Sunday, April 7, 2024

Monday Morning Memo 4/8/24


The April Happiness Challenges are linked here!

Thank you to everyone that helped with the distribution of the Bernies Books - Joe , Cheryl, Chris, Ellen and Kim. All your helping hands made the task go quick! Sue

A big thanks to Kaitlyn Goorsky for gathering all the teacher feedback and other important information on a student this week for his meeting.  The information was beyond helpful!  

Thank you to all of the teachers (Scott D., Katy, Lemar, Chris C., Dayja, Sarah Groebe, Kaitlyn, and Lisa S.) who gave such detailed feedback to Kaitlyn about our student.  This information is so pertinent for the evaluations and so beneficial for our determinations.  

-From Kim Rauchfuss (School Psychologist)

Thanks to everyone for showing me grace this week--I had a horrible cold and our basement flooded. I was for sure NOT my best self. 

-From Heather 💓

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

Just a Reminder...

It's been a bit since we've checked in on the Friz 5! I'll be sharing some reminders on each of the 5 over the next weeks. 


I absolutely LOVE this video by Ken William about learning targets and starting with the CROWN...

Field Trips
FYI--field trips are already booked on the following dates. No additional trips can be booked on these dates:

April 10th - Future Quest - 7th Grade - 3-7:30 pm - Lake County Tech - Career Exploration
April 11th - Future Quest - 8th Grade - 3-7:30 pm - Lake County Tech - Career Exploration

May 3rd - 3rd Grade - Legoland, will eat lunch on buses, 1Reg Ed, 1 SpEd bus
May 14th - 4th Grade - Camp Duncan - End of year class trip
May 17th - 1st Grade - Chicago Botanic Gardens
May 20th - 8th Grade Class Trip 

In Case You're Interested...

D114 Family Egg Hunt!!!!

BPAC Multicultural Event

Illness Reporting

If you test positive for COVID, please let me know immediately. 

You may return to work as soon as you meet all the criteria above. I am not asking for a 5 or 10 day window at this point; rather, you must meet the return to school criteria listed below. You are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a mask upon your return to prevent the spread of illness to others. Please alert me as to your date of return. Any days out are sick days. 

Masks are available in the office for all staff who wish to wear one. 

All staff MUST follow the same sick guidelines we apply to students. These days are counted as sick days. The guidelines are as follows (linked here and copy/pasted below):

Sick Day Guidelines: Making the right choice!  
Dear Parents:  To help prevent the spread of illness, we would like to give you some guidelines to help with your decision on whether or not to send your child to school.  We ask that you keep your child home if he or she:  
• Has a fever of 100.4 (oral) degrees or higher 
• Has cramps and or vomiting • Has a sore throat with fever (see below) 
• Has a persistent cough (dry or productive) 
• Has diarrhea (three or more episodes in 24 hrs) 
• Has a rash or open and draining sores 
• Has symptoms that prevent him or her from participating in school, such as:  
o Excessive tiredness or lack of appetite 
o Headaches, body aches, earaches 
o Severe sore throat (could be strep-throat even without fever.  Other symptoms of strep throat in children are headache & stomach upset.  Contact your pediatrician to assess or diagnose strep throat).   

If your child has recently been ill, please be aware of the following guidelines before having your child return to school, athletic or social activities:  
• They should feel fit for at least 24 hours. 
• Be free of fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) 
• Be free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. 
• If strep throat, they must be on the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours. 
• If conjunctivitis, they must be on the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician.  
• Rash illnesses should be assessed by a doctor.  If chicken Pox is suspected, keep home for at least 5 days after the appearance of the rash or until all blisters have scabbed over. 

Please reach out to me with any questions, for clarification, or for support. Your safety and the safety of our students remains our utmost priority! 

Reporting Absences
All employees are expected to enter all absences in Frontline, even if you text/call/email others to let them know you will be out. This is a professional responsibility! 

Culver's Eat Out 2 Help Out
Monday, April 8th 5-8pm
Rt 12 Fox Lake, IL

April PTA Meeting
Thursday, April 11th, 2024
6:00 pm @ Lotus Library or Virtual

Stanton Book Fair
April 22nd-26th
On the stage during student lunch hours
Looking for parent volunteers to help, if you are interested please email Katelyn or Sylvia at

Important Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, April 16- EAFL Spirit Day and BOE Meeting - 7 PM @ Lotus School
Wednesday, April 24- Union Articulation @ Stanton 2 PM

At the articulation meeting, we will be looking for a few new EAFL Board members. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved and help to keep the district moving in a positive direction. If you are interested in sitting on the board, please talk to one of the current board members and we can help answer questions and talk about next steps. 

How to access IEA/NEA opportunities:

You may hear about IEA and NEA opportunities through your local president(s) and/or IEA representative. Please contact your Region Council representative or Eugene Skura, Region 49 Chair, with any questions you may have or requests for funding (

Not sure how to access the IEA Members Only section?

  1. Go to, and click on the Members Only link (above the red banner in the upper right corner.)

  2. Login or register on the following page.

  3. If you need your IEA number, registration, or login information, use IEA Connect located in the lower right hand corner of every screen.

Saturday, April 13--D114 Family Egg Hunt at Lotus from 11-12, rain or shine (see info above) 

Tuesday, April 16--Board of Education Meeting at 7PM at Lotus or via Meet. 

Saturday, April 27--BPAC Multicultural Family Event at Grant from 12-3 PM

What do you hope is YOUR legacy?