For all those who do Medicaid billing, this is your reminder to do it! We need you to please stay on top of this!!! THANK YOU!!!! 😁
If you have no idea what this don't have to do it! YAY!!!!
Check out the December Wellness Calendar! Thanks to Laura Livesay and Matt Shannon for doing this!
Proactive Behavior Strategies for ESPs with 321 Insight: This Proactive Behavior Strategies for ESP session will be held on Thursday, Jan. 12 from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Presenter Sue Lyons from 321 Insight will host. The session will provide strategies for IEA ESP members allowing them to implement the strategies to address the challenging behaviors and often preventing the behaviors from happening. For further information and to register, please click here. Please contact Mary Jane Morris with any questions.
Applications are open for ISBE’s 2023 Those Who Excel and IL Teacher of the Year Awards! You can nominate an educator for:
IL Teacher of the Year
Outstanding Early Career Educator of the Year
Outstanding Community Volunteers
Outstanding Teams
Applications can be submitted here! Deadline is Dec. 2
IEA Awards nomination deadline is Dec. 15.
Online nomination forms can be found on the IEA website under Members/Benefits/Awards:
· Bob Haisman Student of the Year Award: This award honors an undergraduate IEA Student Program member working toward a degree in education who has shown outstanding accomplishments in several areas.
· Bob Haisman Teacher of the Year Award: This award, named in honor of former IEA President Bob Haisman, recognizes the individual contributions of a new teacher (a teacher with at least one year’s experience and not more than five).
· Mary Lou and Keith Hauge Retiree Award: Given in honor of the late Mary Lou Hauge, first chair of the IEA Council of Retirees, and her late husband Keith, former editor of the IEA-R Informer, this award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the IEA as a retired member.
· ESP of The Year Award: This award is meant to emphasize the contributions of education support professionals to their association, their schools and their communities.
· Higher Ed Program Educator of the Year Award: This award recognizes an active higher education member who has shown outstanding accomplishments while promoting the association, publishing research, participating in community organizing or taking other actions that go above and beyond.
· Reg Weaver Human and Civil Rights Award: Named after former IEA President and NEA President Reg Weaver, an individual IEA-NEA member or an IEA-NEA group may be nominated for this award, which recognizes those who have performed an outstanding humanitarian/civil rights activity or community service above and beyond normal association endeavors.
· Friend of Education Award: This award recognizes an individual who has demonstrated commitment to the success of public education and to the ideals and mission of the IEA-NEA. The nominee, proposed by IEA members or IEA staff members, will be an external candidate who is not an IEA member or an employee of IEA-NEA.
Presentation Opportunities
Aspiring Educator’s Spring Conference will be held in Oakbrook on April 28-29, 2023. If you would like to present on the 29th, please submit an RFP by Jan. 15.
Educator Rising will be having their Annual Conference on March 6, 2023 in Bloomington. If you would like to present on the 6th, please submit an RPF by Jan. 15.
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this