Sunday, March 17, 2024

๐Ÿ˜Ž Monday Morning Memo 3/18/24---It's Almost Spring Break!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž


The ☘March Happiness Challenges are linked here! I hope you have some fun with them!!!! 

Thank you, David Roat for always being ready with quick responses for IAR make up testing!


Thanks again Kim Husko, for allowing us to use your space for testing students in the morning! 

-From Katie Jalove Filippelli (Instructional Coach at Stanton)

Shout out to the entire transportation team and bus aides!

With a driver out and having to use outsourced companies everyone has stepped up

to cover routes, field trips, late runs and helping the outsourced companies.

I can't say enough how great this team is at getting it done and doing it safely.


Mike Szotek and Kriste Paul for helping me with a software/video malfunction.

It was a rough few days and you helped me get through it, thank you!

-From Andrea De Matteo (Transportation Coordinator)

Thank you to Erica for briefly covering my class/Amanda for letting me borrow your office, so I could

connect with a parent on a phone call! I appreciate you both! 

-From Anna Morris (4th grade Teacher)

Thank you to Joan, Erin CJ and Misty for helping in the morning to get the ECSE students in the


and ready to start their day. Your assistance this week was monumental, and you are so very much



Thank you to Don for being fast acting to fix the classroom sink in the bathroom we share with Mr. Ben.

We are thankful for you helping to set the water on a smaller timer. Also, Thank you so much for fixing

a student's

favorite classroom chair that was broken. We are thankful for you!


Erin CJ, I greatly enjoy your care, compassion and assistance when you join our ECSE Crew.

We love how you

jump right in as needed and ask questions to truly get to know the students and their various needs.

Your heart is in all you do, and I am so thankful for you!


Adisyn, the ECSE crew LOVES you and we all appreciate it when you pop in to assist and spread your

love and

cheer. You are an amazing educator, and your relationships with students thrive because of your kind


Thank you so much for all you do!


Stephanie Silverman, your expertise and knowledge absolutely blows me away! You have such a vast

knowledge of physical therapy needs and you share the safety specifics in a wonderful way that all


can comfortably listen and learn from. Thank you for taking the time to arrange weekly meetings with


staff so we can all learn how to safely use equipment for our students. Your passion for education is



the Pre-K team, thank you so much for being open with communication for planning purposes as well


multiple student meetings. Your commitment to education and your teamwork is much appreciated! 


to my amazing ECSE staff, Mia, Monica, Kristine and Sienna... the words "thank you" are never enough.

I love

coming to work everyday because of all of you. Thank you for being such an outstanding group who are

open to

learning new things everyday. Your excitement and openness to new learning opportunities is why our


are thriving! 

-From Erin Donovan (ECSE Teacher)

We would like to give a big kudos to Erin CJ and Jeff Fewell! Mrs. CJ took on teaching all of 3rd grade

how to

play the recorder and arranged for them to perform with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. It was


and incredible to see all the young musicians playing and singing along with the Symphony. I know we

all left

with a full bucket witnessing the magic :) Huge KUDOS to Jeff for being so flexible and calm with


that was thrown at him on our travels. He handled everything so professionally and we hope he can drive us on

our next field trip! Also, thank you Nicole Brinkman for helping us with some of our anxious musicians

-Mollie, Teri, and Kelly (Lotus 3rd grade teachers)

Thank you to Erin CJ for making magic happen for our 3rd grade musicians!

Thank you to Jeff Fewell for staying calm in a wiper blade crisis---TWICE---on the field trip to Milwaukee!!!

Thank you to Karen Brnot and Stanton's NJHS for putting on an incredible Parents' Night Out.

-From Heather ๐Ÿ’“

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

Learning Targets for Educators 

Construction Is Beginning!!!!
FYI, the Lotus roof project will start during Spring Break over the main entrance. Please be aware that you will likely need to use a different entrance to get in the building if you choose to come in during break. 

Field Trips
FYI--field trips are already booked on the following dates. No additional trips can be booked on these dates:

April 10th - Future Quest - 7th Grade - 3-7:30 pm - Lake County Tech - Career Exploration
April 11th - Future Quest - 8th Grade - 3-7:30 pm - Lake County Tech - Career Exploration

May 3rd - 3rd Grade - Legoland, will eat lunch on buses, 1Reg Ed, 1 SpEd bus
May 14th - 4th Grade - Camp Duncan - End of year class trip
May 17th - 1st Grade - Chicago Botanic Gardens
May 20th - 8th Grade Class Trip 

Illness Reporting

If you test positive for COVID, please let me know immediately. 

You may return to work as soon as you meet all the criteria above. I am not asking for a 5 or 10 day window at this point; rather, you must meet the return to school criteria listed below. You are STRONGLY encouraged to wear a mask upon your return to prevent the spread of illness to others. Please alert me as to your date of return. Any days out are sick days. 

Masks are available in the office for all staff who wish to wear one. 

All staff MUST follow the same sick guidelines we apply to students. These days are counted as sick days. The guidelines are as follows (linked here and copy/pasted below):

Sick Day Guidelines: Making the right choice!  
Dear Parents:  To help prevent the spread of illness, we would like to give you some guidelines to help with your decision on whether or not to send your child to school.  We ask that you keep your child home if he or she:  
• Has a fever of 100.4 (oral) degrees or higher 
• Has cramps and or vomiting • Has a sore throat with fever (see below) 
• Has a persistent cough (dry or productive) 
• Has diarrhea (three or more episodes in 24 hrs) 
• Has a rash or open and draining sores 
• Has symptoms that prevent him or her from participating in school, such as:  
o Excessive tiredness or lack of appetite 
o Headaches, body aches, earaches 
o Severe sore throat (could be strep-throat even without fever.  Other symptoms of strep throat in children are headache & stomach upset.  Contact your pediatrician to assess or diagnose strep throat).   

If your child has recently been ill, please be aware of the following guidelines before having your child return to school, athletic or social activities:  
• They should feel fit for at least 24 hours. 
• Be free of fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) 
• Be free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. 
• If strep throat, they must be on the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours. 
• If conjunctivitis, they must be on the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician.  
• Rash illnesses should be assessed by a doctor.  If chicken Pox is suspected, keep home for at least 5 days after the appearance of the rash or until all blisters have scabbed over. 

Please reach out to me with any questions, for clarification, or for support. Your safety and the safety of our students remains our utmost priority! 

Reporting Absences
All employees are expected to enter all absences in Frontline, even if you text/call/email others to let them know you will be out. This is a professional responsibility! 

In Case You're Interested...

Stanton NJHS Parents Night Out

Click here or see below for information! 

BPAC Multicultural Event

Culver's Eat Out 2 Help Out
Monday, April 8th 5-8pm
Rt 12 Fox Lake, IL


*Don't forget to show your spirit for our next EAFL Spirit Day on Tuesday, March 19. Then, join us for the school board meeting at 7 PM that same night. 

*Mark your calendars: our Union Articulation meeting will be on Wednesday, April 24, 2 PM at Stanton. We will be nominating new board members, so if you are interested or have any questions, please let one of the current board members know. 

Some great opportunities: 

DEADLINE  – March 15! IEA-NEA LOVEWORKS Does Read Across America 2024: IEA Members are encouraged to apply for a chance to bring diverse books into their schools or classroom! Download the event flier or read more about this opportunity on the submission page!

March is Women’s History Month. This year’s theme is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion”. Check out these awesome resources:


The Opportunity Coalition presents: “Leading Change Together: Building the Schools Our Students Deserve.”

April 3, 4 to-5:15 p.m. Check out the event flier and review the registration page for this free virtual event.


Learning Studio Courses: Through a generous grant, IEA members are being offered free and unlimited access to Opportunity Partners' Spring 2024 Learning Studio courses. These live practice development courses give participants the chance to learn about Leadership Pathways with NEA Director and Vice President of the Durham Association of Educators Turquoise Parker, the Collective Well-Being Project with Eboni "Restorative Rucker" and the Future of AI in Education with the Director of Innovation at Barrington Unit School District Ty Gorman. The courses are live, but online, which offers an excellent opportunity to network with educators from other districts.

When you register, you must use discount code: IEA!

Thank you, Adisyn Illg, for another great find!!!! ๐Ÿ’œ

You can make it!!! Spring Break is right around the corner!!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž