Sunday, November 12, 2023

Monday Morning Memo 11/13/23


Thank you to Amber M. for planning and organizing the Mini Monsters event.  Our 2-4th graders

loved it!  What an amazing opportunity! 


Sue and Paula for helping to organize all the Holiday Event information for families and students! 

It was a lot of work, I couldn't have done it without them!  Thank you so much! 

-From Natalie Udstuen (Assistant Principal at Lotus)

Kim Mack, Meghan Reimers, Rachelle Peters, the 8th Grade Team and Dr. Rendon for the

tremendous amount of support they provided to a student who's life was turned upside down this

week.  You all do amazing work for our kids!!! You make the hashtag #OnceAFoxAlwaysAFox come

to life! Proud to work alongside you!

-From Jeff Sefcik (Principal at Stanton)

To the entire D114 team! I'm so very grateful to get to work with each of you!

-From Heather 💓

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

How about these for SEL targets???

Board Meeting Sneak Peek

Building Access
If you need to get into the building on the weekend, please be sure to notify an administrator. Additionally, before asking a custodian to assist you on a weekend, you MUST clear this with an administrator BEFORE asking the custodian to report. See me with any questions about this. Also--if you ever have a question about any of this, feel free to text/call me at 847-309-3921. 

Reporting Absences
All employees are expected to enter all absences in Frontline, even if you text/call/email others to let them know you will be out. This is a professional responsibility! 

Parent/Teacher Conferences–Updated!!!

Conferences Fall 2023



November 20--In Person Conferences

*Conferences 2:00 PM-9:00 PM

*Meal break 5:00 PM-6:00 PM

*Instructional support staff work  7:30 AM-8:00 PM 

*All non-instructional support staff work


November 20--In Person/Virtual


*Conferences 1:00PM-8:00PM

*Meal break 5:00 PM-6:00 PM

*Instructional support staff

work 7:15 AM-7:45 PM

*All non-instructional support staff work


November 21--Virtual Conferences

*Conferences 8:00AM-12:00PM

*Instructional support staff

work 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

*All non-instructional support staff work


November 21--In Person/Virtual


*Conferences 8:00AM-12:00PM

*Instructional support staff work

8:00 AM-12:00 PM

*All non-instructional support staff work


NOTE: Instructional support staff must work all hours on both days to receive 2 full days' pay. 

Medicaid Billing

You know who you are...please be sure to document your billable hours. This generates a TON of funding for our Special Education programming!

Parent Teacher Conference Dinners
Monday, Nov 20th-  5-6pm (Donations needed by 4)
We are STILL in need of donations and parent volunteers. If you are interested in donating desserts or volunteering for conference dinners, please use the link below to fill out the form. Crystal will contact you with more information. If you have any questions or have issues filling out the form, please please contact Crystal at for more information.

Stanton Book Fair
Monday, Nov 27th-Saturday, Dec 2nd
Before school and during lunch periods on the stage.
*We are STILL looking for parent volunteers. If you can help, please contact Katelyn or Sylvia at

Santa's Breakfast & Holiday Market
Saturday, December 2nd, 8am-12pm @ Stanton
*We are looking for small business/crafters for our holiday market. If you or anyone you know would be interested, please contact Victoria @ 
Tickets are ON SALE Now. Use the link to purchase ahead of time.

Don't forget...Tuesday is our EAFL spirit wear day!  Wear your EAFL shirt and then join us at the board of education meeting on Tuesday, November 14th @ 7:00 in the Lotus Gym.

If you did not receive your IEA membership card, please reach out to one of your board members, so that we may check on that. With different people being hired at different times, it may still be on the way.

Now that you have your membership card, don't forget to check out the website to see the different offers and deals that are available to you with your union membership.

November 14–Board of Education Meeting at 7:00 PM at Lotus or  via Google Meets (click for link)

November 20 and 21--Conferences

November 22--No School

November 23 and 24--District Closed

Saturday, December 2--Santa's Breakfast & Holiday Market 8am-12pm @ Stanton



So for lunch today it was mini corn dogs. One of my students said " Ms. Brittany, are hot dogs made of pig wieners?" 🤦‍♀️🤣 I said no with a straight face, then walked away and about died.

-Thanks to Brittany Luther for this one!!!!! 🐷🌭

Thanks to Michele Burgess for this one!!!! 😂

Please email me to share your funny stories, moments, and quotes (from kids or adults) so I can include them!!! (Ask permission first, please!)