Sunday, October 13, 2019

Week 9: Yay for Columbus Day!

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Amber Mysliwiec for sharing her fabulous chef skills with the office! Yum! And inviting staff to the gymnastics presentation to watch the student presentations.
Victoria Miller for covering anything and everything for PST meetings. 
Tiffany McGranahan for planning a wonderful first mentor event for our students.

Joan Kantenwein for implementing reading mentors for students that need the "read a lot" program here at Lotus.
-From Natalie Udstuen

Kudos to Eddie for always jumping in to help us with anything we need and for keeping the kitchen nice & clean. 
And kudos to Sonia, Michelle & Yesenia for always being so helpful, positive and accommodating. You ladies are awesome. 
-From Penny Brown

Thank you to my Stanton family for their quick plan of action taking care of the students, so I could leave and I take care of me.  Thank you all!
-From Chris Katuzny

Anyone can give a SHOUT OUT to anyone, so please send those positive notes to me and I'll publish each Monday! 

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Social Media FIND of the Week...
Cool finds on social media! Pass them along if you find something great!

Pete Hall mentioned this on Friday. It's been shared before, but I thought I'd run it again
since it came up as a "must see" on Friday.
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Facilities Priority List

The Board continues to examine options in finalizing the facilities priority list. When the list is final, I'll share it with everyone. If you have questions, please let me know, and if you want to see the tentative list, I'm happy to share it. This MUST be finalized in November in order to take action on a resolution to put a referendum on the March 2020 ballot.  

TOSA Corner
Thanks, Erica and Cathy, for the weekly blast of awesome! Click here to access!

Membership cards were passed out this week. If you did not receive your membership card for some reason, please let Melissa Jakstas know. 

New members can use their membership number at to register and create a log-in and password to start accessing their IEA member benefits. 

EAFL Spirit Day is Tuesday! 

Melissa Jakstas, President
Maureen DeVoss, Vice President for Certified Staff
Chris Brown, Vice President for Non-Certified Staff
Katy Gardner, Treasurer
Betty Cwiak, Secretary
Cathy Jawnyj, Region Representative
Kendra Smeigh, Stanton School Representative
Tiffany Tardio Weber, Lotus School Representative

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Healthy brain.pngDigging in a bit on Pete Hall's 10 keys to a healthy's the scoop on #1...

1.       Sleep. On average, school-aged kids need 10 hours of sleep each night. That number decreases to 8 as we enter adulthood. During that restful time, our brains “log off” and clean out toxins (that might lead to dementia), sort and file important learnings and memories, and clear the path for neurons to communicate with each other. Don’t believe it? Try depriving yourself of sleep and watch your ability to recall information, mood, and processing skills dwindle, while your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity increase. So snooze away and let your brain “reboot.” (National Institutes of Health)

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MTSS Ongoing Q and A

D114 Curriculum Resources--

2019-20 Assessment Calendar

2019-20 Wednesday Early Release Plans

D114 Friday Facts--Blog sent to all families each Friday--let me know if you ever have something you'd like added. Thanks to Sue Pinkawa and Jill Becmer for helping me with this each week!

*check here for documents most frequently used/requested
Please let Heather know of suggestions for any documents to add to this folder!

Blue Cross Blue Shield:

SEL Pacing Guides

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October 15--Board of Education Meeting at Stanton at 7:00PM

November 2--RD Sayles Foundation Celebration of D114 Arts held at LOTUS 10:00AM-2:00PM.

Tuesday November 12th--Wellness Screenings from 6:00-9:00AM at Lotus

Thursday November 14th--Wellness Screenings from 6:00-9:00AM at Stanton

Please enjoy having Monday off! Thank you for ALL you do!