Vaccinated Employees:
Please provide a copy of your vaccination card to Sharon Preskill at Lotus or Lora Viers at Stanton ASAP if you haven't already done so.Unvaccinated Employees:
More details coming on testing protocols.
To find a vaccination site:
Go to Vaccines.gov9/3/21
CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County
D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!
Zip Code Vaccination Rate--NEW!
Teaching & Learning
-September’s Goals
Please make sure your iReady rosters have all of your students. Email your coach with discrepancies.
Prepare students for their first diagnostic! Check out the premade, editable PPTs below.
Be thinking about how you can encourage your students to create goals around proficiency rather than time on task. I.E. Color a square in a ten frame when you pass a lesson & celebrate when you fill the ten frame! (Thanks for the idea, Kinder!)
We have done a great job at creating a system that supports the number of minutes students are supposed to spend on iReady weekly. With that being said, this year we will shift our focus from minutes to proficiency; quality over quantity! Keep in mind that the proficiency rate for lessons on iReady is 71%.
Preparing for the Diagnostic PPT (Stanton)
Preparing for the Diagnostic Resources (Kinder)
Preparing for the Diagnostic PPT ( 1-5 )
Fall Diagnostic Testing Window -
Grades 1-8, August 30th-September 10th
Kinder, September 13th- September 24th
-September’s Formative Assessment (updated bi-weekly)
Check out this Twitter style exit slip!
Relationships Matter
-Building Relationships
Building relationships with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do. Check out this section weekly for community/team builders and tips on how to create a trauma informed, culturally responsive environment that is equitable for all.
- This Week’s Tip:
Seek out one student each day that you normally don’t really connect with to have a conversation with. Make it genuine and light-hearted! Ask how their long weekend was, compliment them on something, and then always ask a follow up question to show that you were listening and truly heard their response.
-Community Builder : Give Daily Shout-Outs or Compliments
A simple and quick way to build community in the classroom is to create a shout-out or compliment routine. When students hear that they are doing well, they are more likely to keep trying to do well and get more shout-outs or compliments.
Teachers can organize a compliment circle regularly, in which each student gives another a compliment. Teachers can also choose to give a shout-out to one student at the end of each class, or choose a few students to give shout-outs.
This practice takes nearly no time but gives students the opportunity to recognize one another for good work and also gives teachers the opportunity to showcase positive examples for the rest of the class.
A compliment truly can make someone’s day!
-Weekly Cheer/Silly Sport/Brain Break
- Scheduled for Thursday, September 9th
- Teams will record and share the google link with David by Tuesday, September 7th
- David will post all recordings on 9/9 for families to view at their leisure
- Creativity is appreciated so have fun creating and recording!!
- make sure all important information is shared using the same format as a team
Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this