Sunday, September 18, 2022

Monday Morning Memo 9/19/22


I wanted to say thank you to Lisa Shannon for always helping me and collaborating with me about our caseloads.
And thank you to the 8th grade team for being so welcoming and helpful!
-From Maddie Hansen (7th and 8th grade Case Manager)

Thank you First grade and Kinder teams for being amazing and accepting me. I am so lucky to be a part of both your teams. 
Thank you Nicole Mild for being you. You are amazing.
Thank you Lynn Smolen for problem solving with me on a student that has complex needs; I really appreciate your time and help.
Thank you Cheryl Schuck for being my teammate this year. I could not do what I do without you. I am so grateful for you. Your compassion and dedication to ALL students is amazing: I consider you a role model, and I look up to you.
-From Cathy Jawnyj (K and 1st grade Case Manager)

Our PBIS Core Team for all they do for our kids...they are planning what looks to be a great field trip opportunity...more to come!!
Our Guiding Coalition for continuously leading!!
-From Jeff Sefcik

Many thanks to staff new and old who make Fox Lake #114 wonderful to work in! I’ve worked in more than two dozen schools in my 23 years as an OT and Lotus and Stanton top as the friendliest. I SO appreciate that and have many wonderful hallway moments with staff. Thank you!
Because specificity is often where the jam is:

* Thank you to Sue, Paula, and Sharon, Michele, Jill, and Lora for your greetings and your help on many occasions
* A huge thank you for your many skills and willingness to help with a variety of requests goes out to Don, Eddie, Kent, Norm, Russ, and Tim! You’re all so good at what you do. 
* To Matt, Natalie, Jeff, Rachelle, and Lynn for your leadership and direction as we all day-to-day strive to help all our learners learn! 
* Erin, you are rocking PreK! So much joy was on display from ear-to-ear as a young three-year-old played with playdoh and later ate their lunch. Melanie, Deb, and others have a huge had in there and are so invested.
* Chris Francke, you are a classroom whisperer! What good you do!!! Same goes for you, Colleen!!
* Ryan and Chris, your dude ranch is dynamite! And you two are a dynamic duo!! 
* Sherry, thank you so much for collaborating with me on our weekly groups from gingerbread Oreos to apple stamped art to a no longer living cicada in a Tiffany like box. That was some jump scare three of us had when your student felt its tree grabber hook on its leg :)
* To Stephanie Silverman, Cathy Jawny, Kim Raufuss, Mary Santi, Cortnee Snell, Michelle Magness, Fiona Wisniewski, Alana Carlson, Karen Lobodinski, Molly Monk, Ellie Seyfert, Nicole Brinkmanship, Meghan Reimers, Erin Donovan, Kim Mack, Ryan Lilla, Lisa Shannon, Ryan Hochman, Tim Powers, Maddie Hansen, and Jill Reychek for being such wonderful special education co-workers! And too all our amazing paras, we couldn’t do what we do without you. You are masters at knowing when to step in as well as to step out. 
* Mike and Brittany, thanks for all your help gathering materials and seeing to your students’ success.
* Jaclyn, Leah, and Betty, you are so responsive and provide the “just right” amount of support to students. 
* To all the amazing cafeteria staff, you fuel our learners with healthy offerings and are such smile spreaders…who wouldn’t love a smiley face on a salad container?!
* Oner, you bring calm optimism to learners at an age in need of that.
Each and every one of you makes both schools such a positive place to be. Many, many thanks!!!
-From Lisa Werner (Occupational Therapist)

Thank you Nicole Brinkman for stopping and helping me with a student until admin came to assist. 
Thank you third grade team for always including me with any meetings, groups or outings. 😊
Thank you Fiona for working with me on core boards and providing other visual ideas for my classroom. In addition, thinking of me for a workshop that may better me as an educator. 
Thank you Matt and Natalie for working to make the best situation happen for everyone and having my back. 
Thank you to my specials/pe team for making me feel loved on my birthday! *3rd grade you too!! 
-From Victoria Miller (STEM at Lotus)

Thank you to the Georgette, Penny, Sonia, Yesenia, and Hilda. You never fail to brighten my day when I need it most. Whether it’s a bright smile, or accommodating the needs of our picky preschoolers; I appreciate it!
 Erin, Melanie, and Deb- thank you for warming my heart every time I come into your room. I sometimes leave feeling frustrated, but I never leave feeling unappreciated.
Way to go Chris Francke. You have stepped into an incredibly hard role and are doing an amazing job. I know that every student in your class (and many others) feel genuinely loved and cared for.
Thank you to Matt and Natalie. I appreciate all the times you swapped out or tag teamed with me in crisis last week!
Thank you to Alana, Fiona, Kim, Nicole, and Molly for helping me in small ways and big ways. most importantly, making sure I don’t eat alone.
Shout out to Sherry, Mike, and Brittney. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into getting your classroom running smoothly. I appreciate  you implementing my ideas even when they led to more work. 
KUDOS to Everyone at Lotus. I’m so grateful to work with such amazing people. I have never felt more cared for, appreciated, and respected. 💕
-From Ellie Seyfert (Social Worker at Lotus)

Kudos to Norm & Don for helping continuously fix and do things with our offices downstairs! 
-From Stephanie Kaye, Kim Mack, and Meghan Reimers

To Kendra Logar for being a true class act in a sticky parent situation.
To EVERYONE for all you did for Curriculum Nights!!! GREAT WORK!
To the Stanton staff for MAJOR improvements in Office Discipline Referrals. In the first 3 weeks of last year, there were 20 ODRs and this year there have only been 8!!!! This takes effort from everyone, and it's so exciting to see!! Can't wait to see how many kids are eligible to go on the PBIS reward trip to Richardson's!!!!
-From Heather (Lucky Superintendent) 

Please send me your kudos for colleagues each week! I'll happily post them in this section!

Here's a link to all the ideas gathered for the HOW and WHY of the Friz 5...I'll keep adding as great ideas come forward. 

Because CLEAR IS KIND, here's some info the Administrative Team would like you to know about classroom walk-throughs:
*We'll be looking for the Friz 5 in action. We don't expect to see all 5 and know that we will see different elements depending on when we come in the room.
*We will stay a maximum of 15 minutes (unless something amazing is happening and you want us to stay or to help!). 
*We all have our way of giving feedback. I use a hand print that's a note (and can stick to anything you like!), but each of us has our own style that we're comfortable with. 
*If you EVER have any questions or suggestions for any of us, please reach out! 


I also love and appreciate how we are all putting focus into goal setting with kids as a clear target for them as they take MAP and iReady!

Hattie's research on this indicates that this has the potential for HUGE impact on student learning:

It's time for our annual Wellness Screening Event through NIHIP!

Empower Health Services will be at Lotus on Friday, October 14, 2022 from 6:30am - 10:30am. The event is available to ALL staff.

The wellness screenings will consist of three components:
  1. The Screening package (see attached for more information)
  2. Seasonal Flu Shot
  3. Additional Test Options
Screening package and Flu Shots are available at NO COST to employees and spouses on any district health plan. 

Additional test options are available and covered for all BCBS PPO members and on a self-pay basis for all BCBS HMO members. 

Employees and spouses not on the district's insurance plan can also participate on a self-pay basis. 

For those only interested in the Seasonal Flu Shot, you must register online and select the "Flu Only" option when creating an appointment . Flu Shots will only be provided to those with an appointment.

Registration is now open! Please follow these steps to sign up:
  • Visit the Empower Health website by clicking here
  • All participants must create a new account
  • Complete "New User" fields and enter
    client code: foxlakedist114EHS
Flyers will be posted in the lounge at each building.

Please reach out to Maddie Mercado if you have any questions or concerns.


Board of Education Vacancy
I'm sad to let you know that the amazing Nannette Kiesgen has decided to step down from the Board of Education. Nannette gave so much time and energy to D114 in many roles but especially as a Board member. We'll formally accept her resignation at the September meeting then move forward with seeking a candidate. HOWEVER, if you know of a D114 resident who may be a good candidate, please let me know so I can informally reach out to them. Candidates must, on the date of their appointment, be citizens of the United States of America, 18 years of age or over, residents of the State of Illinois and the school district for at least one year immediately preceding their appointment, and registered voters.  Please reach out with any questions! 

I absolutely LOVE digging in on John Hattie's research related to impact of specific strategies/factors on student learning (mentioned above as related to the Friz 5 and goal setting). If you'd like to dig in on strategies to see their research based impact, here's a link to search pretty much ANYTHING to see what the impact has been found to be! 

Thanks to everyone for your feedback! Erica and Stephanie are sending out Lotus- and Stanton-specific supports, but I'll also post the link to a folder containing them all here so they are easy to find, everyone can see everything, and you're reminded to check them out! 

Please remember:
Union Articulation Meeting  
Wednesday, September 21
Time: 2:00
Place: Stanton Cafeteria

You will be receiving an agenda for the meeting Monday, September 19.  PLEASE remember, we want the students to be able to get out of the parking lot safely at dismissal, so you should arrive after 1:45 to avoid the dismissal crowd. Be very careful in the parking lot when you do arrive. 

As a union, we are given this time to meet together, so it is the expectation that this is where the union members are at this time on this date. It is a great time for us to get together, celebrate and learn a little bit of new information. If you have any questions, please ask one of the union board members.

September 20--Board of Education Meeting at Lotus at 7PM

October 6--Day of Service--details coming soon!

October 11--Board of Education Meeting

October 14--NIHIP Wellness Screenings!

PBIS World--NEW ADD! This site is awesome for identifying strategies to use to support challenging behaviors! Thank you to Nicole Brinkman for this share! 

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


D114 Family Update

Work Order Request

Technology Support Request

I seriously love this. Seriously. 💓

Have a week full of inspiration! 

-Heather 💗