taking my room and helping me get IRLA, MAP testing and making sure my kids had time to finish their math test!  You are a rock star! 

Sarah and Christine- thank you for always being supportive, even in my craziest of days and weeks.

Chris Brown- thank you for helping me decorate a student’s locker to make their birthday special when I couldn’t be there! 

Kim Leable and Abbey Kadera- Thank you for being in my classroom on Friday while I was out! I know it was an off day and knowing my kids were in good hands made it so much easier to be out. 
-Maureen DeVoss--2nd Grade Teacher

1st grade team,  thank you for keeping me in the loop and allowing me to connect with students during library time with story requests/themes.  

Sonia & Lotus Lunch Team - thanks for getting everything ready for Monthly Cafeteria Incentives!  I know the students will be excited.  

Thank you to all the secret elves for your generous PBIS Store donations :)  I have bags from last delivery if you want them.
-Kim VanHoorelbeke--Lotus Library Paraprofessional 

Thank you Adisyn Illg, Mary Honea, and Chris Brown for putting up my UFLI Sound Wall and Vowel Valley! I appreciate you all so much!
-Christine Spittler--2nd Grade Teacher

Thanks to Brittany Luther for your artistic skills in helping to make the birthday bulletin board in the staff lounge. You’re amazing!!!
-Cheryl Schuck--Paraprofessional at Lotus

Kudos to Michele Burgess for helping 5th grade create a hybrid report card! We really appreciate your help and Skyward expertise!!
-Natalie Molidor--Instructional Coach at Stanton

Kudos to Jackie G-P for taking the time to complete multiple time consuming assessments for students upcoming evaluations and being flexible when unexpected things occur (because they always do).

Kudos to Allie Mixon. I'm not sure what I would do without you. Thanks for always offering to help and take things off my plate so I can spend more time with students. 

Kudos to all lotus teachers for being willing to try something new with monthly celebrations/re-teach sessions. And for surviving my many many emails about it. Hopefully each month with be better than the last. 

Kudos to Nicole Brinkman for everything you do! You have a lot of hats to wear this year working with all grades, and you are really rocking it.
-Ellie Seyfert--Social Worker at Lotus

I want to give kudos to Katy Gardner for leaving such nicely laid out, detailed sub plans this week. Thank you! Huge shoutout to the PBIS team: Kim, Kendra, and Chris, for completing a successful PBIS store on Thursday. The kids really enjoyed being able to go "shopping" with the cash they've earned. 
Calista Warmowski--Permanent Sub at Stanton

I would like to send kudos to Allie Mixon for showing us the Star curriculum and helping us further understand it!

Erin, Mandi, Lumi and Monica for encouraging me  and being there to prepare for the para test!

Fiona for always being patient, answering any questions and helping learn the talkers!

Stephanie for teaching us proper ways we should be helping the kids move and to prevent injuring ourselves in the process!
-Mary Fisher--Paraprofessional at Lotus

Katie Jalove-Filippelli  for helping me fix PBIS when I royally messed it up when trying to input a students CICO information. Appreciate it! 

Kaitlyn, Katy, Jamie, and Cathy for attending many IEP/504 meetings this week and updating us with the information from them. 
-Dayja Wydzierzecki--6th Grade ELA Teacher

Kudos to Allie Mixon, Erica Barraza, Amanda Lorenz, Joan Kantenwein, and Michelle Magness for each subbing for me on Monday.  
-Stephanie Kolk--4th Grade Teacher

Thanks to...

Mary Taylor and Russ Xhemaili for being on site last Saturday to make sure all the new furniture at both sites got installed!

Kim Husko, Kendra Smeigh, Chris Carvell, and everyone who helped make the PBIS store at Stanton such a fun, smile-filled event. Special thanks to Calista Warmowski for quickly stepping in as banker when the kids didn't know their Courageous Cash balance!

From Heather 🧡💛🖤

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!


Pick one thing from this image and really, really focus on it this week with the students you see! And we are ALLLLLLLL teachers because we are part of our students' stories, so I challenge each of us to focus on one!

I'm going to focus on LISTENING ACTIVELY to everyone I get to talk with. I'd love to hear what you'll focus on if you're willing to share! 


It's time for our annual Wellness Screening Event through NIHIP!

Empower Health Services will be at Stanton on Friday, October 11, 2024 from 6:30am - 10:30am. The event is available to ALL staff.

The wellness screenings will consist of three components:
  1. The Screening package (see attached for more information)
  2. Seasonal Flu Shot
  3. Additional Test Options
Screening package and Flu Shots are available at NO COST to employees and spouses on any district health plan. 

Additional test options are available and covered for all BCBS PPO members and on a self-pay basis for all BCBS HMO members. 

Employees and spouses not on the district's insurance plan can also participate on a self-pay basis. 

For those only interested in the Seasonal Flu Shot, you must register online and select the "Flu Only" option when creating an appointment . Flu Shots will only be provided to those with an appointment.

Registration is now open! Please follow these steps to sign up:
  • Visit the Empower Health website by clicking here
  • Returning Participants: If you previously created an account, sign in under "Welcome Back!'
  • New Participants: Complete "New User" fields and enter
    client code: foxlakedist114EHS
Please reach out to Maddie Mercado  if you have any questions or concerns.

National Boards
Our National Board Certification is about to begin its work again! If you'd like to jump in, we can still add you! Please see me with any questions...or talk to anyone in the cohort to get their take:

Maureen DeVoss
Amanda Lorenz
Amber Mysliwiec
Emily Reczek
Sherry Tietjen

Tentative Cohort Dates for 24-25
3:30-5:30 at Lotus

Oct 10, 24
Nov 7, 21
Dec 12
Jan 16
Feb 13, 27
March 13
April 3, 17
May 15

Know Anyone Who...
If you know anyone who would be interested in being a Van Driver, Sub Van Driver, or Bus Driver, please have them reach out! We can TRAIN bus drivers ourselves if they don't have a CDL, and van drivers don't need the CDL!!! 


1. Email or text (847-309-3921) Heather to let her know. 
2. In the communication, include proof of a positive test. 

You are expected to return to work as soon as you meet  the following criteria:
• Be free of fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) 
• Be free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. 

You are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a mask upon your return to prevent the spread of illness to others. Please alert me as to your date of return. 

Any days out are sick days. If you are out more than 3 days--as with any illness--a physician's note is required. 

Masks are available in the office for all staff who wish to wear one. 

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first Eat Out to Help Out event this year! We sincerely appreciate your support! Our next EOTHO will be on Wednesday, October 16th from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at McDonald's in Fox Lake!

We're looking for parents, teachers, and staff who are looking to get more involved to help us plan this year's Santa's Breakfast. Click on the links below to learn more:
The Lotus Fall Bookfair will run from 10/18 to 10/25. Sign up to volunteer here:

We're also looking for nominations for our next PTA Secretary! Please email us at if you're interested or would like to know more!

Mark your calendars! Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 14th at 6:00 pm. This meeting will be held exclusively online on Google Meets!

Join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!

We hope to see you there!


Key 2024-25 Dates

October 21-25 Book Fair

Family Reading Night (Lotus)
October 23

Santa's Breakfast and Stanton Book Fair--TBD

February 22
Family Fun Fair (Lotus)

April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

NEXT WEEK!!!  Steve Podgorski, our NEA Investment Adviser Representative will be holding virtual meetings for anyone who would like to meet with him. He is able to help you with loan forgiveness, retirement services and other financial planning. Our meeting date will be Thursday, October 10. The link to sign up is below: 

*Don't forget about your NEA no cost benefits!  To check them out, you should go to Deals and Discounts:

*Additional benefits and deals can be found at

Region 49 has it in their budget for people from local schools to go to a variety of different conferences and professional development opportunities. If you choose to attend, please contact Kendra Logar and save your receipts for any expenses regarding the event. You can get reimbursed up to a certain amount specified by the region depending on the event. There are tons of opportunities coming up! 
  • One Conference September 30- October 1 (Oakbrook, IL) 

  • EMELT November 4-6  (Springfield, IL)

  • Virtual ESP Empowerment Roundtable Nov. 18 | 6:30 p.m.

  • GPA Mini-Convention February 25th-26th (Springfield, IL)

The Region 49 Council is looking for an Early Career Representative. All candidates will have to be within the first 10 years of their career. It is an elected position so they will go on the same ballot as the IEA-RA election. 
  • Nominations will be sent out on Oct. 16th. 

  • For more information please reach out to Kendra Logar

Institute Day/Wellness Event--October 11

Day Off!!!! October 14!!!!

BOE meeting--October 15 at Lotus at 7PM

Lotus Fall into Reading--October 23, 2024

Newest info added at the top...not organized by date! 

2024-25 Early Release Plans--DRAFT--work in progress

We started reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School this week. The first chapter is a story about a mean teacher turning her students in apples. Today at breakfast my students decided to put their apples on my desk and start asking me who I turned in apples. 😆
They thought it was the funniest thing. And I love how engaged they are in our read aloud time!

Thanks to Christine Spittler for this one! Your class is AMAZING--THANK YOU FOR ADOPTING ME!!!!

A student in Jackie's ILP structured class...asked to come up with her own game to improve her articulation... She called it the Game of Motivation! Loved it because she bought into playing it... Also, she had significantly higher correct productions of her sound. 🎉
Thanks to Karen Lobodzinski for this one! 

