Kudos to the teacher who went the extra mile to have her class decorate with inspirational messages on our morning breakfast bags! Starting the day off with a positive message makes the kids day a little brighter!
You know who you are
-Lotus kitchen staff
Thank you to Erica Barraza for making some fantastic number talks for us! We are all loving them and it really made our vision come to life! You are amazing!
Thank you to Erica Barraza for making some fantastic number talks for us! We are all loving them and it really made our vision come to life! You are amazing!
-From the Second Grade Team
Thank you to Jessica Urban for problem solving with me and providing me with tools to best help a student! I truly truly appreciate it.
Genuine thank you to Natalie Udstuen for providing support and a wide lens view of how to help with a student! Also thank you to Colleen Robinson for being quick to help and lending a helping hand!
-From Amanda Usyak
-From Amanda Usyak
Thanks to Tiffany Tardio, Natalie Miller, Maureen DeVoss, Jamie McCormick, Cary Scarpino, and Tiffany McGranahan for letting another school come see Math in action!
Thanks to Tiffany Tardio, Natalie Miller, Maureen DeVoss, Jamie McCormick, Cary Scarpino, and Tiffany McGranahan for letting another school come see Math in action!
Kudos to Deb Marineu for jumping in to assist a student who was choking on a chip! Great job helping him, using your First Aid, and staying calm in a crisis!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the volunteers who gave their Saturday morning to canvass and support the referendum. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you.
HUGE thanks to Melissa Jakstas and Kim VanHoorelbeke for leading the effort for canvassing---we couldn't do it without you.
-From Heather
Shout out to everyone that helped in supporting and making the 2019 - 2020 girls basketball season a success! Thanks to administration, custodians, ticket takers, bus drivers, concessions, scorekeepers , managers, student athletes, paras, administrative assistants, teachers, fans , and anyone else that gave their support.
Coach Bressett & Coach Medrano
Sub coverage continues to be an issue that impacts all of us. Believe me, EVERY local district
is struggling with filling absences. We do our very best to fill open spots without impacting
other roles/classrooms. However, we have to make sure every position is covered (or there's
a plan for coverage)...and we do our best to do so.
We continue to look for an onboard subs as we find them.
We only fill open positions with classroom aides when that's the only option.
We only combine classes when there's no other other.
We are doing all we can to limit the impact of absences!
How can YOU help?
ENTER YOUR ABSENCES IN FRONTLINE ASAP!!!! If you know you are sick, a loved
one will need you at home, or that you simply can't come in...ENTER THE ABSENCE. That
allows the system to work. When you wait til the last minute, you put everyone in a bind, and
it's hard enough to fill openings with advance notice.
Week 2 of canvassing was another success due to the amazing team that gave their time! I'll got to present the referendum overview (with a super cool video!) at Leisure Village on Thursday and at the Mayor's Senior Luncheon on Saturday. Keep liking and sharing our Facebook and Twitter posts, and any and all support of this effort is GREATLY appreciated!
TOSA Corner
THANK YOU to another group of amazing volunteers for their help with canvassing Saturday, we've been getting great responses with the people we've been connecting with. Our next canvassing date is this coming Saturday, 3/7 and we will meet at LOTUS. If you're signed-up, look for an email with more specific details later in the week. If you still need to sign-up you can do so HERE.
Although canvassing truly is going GREAT... we are still looking to get in touch with more voters to be sure they understand the referendum prior to heading to vote. The conversations we are having with people are HIGHLY EFFECTIVE. Please stay tuned for more information coming soon regarding making phone calls to connect with our community. We are on a tight timeline, so please be ready to jump in and help when and where you can, every bit of help is truly appreciated and means we can connect with even more people!
Election day is March 17th!
If you'd like to find out which candidates are recommended by the IEA, please use THIS LINK.
Here is the Legislative Update for February 20, 2020 regarding Governor Pritzker's Budget Address. There is some information about the governor's stance the funding of pensions and the Evidence Based Funding Formula.
New Awesome IEA Podcast
Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative
Don't forget the "Pay It Forward Mini Challenge" starts today and goes through Saturday 2/29! Turn in your raffle tickets to Melissa Jakstas by Wednesday, March 4th for a chance to win a $20 gift card!
9. Say “No” Without An Explanation // When you choose what your priorities are, you should also take note of the things you don’t want to focus on during that time. Learn to say “no” without an explanation to the things that aren’t a priority in your life. You don’t have to justify your priorities to anyone.
Heather's Reflection Question:
Try it...can you say NO to something so that you say YES to you?
D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!
*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this
Blue Cross Blue Shield:
SEL Pacing Guides