Saturday, May 8, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 5/10/21


Thank you to Don Ukleja for not taking no for an answer on our water heater leak! New one from the vendor!!! YES!!!!
-From Heather

To Katy Gardner - thank you for the stickers and shark snuggies for my boys. It means more than you know that you've thought of me / my family. 
~Stephanie Kaye

I'd love to give a shout out to Sherry!  She's an AMAZING asset for our kids and goes above and beyond for them always.  Thank you Sherry!
-From Cortnee Snell

To the Stanton Kitchen Crew for having grab and go breakfasts ready every morning, delivering a hot lunch option to every classroom every afternoon, and preparing meals for our remote only students everyday!!  
Wait.......I forgot supervising our overflow students in the cafeteria!  THANK YOU!!! 
-From Jeff Sefcik

Thank you so much to my IAR super team of David Roat and Michele Burgess for creating the IAR sessions, adding student names, and creating the testing tickets. 
Thank you to Jill Becmer for counting all of the athletic uniforms to inventory what we currently have and for her attention to detail planning our 8th grade promotion ceremony.
Thank you to Emily Armbrecht for counting all of the music instruments in her classroom and on the stage with me to inventory what we currently have. 
Thank you to Mandy Bartlett for completing all of the DLM required training so quickly. 
Thank you to Jamie Smeigh for jumping in to two teaching roles this year without skipping a beat.
Thank you to some of our 8th grade students, former student Emily O'Dowd, and Jeff Sefcik for creating the Fox Den-a mentor program matching up some of our 5th grade students with 8th grade students.
Thank you to Grant Chapman and Stephanie Kaye who will be presenting on "Middle School Rewards" at the PBIS Conference in June.
Thank you to Stephanie Kaye who is helping me purchase and deliver PBIS door dash food to students.
Thank you to Lynn Smolen for her continued leadership and guidance.
-From Rachelle Peters

Thank you to everyone who showered us teachers last week with kindness. We are so lucky to work with you. 
-From Kally Kibitlewski

Shout out to the pre-k and kinder teams for an awesome articulation Wednesday! Your collaboration and dedication around ensuring our students have a smooth transition is outstanding! 
-From Erica Barraza


We almost made our goal of 75% of our students passing two lessons this week!

Huge Shoutout to the 6th grade team for having a whopping 78% of 6th graders pass
two lessons, and 60% of students spending 50+ minutes on iReady!!!
Woo hoo!!! 

2021-22 Family Input Survey
FYI, I'll be sending this survey out to families to start to gather data about learning
preferences for next year. At this point, the only students who will be permitted to work remotely
are those with a medical exemption. We are part of a cohort working to develop a virtual
academy for those students. As you know, guidance changes all the time,
and I'll continue to keep you posted.

Coursework Pre-Approval

Please remember that all coursework for reimbursement and/or lane changes must be pre-approved by me. If you are requesting reimbursement for a course, this approval MUST happen before July 1 for budgeting purposes. Please see the Business Office Share File for the forms you need, and reach out to Maddie with any questions. 

Vaccine Survey
Thank you to everyone who has logged data in this surveyPlease KEEP THIS UPDATED. This means I'd ask you to complete the survey again when you have updated information. So, when you get shot #1 if you haven't yet, please complete the survey again. Same for getting shot #2. I'll clean that data--you just please keep it updated. 

Updated dashboard data 5/8/21:

Coaching Corner

At the end of the year, students sometimes just want to “give up”. Here are some great children’s books to help students keep going! These would be great suggestions for students to read over the summer!

Uplifting Books that Encourage Positive Thinking 

Ages 3-5

Ages 6-8

Ages 9-12

Ages 13+

Here is a great End of the Year “Would You Rather” Slidedeck for Middle School!

Lotus PBIS
*  PBIS 3rd Trimester Raffle will be drawn May 21st.  (2 winners)  Tickets can be purchased everyday in the PBIS Store.  PRIZE:  Spike-Ball Game Set.

* Image below for PBIS points given to students in the month of April.  Great job on bringing up the number  :) Please remember to keep giving those SAFETY POINTS,  they should be SKY HIGH. 


  • Q4 Celebration - either Field Day or a PBIS Rotation -  is Tuesday, June 1. Please respond to Liz’s email by Wednesday about your team’s backup activities if we go to Plan B. 
  • Q4 Raffle is set for 5/27. Items are posted and students can purchase at any time.
  • Congratulations to our April Staff Raffle Winners: Michelle S., Laura L., Karen B., and Ashley P.!
  • Let’s continue to finish out the year strong with giving out points for positive behavior!


Decision Making Tree for Post-Vaccine Symptoms

Safety Protocols

*If you have any COVID-10 like symptoms at all or are not feeling well, please DO NOT

come onsite UNLESS you have just gotten the vaccine (please see guidance above).

If coming onsite:

*You must continue to self-certify (updated with the new symptom guide) using Skyward.

*All staff must enter through the main entrance at each site.

*You must sign in using the sign in sheet, mark that you self-certified, and take and record your temperature. IF YOU HAVE A FEVER ABOVE 100.4 YOU ARE ASKED TO LEAVE IMMEDIATELY AND REACH OUT TO YOUR PRINCIPAL AND HEATHER.

*Once Sharon/Marc are onsite, they will review the sign in sheet and cross check with the

self-certification report. If anyone is NOT cleared or did NOT self-certify, they will meet with them to ensure they are safe to be onsite. If not, they'll refer that employee to Heather. 

*If you arrive after Sharon/Marc are onsite, please will report to the Health Office to check in so we know you have self-certified. Your temperature will also be taken and recorded. Employees will know to do this because, when Sharon/Marc arrive, they will pick up the sign

in log and put out a sign that says "Please come to the Health Office to check in". 


When you come onsite, you can work in your classroom/workspace.  Please feel free to use it as your own. I'd just ask that you work in that space as much as possible and not travel out much. You can,  of course you can use the bathroom, lounge, copiers, etc. as needed. Please do not congregate in the hallways or in other spaces. We simply want to keep you safe.


If you are alone in your workspace and the door is closed, you may remove your mask. If anyone enters that space, everyone in the space MUST wear a mask and stay 6 ft apart at all times. 


When you DO leave your room, I'd ask that you strictly follow the 4 W's to help keep yourself and others around you safe:

1. Wash your hands.

2. Wear your mask.

3. Watch your space.

4. Wait your turn.

If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and

have been

or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, and/or me know

immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others.

You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and

system safety needs. 

All staff MUST wear masks AT ALL TIMES

when onsite and in public spaces. 

If you are working in an office/classroom

with the door closed, you may remove your

mask. It must be worn when anyone enters

that space with you. 


  • A wonderful webinar opportunity for parents and teachers: Screens and Teens available for screening May 3- May 18

    Interested in learning more about Trauma Informed practices?  The IEA website has some wonderful resources to get you started.  Trauma Informed Practices/ACES

    Did you know that ATT offers a discount for IEA members?  Check out the offer here!

    Thank you again for all of your hard work and dedication to the students of District 114!

Maureen DeVoss, President

Melissa Jakstas, Vice President for Certified Staff

Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff

Katy Gardner, Treasurer

Betty Cwiak, Secretary

Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative

Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative

Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative



I'm going to use the book 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators by my friend Tina

Boogren to share weekly nuggets of self-care ideas for all of us.

Week 35: Active Rest

It's essential to REST. This isn't the same as sleep (which is also important). Rest is slowing

down during our waking hours. Rest is NOT idleness--and it can help you deal with anxiety and

allow you to feel calmer.

This week's invitation: Practice downtime and find opportunities for active rest.

*Monday and Tuesday--Make a conscious effort to live in the moment. Here's how:

1. Designate a specific time in your day to focus on what's right in front of you.

2. Bring your mind to the present moment every time it tries to drift off.

3. Help yourself stay in the moment by asking yourself what you see, taste, feel, and smell.

*Wednesday--Engage in mindful eating today:

1. Before you start to eat, take a moment to simply appreciate the meal in front of you.

2. Bring all your senses to the meal.

3. Take small bites, chew thoroughly, and eat slowly.

*Thursday and Friday--Schedule 30 minutes of relaxation each day. You can use this window

to sit quietly, allowing your mind to wander and rest or you can engage in relaxing activities


*Savor a cup of tea.

*Stare out a window.

*Sit outside and people watch.

*Reflect on what you're grateful for.

Full Capacity Opening Meal Plans--April 2021

Ongoing LCHD Call/Update Notes

Approved 2021-22 school year calendar

2020-21 Wednesday CTT Planning Calendar


D114 Virtual Toolbox

D114 Family Update

D114 Curriculum Resources

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Work Order Request

Technology Support Request

Image result for mark your calendar

*Upcoming Events: 

Thursday, May 13--Virtual PTA Meeting at 6:30 PM--Meet Link

Tuesday, May 18--Board of Education meeting--details TBD

Tuesday, June 1--Last day of school--Early Release and Staff End of Year/Retirement Party!-details coming soon

Assessment Schedule:
May 3-14

May 17-21

IAR (not given to full remote kids, no make ups done)


I hope you have a wonderful week!
