Thanks to my friends on the 7th and 8th grade teams for sharing ideas, sharing responsibilities and sharing lots of laughs!
-From Liz Andersen
Kudos to my students!! We did “Fun Friday” and had show and tell on google meets! There was 9 out of 11 students present!! It definitely filled my heart. Can’t wait for next Friday.
-From Sherry Tietjen
Kudos to my students!! We did “Fun Friday” and had show and tell on google meets! There was 9 out of 11 students present!! It definitely filled my heart. Can’t wait for next Friday.
-From Sherry Tietjen
Kudos to Liz Andersen, Niccole Culbertson, and Walter Nickles for being the best teammates you could ever hope to have!
-From Karen Brnot
Big thanks to David Roat for his quick response and help with the Google Classroom, as well as his insights/suggestions which helped inform our Specials Team solution for establishing our Specials Team Google Classrooms. Thanks again, David!
Thanks also go out to Tiffany Tardio-Weber for her quick response and willingness to help us think through the best approach to using Seesaw. Your insights are so appreciated!
Also, great teamwork, Specials Team! It's been wonderful finding ways to work together remotely to meet the needs of our students. Erin's beautiful/fun/creative music has been brightening our days. Keep writing those amazing songs! Special thanks to Victoria for putting the Specials Team template out there for us to work on! Go Team!!
-From Gayle McManamon
BIG kudos to all the staff for their adaptability during this transition into eLearning and being willing to learn and try new things! We miss the kids so much, but you all are putting in the work to meet their needs virtually. Thank you for continually loving our kids!
-From David Roat
Hats off to Andrea DeMatteo for assisting on Invoice prep to keep the Business Office approval process going! It’s truly appreciated!
-From Maureen Koenig
Kudos to Matt Peters for delivering 100s of meals the last two weeks!
Kudos to Jill and Michele for being ready to help in a moment's notice.
Kudos to our Tech Guys for keeping our kids connected.
Kudos to the teachers for understanding what our kids need. And to our paras for being open to helping however and wherever.
Kudos to Chris K. and everyone that has prepared the thousands of meals we’ve served our kids. Started at 15 Day 1 - Served over 1000 on Thursday.
Kudos to Heather for sharing our ever changing daily mission with staff and families in a clear and understandable way.
Kudos to everyone that made a sign, honked a horn, and brought smiles to our D114 families and many other friends at our All In Parade - special kudos to Becky L for preparing a great route and to the FLPD for their assistance with traffic control.
-From Jeff Sefcik
KUDOS to EVERY single District 114 staff member and our families for standing up to this challenge we are all facing and doing the best we can for our kids, family and ourselves!!!! ⭐
-From Kim VanHoorelbeke
Thank you to everyone who is working “behind the scenes” to keep the schools running, food being prepped and served, chrome books available, and ALL the amazing communications we have all been receiving during this unprecedented time.
andThank you to everyone who has been taking the extra steps to reach out to parents and families. They need us so much during this time and I’m so blessed for everyone at D114 who are showing what it means to be an amazing team!!!
-From Michelle Magness
Kudos to Admin for doing ALL THE THINGS!
Kudos to everyone who learned/researched SO many new platforms! Thank you David, Mike, Erica and Amanda for great resources to help us learn the new platforms going forward!
Kudos to any parents who are now homeschooling AND teaching. I hope you’re being kind/easy on yourself during this time!
Kudos to Jessica Urban for keeping us in the loop and for your individual communication with parents!
-From Sami Harshaw
Shutout to the special team for staying connected and working so well together even from a distance! And thank you to Victoria for creating the documents needed for parents and being so well versed with technology! It's very much appreciated!
-From Amber Mysliwiec
Kudos to all of you for jumping in this whole eLearning thing without hesitation! I don't think there is a district out there that matches our dedication, passion, and resilience. So proud to work with all of you!
Mike and David, thank you for everything you have been doing behind the scenes to make this all happen and for being so quick in troubleshooting any issues that come up!
Kitchen staff, you are ALL remarkable! Last week alone you somehow pushed out over 600 meals on Monday and over 1000 meals on Thursday! I get the chills knowing how many of our families are fed because of all of you.
Thank you to admin. and the people who have been volunteering at Grab and Go. I can't imagine how crazy busy those few hours are but you do what's necessary for our families without hesitation.
I could literally go on and on with kudos for so many people. I'm so thankful to call D114 my home and humbled by all of the selfless acts happening on a daily basis. Love to you all
-From Erica Barraza
KUDOS to every D114 employee for the continued support for one another! to all of you!
-From Chris Katuzny
KUDOS to every D114 employee for the continued support for one another! to all of you!
-From Chris Katuzny
Thank you to my 2nd grade team for making a tough birthday so much brighter! You are amazing!
-From Mo DeVoss
Thank you to Natalie Miller for making an awesome 2nd grade morning meeting blog! It is fantastic and we appreciate your help so much!
Thank you to Abbey Kadera for spending hours working with us and our students to get set up on See Saw and Google Hangouts! You are truly a team player and an amazing person! Thank you doesn't seem enough!
Thank you to Abbey Kadera for spending hours working with us and our students to get set up on See Saw and Google Hangouts! You are truly a team player and an amazing person! Thank you doesn't seem enough!
- From the 2nd grade team
Kudos to the specials team for coming together and constantly communicating together to get our weekly plan finished and consensus on plan for additional resources. You guys are a great team.
Kudos to 3rd and 4th for allowing us to partake in your Google classrooms and constantly keeping us on the loop for your plans as well.
Kudos to K-2 for always lending advise as to keeping specials included in your plans and giving us tips and tricks on your eLearning platforms as what's best for the kiddos and families.
-From Victoria Miller
-From Keli Swierczek
Huge shout out to my team for all the hard work these past few weeks! I love that you all have jumped on board with trying new things and are truly committed to connecting with our students during this crazy time.
Tiffany - Thank you for being such a positive presence. You are amazing at always looking at the bright side and keeping us on track.
Cary - Thank you for jumping into organizing our remote learning day and starting on the slides. You really helped me wrap my mind around how things could look!
Jenn - I love that you truly want what is best for your kids and have been working so hard on reaching them all! This is not an ideal way to end your first year teaching, but you are rocking it!
Maria - Welcome to the team! We are here to support you in this journey. You will be amazing!
Erica- Thanks for checking in and helping me de-stress. Your videos and guidance have been so very helpful.
-From Amanda Lorenz
Kudos to Sherry for organizing a great show and tell with our little group! We had a great turn out! Thank you to Lynn and Kim for joining us. The kids loved it!
-From Mollie Herchenbach
Kudos to the friends who put the parade together. It was amazing to see us come together for our kiddos and each other!
-From Cheryl Schuck
Thank you to Abbey Kadera for translating my emails and messages home to families that need it! ️
-From Amanda Usyak
Kudos to everyone launching live sessions on Monday and especially to the ELA team at Stanton for being the first group to launch "live learning" sessions!
Thanks to everyone for sharing Kudos today!
-From Heather
-From Heather
I am SO EXCITED to see eLearning launch this week! Your collaboration and "can do" attitudes
have been great, and the feedback from families has been SOOOOO POSITIVE!
As mentioned in the expectations video for our fabulous paraprofessionals, the book study on
Fostering Resilient Learners starts this week, and your books are already in mail--should arrive
Tuesday or Wednesday. The first section for reading is pretty short, so I think you'll be ok.
Here's the link to the book discussion board---no names need to be entered, so please feel
free to just add your thoughts and keep the learning going.
I'll add both these links to the Important Links section below and to the Daily Vitamin so they are
easy to find.
Please let me know if you have questions!
All other staff--if you are interested in joining, too, feel free to jump in. Let me know if you need
a copy of the book!
All superintendents have been asked by the Lake County Health Department to make sure the following are in place for all staff who come onsite:
- No one can come to work who is sick and/or has a temperature at or above 100.4.
- Staff must take their temperatures at home.
- If you don't have a thermometer at home, let the administrator on site know and we'll take your temperature for you.
- All staff should wear gloves when handling materials at Grab and Go that will be given to families.
Remember...what I want to see is as FEW people on site as possible to keep everyone safe.
For all others, please stay home until/unless there's something you can't do/absolutely need in order to continue supporting student learning. Thanks to those of you who have volunteered time so far and who signed up on the Volunteer Log to help with essential tasks.
If you positively need to come in, please notify Jeff/Matt to make a plan to do so. 💗
LOTS more information coming as soon as we get it (like rates), but open enrollment for
insurance will be held May 11-31, 2020 and will happen no matter what. We'll find a way if we are
still closed to make sure you have all the information and support you need.
TOSA Corner
Focus on Keeping Perspective!
A few tips for putting that perfectionist inner critic in his/her place...
A few tips for putting that perfectionist inner critic in his/her place...
REMEMBER--perfect isn't the target!!!! Your best effort will be amazing!
And here are some tips to avoid are all working so hard, so keep these in mind!
Contract Update
We are getting close to finalizing the document that puts everything we tentatively agreed to in negotiations together. Once the document is together, I will be making a video presentation that goes through the changes for each member to view at their convenience. Additionally we will be offering some sort of optional "live" Q&A session for members to attend virtually to address any questions or concerns. We will then set up voting electronically on a TBD date and time. Thank you for your patience as we are getting everything together, as with everything else lately, we are having to find new ways to make things work, but we'll get there!
Executive Board Nominations
Every year 4 out of the 8 executive board positions are up for election. The positions up for election in spring 2020 are:
Vice President for Certified Staff
Regional Representative
Stanton Building Representative
If you would like to nominate someone, please email Melissa Jakstas with their name and the position for which you would like to nominate them for. Nominations are due by end of the day Friday, April 10th.
Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative
A new 2-week step challenge starts Monday! Sign-up using the Google Sheet "D114 April Step Challenge Log" and record your steps for 2 weeks. Then, fill out one raffle ticket for every 10,000 steps you take. Hope you enjoy the challenge!
D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this
Blue Cross Blue Shield:
SEL Pacing Guides