Sunday, August 30, 2020

August 31--Welcome to our PreK learners!!!! :)

I just want to give a shout out to my second-grade team. You ladies are the true definition of

ALL IN. Thank you to Emily Welsh for committing to a screen-free lunch and a walk during

recess with me! Thank you to Mo DeVoss for your expertise and constant reassurance! And

thank you to Misty for preparing our supply bags and making connections with our kiddos! I

couldn't do this job without you all :)

-From Natalie Molidor

In her typical fashion, Abbey Kadera has been going above and beyond to help with our ELL

students and families. Thank you sooooooo very much Abbey!


Thanks to Sue and Paula for keeping calm and cheerful during this first week! We couldn't

have gotten through it without you!

-From Nicole Mild

Many thanks to my team for always being so supportive and creative with your ideas and

help.  Our specials team is made up of an amazing variety of talent and everyone is so

generous and helpful - I appreciate you all!!


Huge thanks to Sue for her amazing ability to always find a way to make things work. 

The labels are PERFECT!  Thanks so much!!!

-From Gayle McManamon

I wanted to give a BIG shout out to Abbey Kadera for welcoming me into the EL world

with open arms!  She is so accommodating and easy to work with!  You work so hard! 

Especially by getting parents to come in and teaching them how to use the chrome books so

they can be successful in their Google classrooms!  You are a bilingual SUPERSTAR!


I also wanted to give a BIG Shout Out to Andrea Sekulich for coming over to Lotus and

helping me learn how the district runs the EL program, teaching me how to create the

ACCESS score/EL program letters, and helping me finish and distribute them to all to the

parents!  You are AMAZING!!!

-From Kim Leable

Could I do a big shoutout to Georgette for helping me figure out a copy machine issue and

to Debbie Marienau for helping to get all the first grade bus packets ready! 

-From Cheryl Schuck

I have a kudos for Erica Barraza!

Erica has been unbelievably amazing! She has helped every single teacher that needs

something and has been so helpful and thoughtful making sure everyone feels comfortable

with the new technology and resources that we are using in school. She is going above and

beyond to help teachers and it really shows! Thank you, Erica, for all you have done for me

thus far!


Kudos for Mike Szotek

Mike thank you so much for all of your help with technology this year for PE! From the

computers to the Promethean board to the Ipad! We are extremely grateful for your help! 

-From Amber Mysliwiec

Sending Kudos to - 

  • David Roat.......Wow!!!!

  • The Para Squad......for always implementing their Special Weapons and Tactics in

assisting students and staff!
  • Norm, Sabi, and Cari for cleaning and disinfecting the school to keep all of us safe!

  • Jill and Michele for gracefully handling every tough situation.

  • Rachelle for being a tremendous AP and even better friend!

  • Jamie Smeigh for jumping in head first and nailing remote learning!

  • Our teachers for connecting to and caring for our students...attendance was

awesome this week and that's because our kids want to be with you!

-From Jeff Sefcik

Kudos to everyone for an amazing...and tiring and stressful and frustrating and awesomely

messy first week! I cannot believe how much grit I saw from truly blow me

away. Our students are so very lucky to have you in their corner!


Kudos to Jeff for getting two articles published in the ALL THINGS PLC magazine!

He's published!

-From Heather






Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind. A new excerpt from... | Brené Brown

What an awesome first week!!! I know there were bumps, but what else happened?

Connections. Learning. Flexibility. Perseverance. Collaboration. Amazingness. YES!

That’s because of YOU! 


Recording Live Lessons--UPDATES

Please be sure that, when you are in a LIVE session using Meet, you record and then post the

video. This allows students who may not be able to join live to be able to access the content

too. This means that, anytime you are live with your class, you are recording. Small group

work, 1:1 work, office hours do NOT need to be recorded or posted. Please send any

questions on this my way! :)


Keep Your Days Current

Please update your onsite days as needed using this form. This allows us to monitor for

safety and make sure there are plenty of spaces for people to work. THANKS!


Phone Masking

I know many of our certified and instructional paraprofessionals want to be able to

receive/make phone calls as well as text with students/families now more than ever.

Totally get this and appreciate your commitment so much!

Here are your two current options:

  1. Set up (or continue using) Google Voice via a personal GMail account. This is free! 

  2. We can purchase Google Voice lines through the District, but they are NOT free

  3. (or even close to free) since we are a business/school entity rather than a person.

  4. Cost is $10/person/month. If this is your only option, please reach out.


Food and Materials 

We had a really good first materials run Friday. Thanks to everyone who made this happen!

To make things go even more smoothly...

  • Teachers--PLEASE let families know if there are/are not materials to pick up each week. 

  • Materials should be labeled by student. If there are materials from multiple teachers

(classroom, music, art, etc), they should be bundled for efficient handout. 
  • Materials should be organized in alphabetical order by route. Please do NOT sort by

stop. We had lots of parents pick up at different spots than their assigned one and I
don't want to fight that battle. 
  • Materials not picked up on the route can be picked up the same day from 9-10 at Lotus

OR at Grab and Go from 8-10 daily at Lotus. 
  • Any family who cannot get materials at either of those times should come to the Lotus '

office and we will assist them--the unclaimed materials will stay down by the Events
Entrance alpha by bus for easy grab. 

We are also restarting meal Grab and Go daily at Lotus from 8:00-10:00AM. This is in addition

to the bus runs. We will also likely open a daily “Early Bird” pick up for families that neither of

the other options work. If you have ideas or suggestions, please share them! :)



As always, when you have questions, please ask. When you have suggestions, please bring them

forward. We are ONE TEAM, ALL more than ever. 





THANKS to everyone for your work to complete the FLASH BACK reflection to help us know where our

students' gaps exist!!!! 

These documents should be used by EVERY team to help in planning. The tools you need are linked



PreK-8 Flash Back Standards

Exploratories Flash Back Standards

Case Manager Flash Back Reflections


If you are concerned that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 and have been

or are scheduled to be onsite, please let your principal, Maddie Espinoza, and/or me know

immediately so we can partner with you for your safety and for the safety of others.

You can trust that we will keep all this information confidential, balancing staff privacy and system

safety needs. 

All staff MUST wear masks AT ALL TIMES

when onsite and in public spaces. 

If you are working in an office/classroom

with the door closed, you may remove your

mask. It must be worn when anyone enters

that space with you. 

In addition, the steps below (from the CDC website) MUST be taken if you have been diagnosed with or

exposed to COVID-19:


You MUST complete the daily self-certification form. 

Social distancing of 6 feet and following handwashing

procedures--inside and outside--remain expectations and

a priority for your safety and the safety of those around



EAFL t-shirts have been organized and will be delivered to new members this week. Just a heads up

if you are a medium... we were a few shirts short, more have been ordered and we will get you your shirt asap! 


The IEA and EAFL encourage all members to VOTE! Be sure you are registered for the upcoming

November election. You can find more information using the links below. 

IL Voter Registration Page

WI Voter Registration Page


Link to IEA COVID Resources and Information Page


Melissa Jakstas, President

Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff

Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff

Katy Gardner, Treasurer

Betty Cwiak, Secretary

Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative

Michelle Serini, Stanton School Representative

Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative



I'm going to use the book 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators by my friend Tina Boogren to

share weekly nuggets of self-care ideas

for all of us.

Week 2: Nutrition and Hydration

Not always easy, but eating foods that align with your health goals (with an occasional splurge) helps

stabilize your mood!  

This week's invitation: Think about your nutrition and happiness.

Here are some CAN DO ideas:

-Don’t skip meals!

-Keep a food journal

-Drink more water--8X8 rule (8 ounces, 8 times a day)

Fun ways to get more water:

*Get a fun, new water bottle

*Use a straw



D114 Virtual Toolbox

D114 Family Update

Classroom Management Links

MTSS Ongoing Q and A

D114 Curriculum Resources

Link to D114 Business Office Share Folder

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested

Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this


Work Order Request

Technology Support Request

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

Image result for mark your calendar

Curriculum Nights

Lotus Virtual Curriculum Nights

Sept 1st- 2nd grade 6PM

Sept 1st- PreK  7PM

Sept 2nd- 1st grade 6PM

Sept 2nd -4th grade 7PM

Sept 3rd- 3rd grade 6PM

Sept 3rd- Kindergarten 7PM


Stanton Virtual Curriculum Night--Wednesday, September 9 at 6:30pm. All sessions will be

posted and shared so you can see ALL the updates for your children if you have kids in more than

one grade. 

Tuesday, September 15--Board of Education Meeting (details TBD)

