The April Happiness Challenges are linked here!
Thank you to everyone that helped with the distribution of the Bernies Books - Joe , Cheryl, Chris, Ellen and Kim. All your helping hands made the task go quick! Sue
A big thanks to Kaitlyn Goorsky for gathering all the teacher feedback and other important information on a student this week for his meeting. The information was beyond helpful!
Thank you to all of the teachers (Scott D., Katy, Lemar, Chris C., Dayja, Sarah Groebe, Kaitlyn, and Lisa S.) who gave such detailed feedback to Kaitlyn about our student. This information is so pertinent for the evaluations and so beneficial for our determinations.
-From Kim Rauchfuss (School Psychologist)
Thanks to everyone for showing me grace this week--I had a horrible cold and our basement flooded. I was for sure NOT my best self.
In Case You're Interested...
D114 Family Egg Hunt!!!!
BPAC Multicultural Event
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