Sunday, October 3, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 10/4/21


Did you know that October is...

Please be sure to show our amazing principals some TLC this month! 
Special shout out to Natalie and Matt for running the Milwaukee Marathon this weekend!!!!

Thank you to the 4th grade for hosting all of us last week to see ARC in action. I enjoyed every second of being in your classrooms; your enthusiasm and finesse is admirable! 
Shout out to Ryan Hochman & Oner Medrano for putting so much time and effort into setting expectations with the students in the ILPB program - I can tell your dedication has been paying off!
-From Stephanie Kaye

Major KUDOS to the PreK team, Paula and Natalie for amazing, over the top, sensational, mind blowing preparation for the PreK audit that happened this week. Our kids are so lucky to be a part of this program and to get to learn and grow with YOU!
Thanks to the staff in both sites for your ongoing flexibility to cover classes and students whenever need to make sure we continue to function. I'm absolutely blown away by this every single day. 
To Gizelle Wells for partnering with me to help me better understand unit design/15 Day Challenges from your lens...and for teaching me so much about Social Studies.
To Karen Simon for handling a super stressful student behavior situation in such a fabulous, calm, and safe way. 
To the Lotus Staff for reaching the goal of 100% of students having power goals set ahead of time!!!!
To everyone who is a sounding board for me. No one's job is easy, and for those who make mine a little are appreciated. 
-From Heather 

Thank you to Natalie for forming a relationship with a student to encourage her to come to school!  Her attendance has been AMAZING because she knows so many of us care about her here!  
Thank you Mary Santi, 
for offering to walk my class to/from the far specials for me- this preggo really appreciates it!!
-Tiff TW

Thank you thank you thank you to Stephanie Kaye for walking me through an entire 15 day plan and ladder progression to help support my 5th and 8th graders in the same Social Studies class. I was so stressed and you made it all make sense and seem so much easier!
-From Mandy Marshall

I cannot thank Gina Crosthwaite enough for helping me staple my bears permission slips!! She helped me staple over 150 permission slips for the students! 
Thank you Matt Peters for letting the Chicago Bears Mini Monsters come to lotus for 2nd through 4th grade in October!
Thank you to the kitchen ladies for always being so kind and feeding me :) 
-From Amber Mysliwiec

Thank you Bryan Bailey for being you. You always find the positive in any situation, and will help out at any time. 
Thank you Gizelle Wells and Liz Anderson for welcoming me in your classroom on a weekly basis. I learn from both of you every time I'm in your classroom.
Thank you Amanda Lorenz and Mike Sementa for leading amazing math data discussions last week.
Thank you Kelly Rolland for always being there and checking in. It means a lot.
Thank you Maddie Hansen for being you. Your motivation and drive is inspiring.
Thank you Lisa Shannon for always offering help for anything I need. I appreciate you.
Thank you Mo DeVoss for everything you do. I appreciate your advice and support with anything I come to you for.
-From Cathy Jawnyj

Thank you Mike Szotek for helping with the BPAC presentation!  Also, thank you for getting QAR codes for some of my students so quickly!  You are awesome!!!🤗
Thank you Kim VanHoorelbeke for putting all of our ELs into Accelerated Reader so quickly!  This will definitely help their reading comprehension!  Also, thank you for printing off parent notes for AR so the parents can receive notifications about the program!  You ROCK!🌻
Thank you so much Morgan Figel for giving me an awesome behavior chart for one of my students!  We both greatly appreciate it!💞
To Abbey Kadera, Andrea Sekulich, and Matt Peters for helping an AWESOME BPAC meeting be so successful!  What great teamwork!😍
-From Kim Leable

Thank you Abbey Kadera, Kim Leable and Andrea Sekulich for coordinating an amazing Curriculum Night for our Bilingual families.  It was very informative and our parents truly appreciated it.  Also, thank you Linda Rasmussen for helping out with child care that night!
Kudos to the entire Preschool team for rockin the audit.  You all do such great work with our littles and run a fantastic program.  Thank you Natalie Udstuen for being so organized and  well prepared with the paperwork.   You definitely earned your perfect rating for your binder!!!
-From Matt Peters

Thank you to EVERY person who helped with the Preschool Compliance Audit.  From the room/park preparation, clerical/files organization, translations/home language surveys, and being in the classroom/at park to help facilitate high quality interactions.  We truly could not have made it through this extremely stressful time without EVERY person who helped out - the whole EC team, all the office staff, ELL, Social work, Speech, subs who jumped right in, the maintenance crew, admin, and our personal families who put up with us during this stressful time!  This Compliance Audit is a beast and with a dedicated and amazing team, I feel that we were able to showcase our fabulous program, staff, and leadership! Thank you to EVERYONE!!!!!!  Natalie, you are one of the most involved PFA administrators I know of and truly supported us throughout this WHOLE process.  You make all this work possible!  
-From Michelle Magness

Kudos to the union board for putting together a fantastic articulation meeting.  Your dedication to our staff and doing the best job you can is such a blessing and I am so blessed to work with all of you!  Thank you for being great team players. 
Thank you to Mary Santi for bringing me an extra sweet treat and note for some extra encouragement this week!  It was so kind and thoughtful. 
To my team…there are not enough thank yous to express my gratitude.  I know my time can sometimes be split, but I am so lucky to have you in my corner.  Whether it is covering a duty, a class or splitting up the work…you are always there!  Erin, Natalie, Emily and Misty…Thank you! 
And to all of my D114 staff who have supported and encouraged me in the president role…thank you!  Your support means the world.  
-From Maureen DeVoss

Erica, Cathy, and Amanda- thank you for coming together to help us make a plan for our learners.  We can see them growing already!  
Misty- kudos for taking on a new task to best serve the learners in our classroom.  We couldn’t do what we do without you.  Your hard work never goes unnoticed or unappreciated! 
-From Erin and Mo

To Jill Becmer for going into the office on Sunday afternoon to communicate the transportation plans for the week to our families. That’s dedication!
To everyone that filled in for a teammate that was out last week. Thanks for going above and beyond!!  
-From Jeff Sefcik

Please send me KUDOS to give shout outs to colleagues! I LOVE to put them in the Monday Memo! 🎉

October 8 Institute Day
I'll send out the full plan later this week, but here's the "gist" for Friday:

*All staff should plan to meet at their home site unless otherwise indicated. 
*Breakfast (7:30-8:15 AM) and lunch (11:00 AM-12:00 PM) will be provided.
*The first hour of the day (8:00-9:00) is reserved for YOU to do what YOU need--this can include time for you to do self-care activities that work for you. 💓
*Collaborative teacher teams will have time to work on Unit Plans and 15 Day Challenges for upcoming units of study. 
*Specific break out trainings will take place as follows:

----K-5 Ready--Sequencing Student Ideas to Deepen Mathematical Reasoning (9:00-11:00) at Lotus

----6-8 Ready--Using Reflective Practice to Enhance Instruction (12:00-2:00) at Stanton

----Sondays training for SpEd teachers--Lotus PM, Stanton AM--shared webinar

----Stanton Math teachers--support on and time for adjusting iReady pathways

*Instructional Paraprofessionals will have specific tasks assigned and will have a team meeting with Principals. 
*Bus Staff will meet to review updated routes and review procedures. 
*Facilities Staff will meet to plan for December furniture moves/arrival. 

Let me know if you have suggestions or questions!

Internal Subbing
Please be sure to log time spent as an internal sub on that specific timesheet. Please ask for one in either office if you need assistance. We need this time logged very specifically to ensure it's documented (and paid) accurately. 

Passing of a Former Board Member

I wanted to inform you all about the passing of a community member and former school board member, Thomas Krob.  We sent flowers on behalf of the District. Obituary information is linked below:

Wellness Screenings
Empower Health Services will be at Lotus on Friday, October 15, 2021 from 6:30 - 9:30AM

The wellness screenings will consist of three components:
  1. The Core-Screening package (see attached for more information)
  2. Seasonal Flu Shot
  3. Additional Test Options
Registration is now open! Please follow these steps to sign up:
  • Visit the Empower Health website by clicking here.
  • Returning Participants: Enter your Member Login information in the left box. If you forgot your username and/or password, click "Forgot your login"
  • New Participants: In the New Program Registration box, create an account by entering our Client Code: foxlake114

Furniture--Planning Ahead
We are planning for the move out of our old furniture and the move in of the new furniture at both sites over Winter Break. As you can imagine, this will be a BIG task and we'll need some help!

When: Monday, December 20
Time: 7:00AM-appx 3:00 PM
Our fabulous custodial crew will be onsite, but if you're willing to be part of this effort, we will pay $15/hour to those who are willing to help make the plan happen. 

Let me know if you are interested! 

*Staff will have paid time to take things out of desks/get ready for the move out. 
*Staff have get paid time to set rooms back up.
*Paraprofessionals can request time for room set up to be reviewed by principals and allowed by principal approval. 
*Supply money deadlines will be extended through the furniture installation in case you need new stuff for your rooms with the new set ups. 
*Details on all the above will be finalized once we have a confirmed final plan for the furniture move. 

Suggestions and questions are welcome! 

COVID Updates (copy from email sent 10/3/21)
Hello, everyone! Hope it was a great weekend!

In an attempt to answer questions and clarify/update procedures, please review the following information:

1. Please find linked here the updated guidance on school decision-making related to all things COVID. Note the updated symptom list (cut/paste from the linked document). This is what our nurses follow when making decisions related to each student/staff situation:  
HOWEVER, please know that our nurses use their clinical judgement on exclusion decisions based on observed trends in our community. The symptom list is not hard and fast, and Sharon and Lora do an outstanding job applying all the information they have to make the best decisions possible. 

2. As Jeff and Matt shared on Friday at my request, please follow the updated lounge procedures, which we know are more restrictive. This is to keep everyone as safe as possible. Thank you in advance for following these directions as well as making sure to WEAR YOUR MASK PROPERLY, monitor your distance from each other, and wash hands frequently. 

3. "Test to stay" can ONLY be used when masks have been worn consistently and properly at all times in the school setting. "Test to Stay" applies to SCHOOL-BASED close contacts ONLY. We will ALWAYS notify you directly and immediately if you are identified as a close contact. 
If you are identified as a classroom/school based close contact and:
*You are not vaccinated, you MAY access "test to stay" to monitor your status following the timelines set by LCHD, which require Binex testing on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 after exposure. DUE TO THE ISSUES WITH BINEX AVAILABILITY, WE CANNOT TEST MORE FREQUENTLY THAN THIS MOVING FORWARD. Please do not ask Sharon or Lora to do so. If you do not wish to participate in "test to stay", you must quarantine, and Sharon/Lora will provide timelines for this. 

  *You are vaccinated or unvaccinated and test positive for COVID, you must isolate. Sharon/Lora will provide timelines for this. 

  *You are vaccinated or unvaccinated and have COVID symptoms,  you must quarantine. Sharon/Lora will provide timelines for this. 

  *You are vaccinated with no symptoms, you are fine to stay. You MAY also access "test to stay" to monitor your status following the timelines set by LCHD, which require Binex testing on days 1, 3, 5, and 7 after exposure. DUE TO THE ISSUES WITH BINEX AVAILABILITY, WE CANNOT TEST MORE FREQUENTLY THAN THIS MOVING FORWARD. Please do not ask Sharon or Lora to do so. 

4. Any symptomatic individual can request a Binex test to monitor their status and so we can, as needed, respond as quickly as possible. Please do not make this request lightly, as a shortage on Binex tests still remains AND we are offering weekly surveillance testing with O'Hare Labs. 

6. We work in partnership with the Lake County Health Department (LCHD) when cases or situations are complex. We follow their direction while making the most consistent decisions we can given the most current guidance. 

7. A positive test is a positive test. We cannot overrule a positive test, even when a negative result may be found later. This is in full alignment with our direction from LCHD. 

Please direct any questions on this to me so that Sharon, Lora, and I can partner to respond. 
Thanks---I know this is super stressful and scary, so it's important that we stay connected, support each other, and remember that we are ALL figuring this out as we go. 

Surveillance Testing Logistics--effective 9/21/21

If you are opting in for testing but have tested COVID+ in the last 90 days, you may want to consider NOT testing at this time, as results may still indicate the presence of COVID-19. If you are a mandated tester, you still must test but, if needed, we will partner with you to review prior positive results with the Health Department to see what next steps will be.


Students are given their pre-labeled kit each Monday (PreK) or Tuesday. 
Students return the samples on Wednesday upon arrival. 


Staff come to the Nurse’s Office to pick up their kit and label by the end of the day each Tuesday.
Staff can leave their sample on Tuesday or can take it home and return it on Wednesday. NOTE: a few staff members have requested spit tests instead of swab tests. We have met these requests, and the nurses know who has requested the saliva test. WE CAN NO LONGER MEET REQUESTS FOR SALIVA TESTS.
Any employee who must test and who doesn’t pick up their label and kit OR provide an outside negative test will be contacted individually by the nurses to remind them to test each Tuesday at the end of the day.
If any unvaccinated employee (mandated tester) don’t submit a sample  time/negative test by the time the samples are picked up on Wednesday (appx 9:00 AM), the nurse notifies Maddie Mercado and she will follow up with the employee individually to notify them that they must take a Binex test OR submit an outside test result by that Friday (or the last attendance day of that same school week) at the end of the day. 
If any employee does not comply, due process will be followed and disciplinary action may be taken in compliance with the EAFL/D114 contract.

Current Local COVID Data

10/3/21--Click here for Daily D114 COVID data.

10/1/21 CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


Teaching & Learning 

-October iReady Goals

We’ve completed the Diagnostic! This is the first step to understanding our

students better and using the information to address unfinished learning. As you begin reviewing

your data, please do the following:

We’ll discuss further and plan next steps in upcoming meetings. Please reach out with any questions.


-Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)

Four Corners: Encourage physical activity while gauging general student comprehension through

this aptly-named exercise.


Resources & Examples

Relationships Matter

-Building Relationships

Building relationships with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do.

Check out this section weekly for community/team builders and tips on how to create a trauma

informed, culturally 

responsive environment that is equitable for all. 


-This Week’s Tip:


-Community Builder: 

Work together to work toward a reward; students will have to learn to work

together to earn the final class prize. Put class goals on the sticky notes and

then when the class reaches each goal remove it. Underneath all of the stickies

is a class reward!


-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break: 

Thank you to everyone who came out to the articulation meeting.  It was wonderful to see so many faces and to spend even just a little time catching up.  If we have not touched base with you yet, please hang tight, we are coming.  

Also, look out for a sign up for Steve Podgorski, our NEA financial advisor.  We are planning a couple of days for him to come into each school for an initial meeting if you are interested in learning more about the programs that the NEA and IEA have to offer members.

Finally, there were a few questions and issues that arose last week.  I believe that we clarified and came up with solutions for most if not all of them.  Please make sure to look through the  email from Heather Monday Memo carefully for clarification on items and for new flow charts on exclusion due to close contact and COVID cases.

Lotus Updates!
* KINDNESS is definitely an act of being respectful.  
* Thanks to all the paras & teachers for picking up PBIS prizes in the library and distributing.  

Stanton Updates!
No updates this week! 😀

October 8--Staff Institute Day

October 11--No School--Columbus Day

October 12--Board of Education Meeting

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


YOU CAN DO THIS! Have a great week! 