SHOUT OUT to this week's perfect attendance lottery winner, Rich Bressett! If you're in attendance each day this week, you'll be entered into the $100 gift card raffle.
ATTENDANCE MATTERS!!! Our students and staff need YOU at work!
For all those who do Medicaid billing, this is your reminder to do it! We need you to please stay on top of this!!! THANK YOU!!!! 😁
If you have no idea what this don't have to do it! YAY!!!!
Thank you to Kelly Capp for folding and arranging all of the Stanton Lost & Found
items so that kids can find what they're missing!
-Michele Burgess (Administrative Assistant at Stanton)
Thank Oner for having my back when I ran out of fun sized candy for my PBIS store. -Karen Lobo (SLP at Stanton)
Kudos to Anna Morris for setting up a Google Meet with her brother who is an author. It was so cool for the students to meet a real author and be inspired for their own writing. -Victoria Corrado (4th grade Teacher)
BIG THANKS to Cheryl Schuck, Dina M., Ms. CJ and Ms. Huck for your help in the Art Room on Wednesday. I seriously couldn't have gotten it all done by the end of the year for our kiddos without you!!! Thank you so so much!!
Gayle McManamon (Art teacher at Lotus)
I can not end the year without giving a shout out to my partner in crime and brain buddy, Amanda Lorenz! I truly don't know how I would get through my days without her brilliant mind, stellar organizational skills, and kind heart. and
Natalie and Amanda, I am so grateful to have shared the role of SST facilitator with the both of you. We've accomplished so much together and I am a better leader and educator because of you two. Love you girls!
-Erica Barraza (Instructional Coach at Lotus)
our Guiding Coalition for their collaboration and leadership this year!and
our 5th grade team for the growth you've made together and implementing your new passing period procedures!
our lunch and recess supervisors and our crossing guards for keeping our kids safe and supervised!
Kim and Meghan for spending their Saturday morning with me working on our presentation on the impact of the Friz 5, Community Building and PBIS on our students and staff!
Jeff Sefcik (Principal at Stanton)
As I look forward to obtaining my PEL and graduation, I know it would not be possible with out so many Lotus staff members supporting me along the way!
Thank you Victoria, Sami, Cary and Ellen for welcoming me into your rooms this past week; thanks Kinder, 1st and 4th grade teams for sharing your time and expertise!
Thank you Abbey K. for your input and encouragement, Mary S. for volunteering use of your room for my field advisor meetings.
PreK team, you are amazing. Thanks for cheering me on with words of encouragement.
Thanks Ben, Mary and Michelle for helping facilitate a sibling-shared contribution to a 2nd grade math activity. The students loved it!
Thanks to the entire 2nd grade team for being patient with and helping answer my multitude of questions.
A special shout out to Misty and all you do for students and teachers!
A very special thanks to Emily Reczek, for welcoming me into your classroom, for your feedback as I taught, and modeling what it is to be an exemplary teacher. I will be leaving your room at the end of this week having learned a great deal!
-Mindy Auld (Now a certified teacher!!!)
To everyone for a great year...keep on keeping on for the last few days.
To everyone making attendance a priority right now. It's noticed and truly appreciated!
Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!
Check out this article on how to use drawing to process learning AND as an engagement task!!!
As we head into the end of the year, here are a few reminders...
EVERYONE--Since the End of the Year party will happen on 6/8 (more details to follow), you are welcome to leave in time to be there for the start of the party at 2:30.
The last day of school is a FULL WORK DAY, but an early release for students. Please use the time to complete all check out processes. If you are unable to check out on 6/8, please turn in your check out sheet when you are finished.
Please reach out to any Stipend Committee member with questions or input:
Maureen DeVoss
Kim VanHoorelbeke
Amber Mysliwiec
Rachelle Peters
Heather Friziellie
Summer Curriculum Work
Hello!!! Just reminding you that it's that time of year...when I ask for your ideas and proposals for summer curriculum work! THANK YOU to the teams who have already sent in ideas! WOW....amazing!!!!!
Here's WHAT:
Summer Curriculum Writing:
Example Projects: *Using Flash Back (will be created during upcoming CTT time) to plan to Flash Forward for next year *SST Planning *Fencepost work, including 3-2-1 unit designs and 15 day challenge plans *UFLI training *Stuff YOU want to work on! | Here's How:
Email Heather:
Notes: Work must be completed onsite. Artifacts of the work must be shared with Heather. Timesheets must be completed, and pay rate is $34 per hour. |
Looking forward to seeing your great ideas! Please send any questions my way!
2023-24 Budget Requests--Sending in a separate email as well!
As always, we'll do our best to meet the students' needs in the most fiscally responsible ways.
When you use the document, remember...
1. Upon opening this document, select "File" and "Make a copy". Rename your new document using the following format: Date-Last Name-Vendor ex: 050721-Smith-Lakeshore.
2. Required fields are in yellow. Do not add columns or tally fields. One vendor per form, please. Do not use tabs.
3. When complete, share the doc with,, and |
Coursework Hours!!!
May 31--PreK Graduation!!!!
June 2--8th Grade Dinner Dance
June 6--8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
June 8--Last Day of School (EARLY RELEASE) and End of Year Party!!!
Invite your family and friends!!
When: Sunday, June 4th, 2023
Time: 1:00-3:00 pm
Cost: $8.00 for admission, includes skate rental
Extra $2.00 for blades.
*If you bring your own skates, you still need to pay $8 to skate.
*If you are NOT skating, you do NOT need to pay admission.
*Parental/Guardian supervision is required!
**Our goal is to get 100+ participants in order to get 50% of proceeds back to the PTA!!**
There will be a $3.00 meal deal, 1 slice of pizza, and a small drink! For every meal, $0.50 goes back to the PTA.
PBIS World--This site is awesome for identifying strategies to use to support challenging behaviors!
Let's all seek to find and MAKE moments that matter every day!