Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week 20--What's Your Word?

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Big thank you to Gina for our beautiful snowflakes! Thanks for making our kitchen festive! 

The Lotus kitchen staff

Thank you to the Kindergarten Team- Sami Harshaw,Tiffany Tardio and Nicole Mild for being so well-prepared and flexible while planning the Kindergarten Roundup event for Spring.  I appreciate the organization and positivity that goes into putting together such an important event for our littles and parents. 
-From Natalie Udstuen

I thought this was so kind of you to drop what you were doing to help this student pick up her belongings she dropped this morning after breakfast!  It’s a busy area with so many students passing through at that time, and she dropped a big load of items!  (I wish I had captured the picture before everything was picked up)
Thanks for putting our students first and always going above and beyond!
-From Yvette Stauner

Kudos to Gizelle Wells for being so generous with giving me rides while my car was out of commission!
-From Dan Olson

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

Discipline Corner

 Our kids face challenges and therefore can be challenging. 

A key to effective classroom management is establishing and consistently implementing LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES for unexpected behaviors. If you've clarified your expectations, then this is a next step that makes a ton of sense!

Here are some resources to explore to help you work on LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES:

Excerpt from blog post about classroom management:

5.) Teach Your Classroom Management Plan– If students don’t know what you want, they aren’t going to give it to you. If you want them to come in quietly and open their books, then model how to walk in quietly and how to open a book. Figure out what you want your students to be doing at all times and teach, model, and show them every routine and procedure. When your students forget (and they will) stop in your tracks and practice it all again. Once your students are successful, trust in your management plan. Don’t bribe, manipulate, or persuade your students to behave correctly. You created your management plan for a reason. Let it do the “heavy lifting.”
6.) Enforce Logical Consequences– While your classroom management plan needs to be simple and effective, it also needs to work for you. You need to believe in it and follow through with it. Make your rules and stick to them. When a rule is broken, there needs to be a consequence. It can’t be some random random consequence for the sake of just giving a consequence. You need consequences that will fix the behaviors that have occurred. Take a look at this document below for my logical consequence ideas.

Videos that do a good job of explaining logical and natural consequences.  

Please find even more resources attached to this week's Monday Memo email!!!

And here's a bonus resource! Thanks, Tiffany Tardio Weber, for sharing this link of visual classroom management freebies!
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W2 Forms
2019 W2s will be ready this week! They'll be available in the Stanton office for pick up on Tuesday morning. W2s for Lotus staff, the Transportation team, and District employees can be picked up from Maddie starting Monday afternoon. If you have any questions about your W2, please reach out to Maddie. 

TOSA Corner
The Winter iReady Diagnostic will begin until January 13th and end January 27th. 
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iReady Usage Goal = 80% or our students receive 30-49 minutes per week
iReady Proficiency Goal= 80% of our students receive 70% or higher on their lessons

The first meeting for the referendum committee was held Wednesday evening. We are excited and thankful to have several members leading committees in this work! Other members should stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to get involved in this important work. We are thankful to have the support of the IEA in this work, as they will be contributing resources to the referendum efforts as well. 

New Awesome IEA Podcast Episode:

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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2. Let Go // Letting go of any kind of negativity or circumstance that’s out of your control is huge. Learning to let go of these things are not always easy, but when you do, you’ll experience less stress and more contentment. Let go of the haters. Let go of others’ doubts in you. Let go of the things you cannot control.
Heather's Reflection Question:
What's ONE THING you can let go of to be a happier you?

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2019-20 Assessment Calendar--Winter iReady being moved to January!

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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Tuesday, January 14--PTA meeting at Stanton--6:30PM
Tuesday, January 21--PTA Eat Out to Help Out and Board of Education Meeting Saturday, January 25--Rotary Chili Cook Off
Saturday, March 7--RD Sayles Foundation Spring Fundraising Event (more info to come)

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Thanks to Kelly Roland for the reminder that I totally forgot to ask WHAT'S YOUR WORD for 2020! I know lots of people pick a word to focus on for their year, and we even have staff who have done this with their students, too! See below for a picture of Kelly's class and their individual words...

I started the school year with the word GRATITUDE...when you asked me my 2020 word, I guess I hadn't thought about it much. I guess now--given everything that's happening in my professional and home life--my word would be SUCCEED. I want the referendum to pass because it's good for every single person (big and small) in our system. I want to be the best mom and wife I can be with busy kids and a busy husband. I want to extend my faith. I want to maintain my health. I don't want to HOPE...that's too weak of a word---I want to succeed.

What's your word? Please share with me if you're willing...I'd LOVE to know!

Let's make it an awesome week! 