Sunday, September 13, 2020

Monday Memo 9/14/20

Kim VanHoorelbeke- You are an absolute ROCK STAR and a half! I can always count on you for feedback, help, brainstorming, and SEL support any way you can give it! What you have done with PBIS is nothing short of amazing! I'm so grateful to have a teammate like you!!!

All Lotus teachers who took the lead on accommodating for iReady and putting plans into place. You guys support our students on every level!

Kim Mack- You hit the ground running last year and are doing the same this year. Your flexibility and calm demeanor are stellar and I definitely look to you for your sense of calm! Thanks for being an excellent team player and always rolling with the punches!
-From Jessica Urban

To Oner, Tristan, and Ashley for working together to ensure our ILP B class had the support they needed this week!

To Kate and Mandy for juggling a complex schedule. 

To Betty, Kathleen, and Ashley for all the support they provide our ILP A students. 

To Oner, Michele, Gizelle, and Liz for their service and commitment to the students of D114. 
-From Jeff Sefcik

We want to give a shout out to Betty Cwiak for her willingness to go above and beyond for our students!
She filmed a book talk for our 8th graders in which she suggested 10 books of varying interest levels. She also gave the students an idea of what they were going to encounter in each book. 
Her virtual library is equally amazing! Stanton teachers, we would suggest you share with your students if you haven't already done so. 
-From Gizelle Wells and Matt Shannon

Thank you Becca Strandberg for taking time to meet with me after school and help with grad school things! I couldn't have done it without you! You rock!
-From Amber Mysliwiec

-Thank you Erica Barraza for helping out in my classroom and helping a student de-escalate from being upset. You definitely made the start of I-ready a super smooth and easy process for all of them.
-From Sherry Tietjen

Thank you to Ellen Stirrat, Joseph Fernandez, Amanda Lorenz, and Erin Connolly Jordt for volunteering time when help was needed.  Much appreciated my friends!
-From Natalie Udstuen

Way to go to the Reading Team at Lotus! I want to say "Thank  you" to Ellen Stirrat and Joe Fernandez for all their hard work on the Reading Recovery assessments over the last couple of weeks while I was undergoing and recovering from surgery. Their help with scheduling appointments, performing in person assessments, and Joe's help with creating slides for our Reading Recovery assessments,so that they can be done virtually is truly appreciated! You are both amazing and I couldn't ask for a better team!

I would also like to thank Cathy Jawnyj and Amanda Lorenz for volunteering to help with the Reading Recovery assessments. Your help was much appreciated!

And...thank you to Amber Mysliwiec for her help with creating a tic tac toe activity board for our upcoming PBIS celebration. It looks awesome! In addition, she even volunteered to teach the other specials teachers how to create one as well! You are the best! Our students will have a blast!
-From Joan Kantenwein

Thank you to the following for representing D114 on the D124 Consortium Return to School Task Force team:
Jeff Sefcik
Becca Strandberg
Kim VanHoorelbeke
Nannette Kiesgen
Brian Hutchinson
Sara Fewell
Trecia Ahlgren
-From Heather




 Heading Closer to the 9/30 Update

Wanted to share some key pieces related to the update we've promised for 9/30:

*New IDPH guidance (attached to the Monday Memo email) allows us greater flexibility with the "single symptom" exclusion. While a fever remains a TIGHT for exclusion, most of the other symptoms are now indicated as "new"--so, new headache, new runny nose, etc. This means we can factor in a pre-existing condition like allergies and NOT exclude a student or staff member. THIS IS HUGE, as we've had to exclude 7 staff members and 4 students for the symptoms. It also has changed our self-certification criteria on the daily survey. 

*We WILL NOT launch the full hybrid model as our first step. Rather, we will strategically add a little a time to make sure we can sustain. This will likely look like a grade or two at a time, along with other priority groups (example: EL/bilingual, IEP). More to come on a proposal for this--will share during CTT on 9/23 for your feedback. 

*There will be at least 2 weeks between announcing/setting a date for return and the actual return of students. This allows us all time to survey parents to determine who still wants remote, determine who from the onsite preference list we can safely host, plan for instruction, and get ready for the change. This means that any add recommended on 9/30 would actually start on 10/19 to launch with a full 5 day week schedule. 

*This week, we'll be setting classrooms to determine how many students can be in a room at a time, maintaining 6 ft distancing, allowing for a teacher desk, and allowing for a teaching "station" so teachers have room to safely access panels/boards for instruction. 

Again--all this depends on the data trending positively and the logistics working in our favor. The goal remains getting our kids back on site for learning, with a continued focus on balancing safety and learning. Your questions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome. This impacts us all, so there's no time ever that it's been more important to remain ONE TEAM...ALL IN. 

If You Are Sick/Need to Be Out

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let your principals know ASAP if you are ill/know you need to be out. This means that--if you have a fever on a Friday--DO NOT WAIT UNTIL MONDAY to inform us. We have to plan for you, and knowing as soon as possible allows us to do so. The same is true if you know you have to be out. It's more complicated than EVER to plan for absences, so advance notification is key. We are reaching out to our subs and trying to get really creative on this as well, but we are also counting on YOU to communicate with us. 

Wednesday Calendar

I'm sharing the Wednesday CTT calendar with you here. It's a work in progress, but you can check back in to see how times are added. Please note that there will almost always be a mini-lesson and then time for your teams to work. 

Laptop Purchase Requests

We have had a few staff members request an option to purchase the retired staff laptops (model: HP Probook). A limited number are available to purchase for $80. However, the following must be acknowledged and agreed upon before purchasing:

  • Once a device has been purchased, it will no longer be supported by D114 for troubleshooting hardware or software issues including but not limited to:

    • Battery

    • Screen

    • Keys

    • OS updates

    • Software installs or program licensing of any nature

    • Port functionality

    • Charger

  • Since the operating system (Windows 7) and other software currently installed on the laptops is licensed to the district, the laptop will be wiped entirely of the operating system and all data. Therefore, the buyer will need to purchase the operating system software and any other software needed. The buyer is responsible for determining the minimum system requirements of the laptop to meet the needs of the new operating system purchased.

If you are still interested after acknowledging the aforementioned, please let me know.  


Recording Live Lessons--REMINDER!

Please be sure that, when you are in a LIVE session using Meet, you record and then post the

video. This allows students who may not be able to join live to be able to access the content

too. This means that, anytime you are live with your class, you are recording. Small group

work, 1:1 work, office hours do NOT need to be recorded or posted. Please send any

questions on this my way! :)


Reporting Days

Now that we are in the swing of things, we expect you to keep your onsite days consistent. If

you need to make a change for any reason, please let your principal and me know by Sunday.

Here's why--we are monitoring who is in the building each day for safety.

Also--if you commit to an onsite schedule for coverage--we COUNT ON YOU to do what

you have agreed to. When this doesn't happen, it impacts everyone.

Please keep a consistent schedule--if you need to make a change, reach out to your

principal and/or me. THANKS!


Food and Materials--REPEAT 

We had a really good first materials run Friday. Thanks to everyone who made this happen!

To make things go even more smoothly...

*Teachers--PLEASE let families know if there are/are not materials to pick up each week. 

*Materials should be labeled by student. If there are materials from multiple teachers

(classroom, music, art, etc), they should be bundled for efficient handout. 

*Materials should be organized in alphabetical order by route. Please do NOT sort by stop.

*Materials not picked up on the route can be picked up the same day from 9-10 at Lotus

OR at Grab and Go from 8-10 daily at Lotus. 

*Families can can also call the LOTUS OFFICE to request weekend pick up for materials.

*Any family who cannot get materials at either of those times should come to the Lotu

office and we will assist them--the unclaimed materials will stay down by the Events
Entrance alpha by bus for easy grab. 
*We have also restarted meal Grab and Go daily at Lotus from 8:00-10:00AM. This is in
addition to the bus runs. We also started “Early Bird” pick up for families that neither of
the other options work. If you have ideas or suggestions, please share them!



If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and have been

or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, Maddie Espinoza, and/or me know

immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others.

You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and system

safety needs. 

All staff MUST wear masks AT ALL TIMES

when onsite and in public spaces. 

If you are working in an office/classroom

with the door closed, you may remove your

mask. It must be worn when anyone enters

that space with you. 

In addition, the steps below (from the CDC website) MUST be taken if you have been diagnosed with or

exposed to COVID-19:


You MUST complete the daily self-certification form. 

Social distancing of 6 feet and following handwashing

procedures--inside and outside--remain expectations and

a priority for your safety and the safety of those around


Our Fall Articulation Meeting is this Wednesday, September 16th at 1:45 p.m. We will be meeting virtually. An email with an agenda and meeting link was sent to your District email address, if you did not receive it, please let Melissa Jakstas know asap, thanks! 

Stay tuned for info about a yummy EAFL sponsored snacking coming later this week... 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

The IEA Store is open until September 15th. If you would like to order any IEA gear, please visit:

The IEA and EAFL encourage all members to VOTE! Be sure you are registered for the upcoming November election. You can find more information using the links below. 


Melissa Jakstas, President

Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff

Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff

Katy Gardner, Treasurer

Betty Cwiak, Secretary

Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative

Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative

Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative



I'm going to use the book 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators by my friend Tina Boogren to

share weekly nuggets of self-care ideas

for all of us.

Week 3: Laughter

Consider this:

"Laughter, song, and dance create emotional and spiritual connection; they remind us of the one

thing that truly matters when we are searching for comfort, celebration, inspiration, or healing:

We are not alone." -Brene Brown

Some of the short-term benefits of laughter include stimulating our hearts, lungs, and muscles;

releasing feel-good endorphins; relaxation; and reducing tension and stress. Long-term effects

include improved immune system, pain relief, increased personal satisfaction, and improved mood.

Thing of the last time you REALLY, REALLY laughed---I bet it felt really, really good!

This week's invitation: Laugh, Giggle, and Guffaw!

Some ideas...

*Watch funny videos.

*Be silly.

*Sing at the top of your lungs.

*Start a Pinterest board to show funny stuff you find online.

*Make a list of funny stuff that happens.

*Learn and share jokes.


 2020-21 Wednesday CTT Planning Calendar

D114 Virtual Toolbox

PreK-8 Flash Back Standards

Exploratories Flash Back Standards

Case Manager Flash Back Reflections

D114 Family Update

Classroom Management Links

MTSS Ongoing Q and A

D114 Curriculum Resources

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Work Order Request

Technology Support Request

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

Image result for mark your calendar


Tuesday, September 15--Board of Education Meeting--held virtually at 5:30PM

‪(US) +1 240-986-2512‬ PIN: ‪151 126 752‬#


